
A section of Water (ISSN 2073-4441).

Section Information

The section of Hydrogeology publishes original research papers and reviews on all aspects of groundwater hydrology and management including, but not limited to, the following topics:

  1. Characterisation of subsurface hydrological processes, including vadose zone;
  2. Assessment of recharge processes, including diffuse, localised, irrigation, and mountain-block recharge;
  3. Managed aquifer recharge;
  4. Groundwater–stream interactions;
  5. Groundwater-dependent ecosystems;
  6. Characterisation of hydrogeological properties, groundwater balance and groundwater fluxes through hydraulic, geochemical, geophysical, and other methods;
  7. Groundwater and unsaturated zone modelling;
  8. Risk assessment and management for groundwater resources;
  9. Groundwater contamination;
  10. Groundwater balance and management under climate change;
  11. Salinisation processes related to groundwater;
  12. Groundwater management and policy;
  13. Seawater intrusion;
  14. Conjunctive water management.

Editorial Board

Topical Advisory Panel

Special Issues

Following special issues within this section are currently open for submissions:

Papers Published

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