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Aircraft Detection and Fine-Grained Recognition Based on High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images

College of Electronical and Information Engineering, Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun 130022, China
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Electronics 2023, 12(14), 3146;
Submission received: 7 July 2023 / Accepted: 17 July 2023 / Published: 20 July 2023


In order to realize the detection and recognition of specific types of an aircraft in remote sensing images, this paper proposes an algorithm called Fine-grained S2ANet (FS2ANet) based on the improved Single-shot Alignment Network (S2ANet) for remote sensing aircraft object detection and fine-grained recognition. Firstly, to address the imbalanced number of instances of various aircrafts in the dataset, we perform data augmentation on some remote sensing images using flip and color space transformation methods. Secondly, this paper selects ResNet101 as the backbone, combines space-to-depth (SPD) to improve the FPN structure, constructs the FPN-SPD module, and builds the aircraft fine feature focusing module (AF3M) in the detection head of the network, which reduces the loss of fine-grained information in the process of feature extraction, enhances the extraction capability of the network for fine aircraft features, and improves the detection accuracy of remote sensing micro aircraft objects. Finally, we use the SkewIoU based on Kalman filtering (KFIoU) as the algorithm’s regression loss function, improving the algorithm’s convergence speed and the object boxes’ regression accuracy. The experimental results of the detection and fine-grained recognition of 11 types of remote sensing aircraft objects such as Boeing 737, A321, and C919 using the FS2ANet algorithm show that the mAP0.5 of FS2ANet is 46.82%, which is 3.87% higher than S2ANet, and it can apply to the field of remote sensing aircraft object detection and fine-grained recognition.

1. Introduction

Remote sensing image object detection is one of the research hotspots in the field of optical remote sensing image processing, among which the research of remote sensing aircraft object detection has tremendous significance in aerospace monitoring, military detection, aircraft accident prevention, and UAV detection. Also, with the continuous maturity of remote sensing satellite technology and the continuous upgrading of optical equipment, more and more high-resolution remote sensing aircraft images can be obtained, making it possible to detect remote sensing aircraft objects in a wide range without interruption and with a high accuracy. With the progress of aircraft object detection technology for industrial, civil, and military remote sensing images and the development of deep learning object detection algorithms, the detection accuracy and speed of remote sensing aircraft objects are continuously improved; however, there are problems such as small objects, arbitrary object angles, similar shapes of various types of an aircraft, and slight differences between classes for specific models of remote sensing aircraft objects. Therefore, how to accurately, efficiently, and quickly detect remote sensing aircraft objects and fine-grained recognition is a challenging research direction.
In the last decade, many scholars have used a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) [1] to improve a large number of object detection networks in the field of remote sensing object detection due to its excellent feature extraction ability [2,3,4]. Compared with traditional remote sensing aircraft detection methods, deep learning methods are faster, more accurate, and have a better generalization ability, and gradually become the preferred choice for remote sensing aircraft object detection. Kai-Ming He proposed the method of Anchor boxes and multi-scale feature extraction and designed Faster R-CNN [5]. Liu et al. designed the single-stage object detection algorithm SSD [6] with a better detection speed and accuracy. In the same year, Joseph Redmon et al. proposed another single-stage detection algorithm, YOLO [7], and many remote sensing aircraft detection methods have emerged with their improvements based on these algorithms. For aircraft rotation object detection in remote sensing images, in 2017, Siyu Wang et al. improved LeNet-5, adding a saliency prediction step to the network to improve the coarse localization capability of the network [8]. Pang et al. reconfigured the network module, improved small objects’ detection accuracy, and proposed R2CNN [9]. Jian Ding et al. designed RRoI Align based on the horizontal region of interest Align and proposed ROI Transformer [10] to rotate the sampled points to the corresponding coordinates in the feature map to complete the detection for rotated objects. Xue Yang et al. proposed the R3Det [11] network using a stepwise regression method from coarse-grained to fine-grained to detect objects quickly and accurately, using horizontal anchor points to obtain detection objects and then refining and correcting to obtain an oriented bounding box. Regarding ReDet [12], an invariant rotational network was added to the detector to extract the rotational invariant features of the remote sensing object and RiROI Align was proposed to extract the invariant features. Jiaming Han et al. proposed the S2ANet [13] algorithm, with the overall model using RetinaNet [14] as the backbone network. The model uses the FPN for feature fusion, and at the detection head, the model uses the FAM and ODM modules for feature alignment, regression, and classification, significantly improving the detection accuracy. The SASM [15] algorithm proposed by Liping Hou et al. divides the overall oriented bounding box object detection into a shape-adaptive selection (SAS) module and a shape-adaptive measurement (SAM) module, which improves the accuracy of rotating object detection.
The above studies for remote sensing aircraft object detection have a good detection accuracy and speed, but there are some problems:
  • Some studies only focus on detecting aircraft objects and do not fine-identify specific aircraft types, which has a poor applicability in some scenarios.
  • The differences between various aircraft types in remote sensing images are very subtle, making it challenging to classify specific aircraft types accurately.
  • In high-resolution remote sensing images, the high complexity of the object background causes many difficulties in detecting and classifying an aircraft.
  • Because of the imbalanced instances of various aircrafts, the number of instances of various aircraft types in the existing dataset shows a long-tailed distribution.
In order to solve the above problems, this paper proposes a remote sensing aircraft object detection and fine-grained recognition algorithm called FS2ANet, and the main innovations of this algorithm are as follows:
  • Introduces an attention mechanism in the detection head, combines multi-scale feature fusion, and constructs the AF3M, which makes feature aggregation occur in the channel and space between the fine-grained features of different aircraft types and increases the semantic feature distance between different aircraft types.
  • Optimizes the regression loss function by replacing the original Smooth L1 [16] loss with the KFIoU [17] loss, which is more effective than the oriented bounding box IoU of Smooth L1.
  • Introduces the SPD [18] module in the Neck to improve the traditional FPN [19] and construct the FPN-SPD structure with three input layers and five output layers, and replaces the convolutional layer with SPD in the downsampling stage, followed by BN and ReLU to reduce the fine-grained information loss and improve the detection accuracy of small objects.
  • In this paper, we perform data augmentation on some remote sensing images to alleviate the accuracy loss caused by the imbalanced number of instances and replace the RetinaNet backbone with ResNet101 [20] to extract aircraft features further and improve the detection accuracy.

2. Related Work

2.1. S2ANet

S2ANet is mainly applied in the field of remote sensing image object detection. The network consists of the backbone, FPN, Feature Alignment Module (FAM), and Orientation Detection Module (ODM), which solves the problems of an extensive distribution range and the arbitrary orientation of remote sensing objects.
S2ANet selects RetinaNet as the backbone network and replaces the original horizontal box regression with oriented bounding box regression while the rest settings remain unchanged. After RetinaNet extracts features of the remote sensing image, the backbone sends the future maps to the Neck for feature fusion. In FPN, the strong semantic features in the top layer benefit object classification, and the high-resolution features in the bottom layer benefit object localization. The model gradually expands the receptive field and fuses the feature map, which enables it to better obtain the overall information and improves the feature extraction ability of the network. Then, the feature map enters the Head to generate high-quality rotated anchors with FAM and align the anchors and features through alignment convolution, after which the ODM generates orientation-sensitive features beneficial for subsequent classification and regression. Figure 1 shows the overall structure of S2ANet.

2.2. Attention Mechanisms

The attention mechanism mainly solves the region of interest problem of the feature map, which makes the region of interest well-focused to a certain extent. In computer vision, the common attention mechanisms generally divide into the channel and spatial attention mechanisms. Since SENet [21] was proposed in 2017, the attention mechanism has rapidly become a hot spot in the field of computer vision to improve the accuracy of models. ECANet [22] removes the fully connected layer based on SENet, eliminates the information loss caused by a dimensionality reduction in the channel, and enhances the cross-channel interaction. The CBAM [23] attention mechanism consists of the channel attention module (CAM) and spatial attention module (SAM), focusing the features from two dimensions to improve the model performance. Firstly, the feature map passes through the CAM, and after max pooling and average pooling, the channel weights are obtained through MLP and summation. Then, the feature map passes through the SAM, and after max pooling and average pooling, the spatial weights are obtained through convolution.

2.3. Regression Loss

The regression loss of S2ANet is s m o o t h L 1 Before s m o o t h L 1 , there are two classic losses, L 1 and L 2 . When the difference between the predicted box and the genuine box is small, the loss can be close to zero, and the gradient gets smaller and smaller. On the contrary, the loss value cannot grow too fast, which requires the gradient not to grow too fast. Therefore, by comparing L 1 and L 2 loss, a s m o o t h L 1 loss combining them is proposed. The formulas for the three are given below.
L 1 ( x ) = x
L 2 ( x ) = x 2
s m o o t h L 1 ( x ) = 0.5 x 2 i f x < 1 x 0.5 o t h e r w i s e
According to the formula, the s m o o t h L 1 loss is a small value, and the gradient also slowly becomes smaller (gradually to zero); it is an enormous value, and the gradient also reaches the maximum value of 1, solving the problem that the L 1 loss function fluctuates around the stable value. L 2 loss is an enormous value appearing in a gradient explosion.

2.4. Space-to-Depth

In the original convolutional network, each convolutional downsampling brings a loss of fine-grained information and inefficient feature extraction, which makes some small objects poorly classified and detected in classification and detection tasks. In order to obtain smaller feature maps without a loss of accuracy, SPD splits the feature map with the size of S × S × C into feature maps with the size of S × S × 1 × 1 × C along the channel direction and draws on the focus operation to assign the 1 × 1 × C feature maps according to the downsampling factor Scale to finally obtain the feature maps with the size of (S/Scale) × (S/Scale) × (Scale × 2C).

3. Algorithm Improvement

3.1. AF3M

In this paper, we combine multi-scale feature fusion and construct the AF3M module to highlight the delicate features of various types of an aircraft and improve the feature extraction capability of the network in complex remote sensing contexts.
First, the S2ANet network directly feeds the feature maps into the anchor refinement network (ARN) after passing FPN in the Neck. ARN can subdivide into two branches, one for classification and one for regression, which is a lightweight network, and the classification branch separates different anchors by category. In contrast, the regression branch refines the anchors for regression to generate high-quality regression boxes. Figure 2 shows the specific framework of ARN.
To further enhance the aircraft position and fine-grained semantic information, improve the accuracy of remote sensing aircraft object detection and recognition, and avoid interference from high-level coarse-grained position information to low-level fine-grained position information, this paper designs the AF3M before the ARN module to improve the accuracy of the spatial position information of the feature map. Firstly, the feature maps are obtained using convolution with 3 × 3, 5 × 5, and 7 × 7 kernels, respectively. We use two 3 × 3 kernels to replace the 5 × 5 kernel and three 3 × 3 kernels to replace the 7 × 7 kernel to reduce computational complexity and increase the nonlinearity degree. Different scale feature maps are added and passed through maximum and average pooling. Then, feature maps pass through the MLP and sigmoid to obtain channel weights. The weights are multiplied with input feature maps and sent to the spatial attention module for maximum and average pooling. Unlike channel attention, the spatial attention module concatenates the future maps after the pooling layer. After passing through a 7 × 7 convolution and multiplying it with the output feature maps of the channel attention module, the final feature map is obtained and connected to the input feature map via residual connections. Figure 3 shows the position of the AF3M module in the Head, and Figure 4 shows its specific structure.
Attention mechanisms are effective in most networks, allowing feature maps to highlight feature information in channel, spatial, or hybrid dimensions, and the effectiveness of different attention mechanisms varies in specific networks. In the experiments of remote sensing aircraft object detection and fine-grained recognition, this paper compares different attention mechanisms and the AF3M to study the impact of different improvements on experimental accuracy, and Table 1 shows the results.
As can be seen from Table 1, SE, CBAM, ECA, and AF3M can all improve the model accuracy to different degrees, by 0.2%, 0.73%, 0.63%, and 1.29%, respectively, and AF3M works best under the experimental conditions in this paper. Comparing APmax, it can be found that after adding the attention mechanism, APmax is reduced, which indicates that the accuracy of the most easily detected and identified aircraft among 11 types of an aircraft decreases, and the overall accuracy improves, which improves the accuracy of other small objects that are difficult to detect and identify to some extent.

3.2. Optimize Regression Loss

The loss function is crucial in remote sensing aircraft object detection and fine-grained recognition. A better regression loss can make the predicted oriented bounding box closer to the actual box, and the regression process is more consistent with the fine-grained characteristics of aircraft objects.
KFIoU Loss is based on the Gaussian function and Kalman filter, which can build a loss similar to the actual rotation IoU. First, any oriented bounding box with any dimension has a corresponding transformation relationship with the Gaussian function, which is defined as ( x , y , h , w , θ ) in two-dimensional space, and the oriented bounding box is transformed into the Gaussian distribution g ( μ , Σ ) , where
Σ = R Λ R T , μ = ( x , y , ( z ) ) T
R is the rotation matrix, Λ is the diagonal matrix of the eigenvalue, and their formula is
R = cos θ sin θ sin θ cos θ , Λ = w 2 4 0 0 h 2 4
Once the conversion formula between the oriented bounding box and the Gaussian function is known, first, convert the prediction box and the actual box into the Gaussian function, and then use the center loss L c to make the centers of the two Gaussian functions gradually close until they coincide. The formula of L c is as follows:
L c = i ( x , y ) l n ( t i , t i )
Multiplying the two Gaussian distributions obtained and using Kalman filtering can obtain the Gaussian distribution function of the overlapping region:
α g k f ( μ , Σ ) = g 1 ( μ 1 , Σ 1 ) g 2 ( μ 2 , Σ 2 )
μ = μ 1 + K ( μ 2 μ 1 ) , Σ = Σ 1 K Σ 1
K = Σ 1 ( Σ 1 + Σ 2 ) 1
Finally, transform the Gaussian function of the overlapping area into an oriented bounding box, and calculate the K F I o U according to the area formula of the oriented bounding box:
ν B ( Σ ) = 2 n Π e i g ( Σ ) = 2 n Σ 1 2
K F I o U = ν B 3 ( Σ ) ν B 1 ( Σ ) + ν B 2 ( Σ ) ν B 3 ( Σ )
ν B ( Σ ) is the area of the oriented bounding box and shows that when the center of the oriented bounding box coincides, the loss is only related to the covariance Σ 1 and Σ 2 of the two Gaussian distributions. This way, the calculated loss value will have a maximum threshold, and the loss will be within a specific range. Once the upper bound is found, it can be extended to [0, 1] for easy calculation.
K F I o U does not directly calculate the IoU of two oriented bounding boxes. Instead, K F I o U converts the two oriented bounding boxes into two Gaussian functions and calculates the overlapping area of two Gaussian functions, and then converts the overlapping area into an oriented bounding box to use the relationship between the three oriented bounding boxes to calculate the IoU. This method solves the problems of boundary discontinuity and the cross area close to the square. It can be extended to high-dimensional fields to calculate the IoU, effectively improving the algorithm’s convergence rate and reducing training fluctuations. Figure 5 shows the loss changes in training with and without K F I o U , where Iters represents the sampling points within each epoch. Although the calculation formulas of the two are different and the regression loss values are different, it can be seen from Figure 5 that the rate of convergence of the algorithm has significantly improved after using the K F I o U ; after the 10th Iter, the algorithm began to converge, and the loss value did not fluctuate significantly. Instead of not using K F I o U , the algorithm needs to converge after the 35th Iter and the loss value has significant fluctuations.

3.3. FPN-SPD

In S2ANet, feature maps emerge from the backbone and are sent to the Neck (FPN) for feature fusion. The FPN constructs a top-down upsampling network, which is fused with the feature map from the downsampling process during feature extraction to obtain better multi-scale semantic features. With the increase in the depth of the Convolutional Neural Network, the deep feature map with more image semantic information is suitable for detecting large objects, and the shallow, high-resolution feature map with more object positioning information is suitable for detecting small objects. With the gradual downsampling, the receptive field of the feature map is gradually expanded, which can better obtain the global information and then merge with the feature map after upsampling, significantly improving the feature extraction ability of the network.
After improvement, this paper takes the feature maps of the backbone’s Stage 2, Stage 3, and Stage 4 as the input of FPN-SPD, and the downsampling rate is 8, 16, and 32 times. Regarding these feature maps through 1 × 1 convolution, lower resolution feature maps are upsampled and fused with the previous feature maps and obtain three-layer-output feature maps using 3 × 3 convolution. Two additional output layers are obtained by downsampling the input feature maps (32 times) through the S module, with downsampling rates of 64 and 128 times. Figure 6 shows the S module and the overall FPN-SPD structure. In the S module, the input feature map with a downsampling of 32 times is first segmented by the SPD with Scale = 2 and then, after 1 × 1 convolution, adjusts the number of channels and obtains the output feature map through the BN layer and ReLU activation function.

3.4. Selection of Activation Function

The activation function is usually used to enhance the nonlinear ability of the network. The effects of different activation functions are different for different network structures, use occasions, and datasets. Some activation functions will better affect some problems, such as a gradient disappearance, gradient explosion, and slow convergence rate. Therefore, it is essential to select a suitable activation function. The adaptive activation function can automatically adjust the parameters [24] during the training process so that the network can converge faster and improve stability. This section compares the convergence and accuracy of the algorithms that continue to use the ReLU activation function in the S2ANet algorithm, use the adaptive ReLU activation function–Average Biased ReLU, and use the adaptive Tanh activation function–Penalized hyperbolic tanh.
The calculation formulas of ReLU [25], Average Biased ReLU [26], and Penalized hyperbolic tanh [27] are
Re LU ( x ) = 0    x 0 x    x > 0
A B Re LU ( x ) = x β    x β 0 0    O t h e r w i s e
P H tanh ( x ) = tanh ( x )    x 0 α tanh ( x )    x < 0
After using the three activation functions, respectively, Figure 7 shows the training results of the FS2ANet algorithm. ReLU, Average Biased ReLU, and the Penalized hyperbolic tanh activation function have the same impact on the convergence of model training, and there is no apparent difference in the accuracy of the models. Therefore, this paper follows the ReLU activation function used by the S2ANet algorithm.

4. Experiment and Result Analysis

4.1. Experimental Environment

This article’s remote sensing aircraft object detection and fine-grained recognition experiment was conducted on a Windows 10 system (64-bit), using an Intel i7-11700 8-core CPU and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080Ti to build a training platform. The deep learning framework is mmrotate, and the CUDA version is 11.1. The experimental optimizer uses SGD, lr = 0.0025, momentum = 0.9, and weight_Decay = 0.0001, as well as trains 100 epochs as a whole, and if convergence occurs earlier, ends training earlier.

4.2. Experimental Indicators

In the same experimental environment, the evaluation indicators used in the comparison and ablation experiments of various algorithms include mAP, Precision, and Recall. Firstly, calculate the P and R :
P = T P T P + F P
R = T P T P + F N
Average Precision (AP) is the area enclosed by the PR performance curve for a specific category, which can be calculated by the P and R corresponding to the threshold of that category. Based on various Average Precisions and setting the IoU threshold to 0.5, m A P 0.5 can be calculated. The calculation formula is as follows:
A P = 0 1 P ( R ) d R
m A P 0.5 = 1 N i = 1 N A P i
where N is the number of categories, and A P i is the average accuracy of each category.

4.3. Image Enhancement

This article’s remote sensing aircraft dataset is sourced from the high-resolution fine-grained recognition challenge FAIR1M [28] remote sensing dataset. There are 11 types of an aircraft, namely Boeing 737, Boeing 777, Boeing 747, Boeing 787, A321, A220, A330, A350, C919, ARJ21, and another aircraft. The unbalanced number of instances can easily affect the accuracy of aircraft recognition. The number of aircraft instances in FAIR1M shows a long-tailed distribution, as shown in Figure 8a; the number of ARJ21 and C919 instances is tiny. This issue needs to be addressed, along with minimizing the potential impact of introducing additional aircraft instances. This article uses methods such as flipping, rotation, color space transformation, contrast transformation, etc., to enhance the data of the images where ARJ21 and C919 are located and fill excess pixels with black pixels to generate new images. This alleviates the problem of significant differences in the number of instances and expands a certain number of datasets. The training involved 14,022 remote sensing aircraft images, a training set including 9922 images, a validation set including 2700 images, and a test set including 1400 images.
Considering that the aircraft object size in the dataset is tiny, the image background is complex and variable, and the image size is large, this study divided the remote sensing images in the dataset into 1024 × 1024 before training to reduce the impact of image zooming on the loss of various aircraft detail features. Figure 8b shows the original image of the FAIR1M dataset, Figure 8c depicts the data augmentation process, and Figure 8d presents the annotation of the dataset.

4.4. Comparative Experiment

4.4.1. Performance on the FAIR1M Dataset

Different models have a different detection and recognition accuracy of various aircraft types in the FAIR1M dataset. In order to verify the effectiveness of the improved algorithm in this paper, we compare the FS2ANet model with excellent models in remote sensing rotated object detection, such as Roi-Transformer, SASM, ReDet, R3Det, Faster-Rcnn, Rotated RetinaNet, GWD, and S2ANet, in the experiment. The comparative experimental results are shown in Table 2, which mainly compares the mAP0.5, AP, and Recall of each algorithm.
Figure 9 shows the growth of mAP with the epoch in training. The horizontal axis represents the training epoch, and the vertical axis represents the mAP. The shorter the horizontal axis, the higher the vertical axis, indicating a faster convergence speed and better model accuracy. Observing Table 2, we can know the following:
The mAP0.5 of the FS2ANet model is 46.82%, which is 4.55%, 13.49%, 4.83%, 5%, 5.06%, 8.51%, 4.54%, and 3.87% higher than Roi Transformer, SASM, ReDet, R3Det, Faster-Rcnn, Rotated RetinaNet, GWD, and S2ANet, respectively. The FS2ANet model has a significant improvement in accuracy.
Regarding AP, the APmax can represent the model’s preference for aircraft categories that are easy to detect and classify, while the APmin can represent the model’s handling of aircraft categories that are difficult to detect and classify. The APmax of FS2ANet is slightly lower than S2ANet and higher than the APmax of other models; this indicates that the model in this paper has a good accuracy for the easy detection and classification of aircraft categories, and the model has the highest APmin; this indicates that the improved module in this paper significantly improved in preserving fine-grained information about an aircraft and extracting fine features of various aircrafts. Compared to the APmax decrease, the APmin’s improvement is higher. It has more excellent value for practical applications and optimization for the overall model.
It can be seen from Figure 9 that the FS2ANet proposed in this paper converges faster in the training process. After the ninth epoch, the mAP tends to be stable, and the overall process is flat. There is no significant training fluctuation like Roi-Transformer, ReDet, and SASM. The line chart of FS2ANet is closest to the upper left corner, which indicates that the model training speed is fast and the accuracy is high, and it has a good improvement compared with other models.
Figure 10 shows the changes in loss convergence and error convergence during the training process of the FS2ANet algorithm to demonstrate the convergence of the improved algorithm. It can be seen from Figure 10 that the improved algorithm has a faster rate of convergence, especially regarding the regression loss, which tends to converge after the third epoch. Due to the tiny size of various aircraft targets and the tiny class differences, the classification loss only converges after the ninth epoch. Finally, the classification loss converges around 0.01, regression loss converges around 1.1, and error loss converges around 2.2.
Table 3 shows the results of using the FS2ANet model to detect various aircraft types; the detection and recognition accuracy of various aircraft types varies, mainly due to the imbalance in the number of aircraft instances; the differences in fine-grained features of various aircrafts is slight, with a varying complexity of the remote sensing background and many small objects. Regarding FS2ANet, modules such as AF3M and FPN-SPD were added to extract fine-grained aircraft features, reduce the loss of fine-grained features, and improve the accuracy of Boeing 737, Boeing 777, Boeing 787, and A220. In contrast, data augmentation reduced the long tail effect. However, data augmentation will introduce other aircraft instances, so it can only partially solve the problem of instance imbalance, such as improving the accuracy of C919.

4.4.2. Performance on the DOTA Dataset

In order to ensure the generalization performance of the network proposed in this article and the effectiveness of each module, we added another comparative experiment on the DOTA dataset [29]. Table 4 shows the experimental results, and we can see that the mAP0.5 of FS2ANet is still the highest, indicating that the network has a good generalization performance compared with the accuracy of Roi Transformer, SASM, ReDet, R3Det, Faster-Rcnn, Rotated RetinaNet, GWD, and S2ANet. Figure 11 shows the detection results applied to the DOTA dataset.
The effectiveness of FS2ANet for small target detection can also be seen in Figure 11. The DOTA dataset has 15 types of targets: a plane, ship, storage tank, baseball diamond, tennis court, basketball court, ground track field, harbor, bridge, large vehicle, small vehicle, helicopter, roundabout, soccer field, and swimming pool. Table 5 shows the AP and Recall for each category.

4.5. Ablation Experiment

In order to solve the above problems in remote sensing aircraft object detection and fine-grained recognition, the method proposed in this paper mainly has four parts of improvement: building the AF3M module in the detection head, modifying the regression loss function to KFIoU loss, building the FPN-SPD module, using data enhancement to alleviate the long tail effect, and replacing the backbone with ResNet101.The ablation experiment mainly verified the effectiveness of these four parts and their impact on the mAP0.5 of the model. Table 6 shows the ablation experimental results.
From the above table, we can see that when using data augmentation, ResNet101, AF3M, KFIoU, and FPN-SPD alone, mAP0.5 increased by 2.35%, 1.15%, 1.26%, 0.51%, and 0.58%, respectively. All modules can make the model improve to a certain extent. The combination of AF3M, KFIoU, and FPN-SPD increased by 1.57%, 1.6%, and 0.86% for mAP0.5, respectively, verifying the effectiveness of each module. Finally, this study used all the improvements to construct the FS2ANet model. The experiment showed that the FS2ANet model had the best performance—the mAP0.5 reaching 46.82%, which was 3.87% higher than S2ANet. Figure 12 shows the detection results of the FS2ANet model and the label of the aircraft object.
Using ResNet101 with deeper network layers can capture deeper aircraft features, which helps the algorithm detect various aircraft targets in complex remote sensing backgrounds. Moreover, with deeper network layers, the category information between different types of aircrafts is more abstract, and the semantic feature spacing between different types of aircrafts is more extensive, which is conducive to classification between different types of aircrafts, thereby improving the accuracy of the aircraft target detection and fine-grained recognition of the algorithm. The detection and recognition results show that small aircraft objects’ detection and recognition accuracy has significantly improved. Some aircraft objects have missed detection or insufficient recognition accuracy due to the small pixel proportion, and the accuracy of the rotated angle of the aircraft object box needs to be improved. Some oriented bounding boxes have tilted angles, but the model still has a good aircraft object detection and fine-grained recognition performance in complex remote sensing backgrounds.

5. Discussion

The novelty of this study mainly lies in the construction of the AF3M and FPN-SPD modules, which can effectively extract object features and reduce the loss of fine-grained information. In addition, to verify the effectiveness and generalization performance of the FS2ANet network, experiments were conducted on the FAIR1M and DOTA datasets. The two sets of comparative experiments in Section 4.4 show that the algorithm proposed in this paper achieved the best mAP in small object detection.
From the experimental results in Section 4.5, the optimization of each module and network structure designed in this article improved the detection accuracy of the network to a certain extent. The AF3M module can enable the network to obtain better object features and improve the network’s ability to detect small objects. The FPN-SPD module adopts a multi-output layer structure, and the network can use the multi-layer output to detect objects of different scales, which is conducive to improving the detection accuracy of small objects; in the S module, it can also reduce the loss of object information. This paper introduces KFIoU as a regression loss function to measure the similarity between the genuine box and the predicted box, which improves the regression accuracy of object detection. Data augmentation also significantly improved the detection accuracy of the network for C919 and ARJ21. However, this article did not consider other remote sensing scenarios like cloudy, foggy, and dark conditions. As this article only focused on improving detection and recognition accuracy and did not consider an increased computational cost, based on existing modules, the increase in computational complexity is insignificant and can be applied in practical remote sensing object detection and fine-grained recognition. In addition, aircraft target detection and fine-grained recognition algorithms based on high-resolution remote sensing images still face many limitations and challenges in the future. For example, obtaining and annotating many high-resolution remote sensing aircraft images while ensuring a balanced number of aircraft instances in each category is a significant challenge. Moreover, the higher the resolution of remote sensing images, the more detailed information and pixels specific to the target for object detection and classification; this is beneficial for detection and classification, but designing algorithms with a higher input resolution and faster speed is also a considerable challenge. A faster hardware computing speed can drive larger models. It is also a good direction to improve the adaptive activation function to speed up the rate of convergence and detection accuracy [30] of larger models in the future, and we will design a network structure that is faster and more accurate than FS2ANet for complex remote sensing scenarios.

6. Conclusions

This article proposes an FS2ANet algorithm based on the current pain points of remote sensing aircraft object detection and fine-grained recognition. This network designs and adds the AF3M and FPN-SPD based on S2ANet to extract fine-grained features and reduce information loss, replaces the regression loss function with KFIoU to reduce the regression box loss, and its data enhancement alleviates the long tail effect and uses a deeper backbone to extract remote sensing aircraft features. According to experimental results on the FAIR1M and DOTA datasets, the FS2ANet algorithm achieved the best detection and recognition performance compared to other methods, effectively improving the accuracy of remote sensing aircraft target detection and fine-grained recognition. It can achieve the detection and fine-grained recognition of 11 types of remote sensing aircraft targets, such as Boeing 737, A321, and C919. In future work, we will strive to address the issues and challenges mentioned in the Discussion and design high-resolution models to improve the accuracy and speed of aircraft target detection.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, Q.G. and Y.L.; methodology, Q.G. and Y.L.; software, Q.G. and G.L.; formal analysis, L.C.; writing—original draft preparation, Q.G.; writing—review and editing, L.C. and S.Z. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This work was supported by the Department of Science and Technology of Jilin Province, China (20210201130GX, 20230203028SF).

Data Availability Statement

All datasets used for training and evaluating the performance of our proposed approach are publicly available and can be accessed from [28,29].

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


S2ANetSingle-shot Alignment Network
FS2ANetFine-grained S2ANet
AF3MAircraft fine feature focusing module
FPN Feature pyramid network
KFIoUSkewIoU based on Kalman filtering
CNNConvolutional Neural Network
SA-SShape adaptive selection
SA-MShape adaptive measurement
FAMFeature Alignment Module
ODMOrientation Detection Module
CAMChannel attention module
SAMSpatial attention module
ARNAnchor refinement network
APAverage precision
IoUIntersection over union
YOLOYou only look once
SSDSingle-shot multi-box detector
mAPMean average precision
MLPMulti-layer perceptron
BNBatch Normalization
SGDStochastic gradient descent


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Figure 1. Structure diagram of S2ANet.
Figure 1. Structure diagram of S2ANet.
Electronics 12 03146 g001
Figure 2. Frame diagram of ARN.
Figure 2. Frame diagram of ARN.
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Figure 3. Location map of AF3M.
Figure 3. Location map of AF3M.
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Figure 4. Frame diagram of AF3M.
Figure 4. Frame diagram of AF3M.
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Figure 5. Diagram of loss convergence.
Figure 5. Diagram of loss convergence.
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Figure 6. Frame diagram of FPN-SPD.
Figure 6. Frame diagram of FPN-SPD.
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Figure 7. Training results of different activation functions.
Figure 7. Training results of different activation functions.
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Figure 8. FAIR1M dataset and data augmentations: (a) Instance Distribution Map of FAIR1M, (b) example of FAIR1M, (c) the process of data augmentation, and (d) example of dataset annotation.
Figure 8. FAIR1M dataset and data augmentations: (a) Instance Distribution Map of FAIR1M, (b) example of FAIR1M, (c) the process of data augmentation, and (d) example of dataset annotation.
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Figure 9. Training results of the comparison experiment.
Figure 9. Training results of the comparison experiment.
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Figure 10. Loss convergence and error convergence.
Figure 10. Loss convergence and error convergence.
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Figure 11. Detection results of FS2ANet in the DOTA dataset.
Figure 11. Detection results of FS2ANet in the DOTA dataset.
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Figure 12. Detection and recognition results of FS2ANet.
Figure 12. Detection and recognition results of FS2ANet.
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Table 1. Comparative experimental results of AF3M.
Table 1. Comparative experimental results of AF3M.
S2ANet+AF3M (Ours)44.2181.3
Table 2. Results of the comparison experiment.
Table 2. Results of the comparison experiment.
Rotated RetinaNet38.310.7760.0020.9880.679
FS2ANet (Ours)46.820.8490.1310.9710.357
Table 3. Training results for various types of aircrafts in the dataset.
Table 3. Training results for various types of aircrafts in the dataset.
Other airplane0.9530.7280.9400.727
Table 4. Training results in the DOTA dataset.
Table 4. Training results in the DOTA dataset.
Roi-TransformerResNet501024 × 102477.83
SASMResNet501024 × 102477.65
ReDetResNet501024 × 102478.21
R3DetResNet501024 × 102476.50
Faster-RcnnResNet501024 × 102477.40
Rotated RetinaNetResNet501024 × 102476.62
GWDResNet501024 × 102477.87
S2ANetResNet501024 × 102477.86
FS2ANet (Ours)ResNet501024 × 102478.40
Table 5. Training results for each category in the DOTA dataset.
Table 5. Training results for each category in the DOTA dataset.
storage tank474014,1080.8220.780
baseball diamond35832770.9360.842
tennis court151261590.9590.908
basketball court26640060.9620.885
ground track field21230750.8630.721
large vehicle881947,5350.9420.867
small vehicle10,57971,0870.8640.717
soccer field25137540.8370.670
swimming pool73256390.8160.674
Table 6. Results of ablation study.
Table 6. Results of ablation study.
AlgorithmData AugmentationResNet101AF3MKFIoUFPN-SPDmAP0.5 (%)
S2ANet 42.95
S2ANet+Data enhancement 45.3 (+2.35)
S2ANet+ResNet101 44.1 (+1.15)
S2ANet+AF3M 44.21 (+1.26)
S2ANet+KFIoU 43.46 (+0.51)
S2ANet+FPN-SPD 43.53 (+0.58)
S2ANet+AF3M+FPN-SPD 44.52 (+1.57)
S2ANet+AF3M+KFIoU 44.55 (1.6)
S2ANet+KFIoU+FPN-SPD 43.81 (+0.86)
S2ANet+AF3M+KFIoU+FPN-SPD 44.8 (+1.85)
FS2ANet (Ours)46.82 (+3.87)
In this table, √ means that the corresponding method was adopted.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Guan, Q.; Liu, Y.; Chen, L.; Zhao, S.; Li, G. Aircraft Detection and Fine-Grained Recognition Based on High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images. Electronics 2023, 12, 3146.

AMA Style

Guan Q, Liu Y, Chen L, Zhao S, Li G. Aircraft Detection and Fine-Grained Recognition Based on High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images. Electronics. 2023; 12(14):3146.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Guan, Qinghe, Ying Liu, Lei Chen, Shuang Zhao, and Guandian Li. 2023. "Aircraft Detection and Fine-Grained Recognition Based on High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images" Electronics 12, no. 14: 3146.

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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