
21 March 2024
Muscles | Scope Update

To further enhance the quality of Muscles (ISSN: 2813-0413) and the papers published in it, under the guidance of our Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Dr. Corrado Angelini, the journal has updated and revised its scope. The original scope and the updated version are listed below:

Scope (new version):

Scope (old version):

Muscles covers all aspects of muscle science, including, but not limited to, nerve and neuromuscular junction pathology, physiology, anatomy, myopathies, muscular dystrophy, other acquired muscle endocrine or immunological disorders, pharmacology, epidemiology, nutrition, sarcopenia, muscle imaging, and other sport-related injuries or muscle metabolic adaptations.

  • Muscle Microanatomy;
  • Muscle Biochemistry;
  • Muscle Cell Biology;
  • Muscle Epidemiology;
  • Muscle Immunology;
  • Muscle Pathology;
  • Muscle Pharmacology;
  • Muscle Physiology;
  • Muscle Toxicology.

For more detailed information, please visit the following link:

Muscles Editorial Office

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