
21–24 May 2023, Knoxville, TN, USA
2nd U.S. Precision Livestock Farming Conference

The 2nd US Precision Livestock Farming Conference (USPLF2023) will be held in Knoxville, TN, USA on May 21–24, 2023. USPLF2023 aims to showcase the most recent research as well as foster collaborations among researchers, producers, manufacturers, and other stakeholders in the field of PLF. The conference offers both in-person and virtual options. The conference theme is the “Field Implementation of PLF”. The conference covers the following topics:

  • Sensors and sensing in PLF.
  • Data management and algorithm development.
  • Measuring, modeling, and managing of dynamic animal responses.
  • Societal impacts of PLF.
  • Commercial PLF systems and field application experience.

More information about the conference can be found at the following link:

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