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Use of 6 Nucleotide Length Words to Study the Complexity of Gene Sequences from Different Organisms

Institute of Bioengineering, Federal Research Center of Biotechnology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 119071 Moscow, Russia
Bach Institute of Biochemistry, Research Center of Biotechnology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 119071 Moscow, Russia
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Entropy 2022, 24(5), 632;
Submission received: 15 March 2022 / Revised: 23 April 2022 / Accepted: 27 April 2022 / Published: 30 April 2022
(This article belongs to the Topic Stochastic Models and Experiments in Ecology and Biology)


In this paper, we attempted to find a relation between bacteria living conditions and their genome algorithmic complexity. We developed a probabilistic mathematical method for the evaluation of k-words (6 bases length) occurrence irregularity in bacterial gene coding sequences. For this, the coding sequences from different bacterial genomes were analyzed and as an index of k-words occurrence irregularity, we used W , which has a distribution similar to normal. The research results for bacterial genomes show that they can be divided into two uneven groups. First, the smaller one has W in the interval from 170 to 475, while for the second it is from 475 to 875. Plants, metazoan and virus genomes also have W in the same interval as the first bacterial group. We suggested that second bacterial group coding sequences are much less susceptible to evolutionary changes than the first group ones. It is also discussed to use the W index as a biological stress value.

1. Introduction

For some time, genetic information has been generated exponentially along with the development of sequencing technologies [1]. Thereby, the role of mathematical methods and algorithms, which can be applied to nucleotide and amino acid sequences research, increases. In this sense, the development of such methods is really important, as it allows to obtain new information about genomes and individual gene structures. In the last years, there was progress in mathematical methods for studying base correlations in nucleotide sequences. These methods can be divided into two groups. The first one includes spectral methods, such as Fourier transformation [2,3,4], wavelet analysis [5] and information decomposition [6]. All of them can be used to search for different length correlations in the DNA sequences having more than 2.0 substitutions per nucleotide [7]. However, the limiting factor for them is the fact, that they are very sensitive to nucleotide insertions and deletions. Insertions and deletions are common mutations in the DNA sequences of different origins [8]. There are also mathematical methods developed specifically for accounting for insertions and deletions using dynamic programming [9]. Some examples are: TRF [9], Mreps [10], TRStalker [11], ATRHunter [12], T-REKS [13], IMEX [14], CRISPRfinder [15], SWAN [16] and tandem repeat search tools, reviewed in [17].
Previous research studies allowed us to find different length periodicity in eukaryotic and prokaryotic genomes [3,8,18,19]. Three base periodicity is the most common in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic genomes [20]. The second most common is the two base periodicity, which usually occurs in noncoding regions [21]. Three base periodicity occurs in protein coding regions. Its origin is due to several factors, first of all, amino acids are not equiprobable in proteins, also genetic code is degenerative and finally, synonymous codons are not equiprobable in their use in genes. At the same time, triplet periodicity is different for genes from different genomes [22]. That is why triplet periodicity can be seen as a feature, which corresponds to the organism's adaptation to a certain environment, as well as gene and protein resistance to base substitution. If all the mutational substitutions were possible in genes, triplet periodicity would be absent. So, triplet periodicity can be used as a feature for genome classification [22]. For every studied genome an analog to the Gini coefficient ( W ), which is commonly used for economic inequality measurement, can be calculated [23].
However, here we could estimate inequality using triplets or any k-words, which are multiples of three bases. Then, having W scores for each genome, we could classify the studied genomes by the W index. It is important to note, that by using this method, k-word frequencies are ranked in ascending order, so their original order has no effect on W.
In this study, we used k = 6. Such a length choice was made because of several factors. Firstly, k should be proportional to three bases, so that triplet periodicity could be included in the words without any phase shifts. It is also desirable to select the largest k possible so that most of the correlations could be taken into account. Finally, the k value is limited by the genome size, so for the sake of statistical significance, it could not be too large. Because the size of bacterial genomes does not exceed several millions of bases and the number of words for k = 9 is 262144, some of them could not be seen in the coding sequences due to the small sample effect. That is why we selected k = 6 for this study.
In this study, we developed a probabilistic mathematical method for the evaluation of k-words (six bases long) occurrence irregularity in bacterial genomes coding sequences. We used the Monte Carlo method for the probabilistic estimates. All of the coding sequences from different bacterial and other organisms’ genomes were analyzed and the W index of k-word occurrence irregularity for them was calculated. W has a distribution similar to normal. W statistical significance was estimated using the Monte Carlo method. Such calculations were made to find a relation between bacteria living conditions and their genome complexity. Genome complexity is seen as an algorithmic complexity (Kolmogorov complexity [24]) of a gene. For a random DNA sequence, it would be similar to the sequence length and vice versa. If for example the sequence is composed only of {att}n subsequences, then the algorithmic complexity for this sequence would be slightly larger than 0. In this sense, the larger the W value, the lesser the genome algorithmic complexity is. There is no effective method for calculating algorithmic complexity [25], so we used W for its estimation.
The research results for bacterial genomes show that they are divided into two uneven groups. The first, the smaller one, has W in the interval from 170 to 475, while for the second it is from 475 to 875. This shows that the second group maintains a much higher irregularity level of k-word occurrence than the first group. Additionally, algorithmic complexity [24] for the first group is much higher than for the second one.
It can also be seen, that six-word occurrence irregularity in bacterial, metazoan and plant cds is mainly due to the triplet periodicity. However, triplet correlation contribution to the six-word occurrence irregularity is the highest in bacterial genomes. Generally, the six-word occurrence irregularity is much higher in bacterial genomes, than in the genomes of plants and metazoa. Based on the results, it could be suggested, that the coding sequences from the second bacterial group are far less sensitive to evolutionary changes than the ones from all the other organisms studied.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. DNA Sequences

Prokaryotic gene coding sequences, used in this study were taken from (accessed on 27 September 2021). For the calculations, only one strain for each bacterial species was used. In total, we used 9236 bacterial genomes. Plant gene coding sequences were taken from (accessed on 5 October 2021) and metazoan gene coding sequences were taken from (accessed on 5 October 2021). Virus gene coding sequences were taken from ftp server (accessed on 11 October 2021). In total 70 plant species, 73 metazoan species and 54718 virus species were used. When selecting genomes, for each species only one strain was taken to avoid overrepresentation.

2.2. W Calculation Algorithm

For W calculation we filled a 4096 size U array for each coding sequence of the studied genome. If S is cds, then s ( i ) is the numerically encoded cds, where 1 = a, 2 = t, 3 = c, 4 = g. Such encoding was made just to ease computation. We started with i = 1 s(i) sequence for every cds and calculated:
j = s ( i ) + k = i + 1 i + 5 ( s ( k ) 1 ) 4 k i
Where i is in the { 1 , 4 , 7 , , l 5 } series. Here, l is the length of S sequence. For every calculated j we added one to the corresponding U array cell: U(j) = U(j) + 1. This means that we calculated a number of six-words with three base steps. So, every six-word intersected the previous one by three bases. Three base shifts were selected as the least possible not to interrupt triplet periodicity [20], but we still could consider six-words generated in both phases. Here, is an example. Let S = {atgtagctgactgta} and step length is six bases. Then in the first phase, there are atgtag, ctgact words, and in the second phase with a three bases shift there are tagctg actgta words. If we calculate the number of six-words with three bases, there are atgtag, tagctg, ctgact and actgta words, which is a sum of words in both phases.
These calculations were made for all the coding sequences of a single studied genome. After U array filling, it was normalized by 106. The sum of the array:
S u m = k = 1 4096 u ( k )
was calculated. Here, u(k) is an element of the U array. Next, the Q array was calculated for each j = 1 , , 4096 as q ( k ) = 10 6 u ( k ) / S u m . q ( k ) is an element of the Q array. Such normalization is needed to eliminate the set size influence on the array. Then, the Q array was sorted in ascending order. The resulting array was named Q 1 . Such procedures are similar to those used in Gini coefficient calculation [23] and when applying Zipf’s law to k-words bp from different DNA sequences [26,27,28].
Next, we calculated R and T arrays using the Monte Carlo method. In the case of R, coding sequences were mixed randomly and it was made in a way that no stop codons would be generated in the mixed sequences. Then we used the (1) formula and filled R array the same way as Q . For each studied genome each cds was mixed 100 times to reduce the statistical fluctuation influence on R . After that every element R(j), j = 1, 2, ..., 4096 was divided by 100.
T array is calculated the same way as R , but this time cds were mixed in triplets instead of single bases. This means that codons in cds remained the same, but their order was changed. All the other procedures were the same as for the R array.
After R and T were calculated, we sorted them in ascending order, the same as for Q array. The resulting arrays were named R1 and T1 accordingly. Then we determined the difference between Q1 and R1 distributions. For that matrix M(2,4096) was filled: M ( 1 , i ) = Q 1 ( i ) and M ( 2 , i ) = R 1 ( i ) for i = 1, ..., 4096. Next, we calculated I:
I = i = 1 , 2 j = 1 4096 m ( i , j ) ln m ( i , j ) i = 1 2 x ( i ) ln x ( i ) j = 1 4096 y ( j ) ln y ( j ) + L ln L
Where x ( i ) = j = 1 4096 m ( i , j ) , y ( j ) = i = 1 2 m ( i , j ) and m ( i , j ) is an element of M matrix. L is the sum of all M matrix elements. This is the mutual information formula for considering correlations between rows and columns features [29]. p(i,j) = m(i,j)/L, p(i,*) = x(i)/L, p(*,j) = y(j)/L. As in [29] we are checking two hypotheses. Hypothesis H1 is that p(i,j) ≠ p(i,*) p(*,j) and hypothesis H2 is that p(i,j) = p(i,*) p(*,j). Then, I is mutual information for discrimination for H1 against H2. This means the more difference between m1(1,j) and m2(1,j), j = 1,2,...,4096, the greater I is. 2I can be considered as a random value having χ 2 distribution with 4095 × 15 degrees of freedom [29]. We calculated the normal distribution argument W 1 = 4 I 2 4095 15 1 . Such approximation of χ 2 distribution to normal distribution works well in the W1 range from −10.0 to 1500.0. That is enough for bacterial genomes and other species research. The full W1 value range depends on L. In our case y(1) = y(2) = 106, and therefore, L = 2 × 106. For such L values, minimum W1 = −89.7, while the maximum possible value is about 7400. This value can be obtained only theoretically if, for example, in Q1 there would be only four nonzero cells (for instance, there would be only a (a)6, (t)6, (c)6, (g)6 six-words). The greater the value W1 is, the lower the probability of Q1 and R1 being different due to random factors. If Q1 and R1 are identical, then I is zero (W1 = −89.7).
We have also determined the normal distribution argument W2, which allows estimating the difference between Q1 and T1 arrays. All the calculations were the same as for W1, but the T1 array was used instead of R1. W2 has approximately the same distribution as W1. We calculated W1 and W2 for all genomes listed in Section 2.1.
Schematic representation of the algorithm is shown in Figure 1.
It is important to note, that triplet order in M(1,j) and M(2,j) (j = 1,2,...,4096) arrays can be totally different. At the same time, each of these arrays is sorted in ascending order. This lets us avoid local unevenness impact on W1 and W2 when studying different genomes. For instance, if we take unsorted expected frequencies as an R1 array and use them in the M(2,j) string, then local unevenness may have a strong impact on W1 and W2. Here is an example, let there be a gene, composed of 300 codons (900 nucleotides) with a, t, c and g frequencies being 0.3, 0.1, 0.3 и 0.3, respectively. Let a, c and g bases be randomly dispersed along the gene sequence. Additionally, let all 90 t only be found in a row (ttt…t). Then, the number of tttttt six-words would be 29. The total number of six-words, that can be found with 3 bases step is 299. The expected number of tttttt words can be estimated as 299 × (0.1)6 ≈ 3 × 10−4. Z is a normally distributed observable number of these six-words deviations from the estimated number. For its calculation, a normal approximation for binomial distribution is used. Z = (29 – 3 × 10−4)/{(3 × 10−4)(1 − 10−6)}0.5 ≈ 1700. 3 formula is an informational analog to χ2 distribution used for theoretical and experimental distributions comparison [29]. This way, these six-words contributions to I in the (3) formula will be significant. However, as the rest of the sequence is random, the use of unranged expected frequencies in R1 will lead to a significant undervaluation of such gene algorithmic complexity. That is why six-words sorted in the ascending order were used in M(2,j).

3. Results

3.1. Comparison of Q1 and R1 Arrays with Q1 and T1 Arrays

An example of resulting arrays Q1 and R1 for the E. coli genome is shown in Figure 2 (continuous line for Q1 and dotted line for R 1 ). It can be seen that there is a distinct difference between them. An example of Q1 and T1 arrays is shown in Figure 3. It is obvious that there is much less difference between Q1 and T1 than between Q1 and R1 arrays. That is because the difference between Q1 and R1 is due to triplet cds periodicity as well as the correlation between triplets in every six-word, while all the difference between Q1 and T1 is only due to the correlation between neighboring triplets.
Here is an example, if S1 = {atc}100 is a sequence, containing only an atc triplet repeated 100 times, then the atcatc six-word appearance is only due to triplet periodicity. This can be demonstrated with a little math. The Sum for this sequence, calculated using (2) formula, is 99 and p(a) = p(t) = p(c) = 1/3, p(g) = 0. S2 is the sequence we can obtain if we were to shuffle the S1 sequence randomly. Then the probability of atcatc word appearance can be calculated as p(atcatc) ≈ p(a)2p(t)2p(c)2 = (1/3)6 ≈ 0,0014. There are Sum*p(atcatc) such words on average in the S2 sequence. The normal distribution argument can be calculated as:
Z = ( N S u m p ) ( S u m p ( 1 p ) 0.5 )
Here, N = 99 is the number of atcatc words in the S1 sequence when searched with a step length of three bases, p = p(atcatc). Z12 ≈ 267 is the normal distribution argument, showing a six-word frequency deviation between S1 and S2 sequences. This means that the probability of obtaining 99 atcatc words in a row is P(x > 267), where x is a normally distributed random variable. It is an extremely low value. At the same time, if we were to create an S3 sequence by mixing S1 in triplets, for such sequence p = p(atcatc)=1 and calculated by the formula (4) normal distribution argument Z13=0. So, this example shows that when shuffling the S1 sequence in triplets, there is no effect of triplet periodicity on the six-words frequency. This means, that for the S1 = {atc}100 sequence, Q1 and R1 distributions would be different and Q1 and T1 would be identical.
For the next example, S4 = {tttccc}50, consisting of tttccc word repeated 50 times. Here, p(a) = p(t) = 0.5, p(c) = p(g) = 0. S u m = 99 for such sequence ((2) formula), N=50 for tttccc word. S5 is the randomly mixed sequence S  4, and for S5 p = p(tttccc) ≈ (0.5)6 ≈ 0.016. So, there are Sum*p ≈ 1.6 such words on average in the S5 sequence. The normal distribution argument calculated by the (4) formula is Z45 ≈ 38. The S6 sequence is created by shuffling the S4 sequence in triplets. Here, p = p(tttccc) increases because there are only four possible types of six-words: tttccc, cccttt, cccccc и tttttt. So, p = p(tttccc) and the normal distribution argument Z46 = 5.6 as calculated by (4) formula. As a result, Q 1 and R 1 distributions are different (Z45 ≈ 38) for S4 = {tttccc}50 sequences, but Q1 and T1 are also different (Z46 ≈ 5.6). The reason for this is that in addition to quite an evident triplet periodicity, sequence S4 has a six-word periodicity. At the same time, the S1 sequence only has a three base periodicity, which is fully taken into account when mixing the sequence S1 in triplets, since Z12 ≈ 267 and Z13 ≈ 0.
This example shows that when mixing is performed randomly, there are three nucleotide long words contributing to W1 as well as longer than three bases words (6, 9, 12, ... nucleotides long). When shuffling in triplets, only six nucleotides and longer correlations can affect W2. Such phenomena can be seen when comparing Figure 2 and Figure 3, which were computed for the E. coli genome. Here, the differences between Q1 and T1 are much smaller than between Q1 and R1. Presumably, the Q1 distribution irregularity is partially due to triplet periodicity and partially due to triplets’ correlation in six-words. W1 and W2 for the E. coli genome are 799.13 and 439.11, respectively. These values show that the six-words distribution irregularity in the E. coli genome is due to both the triplet periodicity presence and the triplets’ correlation in six-words.

3.2. W 1 and W 2 Distributions for Bacterial, Metazoan and Virus Cds

W 1 and W 2 distributions for bacterial genomes are shown in Figure 4. It can be seen, that W1 and W2 are greater than zero, which shows, that correlation between nucleotides is present for all bacteria studied. The W1 distribution is shown as a grey area and the W 2 is shown as an area with a black outline. It can be seen, that the W1 distribution has two peaks. The first one is located in W = 325 range and the second one is in W = 600 range. As can be seen, bacterial genomes can be divided into two groups. The first of them has W1 between 175 and 425 and the second is between 425 and 875. There is a slight irregularity in the six-word distribution for the first group relatively to mixed sequence (W1). For the second group, the difference is much larger.
It should be also mentioned, that when switching from W1 to W2 there is a significant change in distribution form. Instead of two peaks, as seen before, there is only one in the W2 = 200 range. Such behavior is due to six-word distribution irregularity being mostly subject to triplet irregularity in the cds instead of triplet correlation.
We have also made a scatter plot for W1 and W2 for all bacteria genomes studied, which is shown in Figure 5. Here, three clusters can be seen. The first W1 peak between 175 and 425 from Figure 4 is transformed into an elongated cluster with a center at (W2, W1) ≈ (135, 320) in Figure 5. The second W1 peak from Figure 4 is transformed into two clusters in Figure 5. The first one has its center at (W2, W1) ≈ (120, 600), and the second one is at (W2, W1) ≈ (220, 610). The first cluster has a high triplet periodicity impact on six-word frequency, while for the second one this impact is much lower, but it is still there.
W1 and W2 distributions for metazoan genomes are shown in Figure 6. There is only one peak for W1, located in the same region as the first bacterial group. This means, that there is much less irregularity in six-word use in metazoan cds, than in the bacterial ones.
The second peak from Figure 4 is almost absent in Figure 6. W2 distribution in Figure 6 is also located to the left as opposed to the one for bacterial genomes. So, the irregularity in six-word use being due to triplet correlation is much lower in metazoan genomes, than in bacterial ones.
The same can be seen for plant genomes’ W 1 and W 2 , as shown in Figure 7. There is also only one W 1 peak and W 1 distribution for plants is located in about the same area, as the one for metazoan genomes. W 2 distribution is even more offset to the left relative to the metazoan genome W 2 . All of this means, that there is quite a large triplet periodicity contribution to six-word distribution for plant genomes, while the triplet correlation is minor.
We have also analyzed all the virus genomes available. All the virus cds were combined in one set because the genomes are quite short. For this set W 1 = 233.6 and W 2 = 188.7 . So, for virus cds, the six-word distribution is the closest to the one for randomly mixed sequences as opposed to other organisms studied. W 2 is not that much smaller than W 1 , which means, that triplet correlation is quite significant and triplet periodicity is not the main factor in six-word distribution irregularity.

4. Discussion

The K-words frequencies ranging procedure is used in the Gini coefficient [23] and when studying Zipf’s law in DNA [26,27,28]. However, Zipf’s law is that there is a quantitative relationship between a word’s rank and its frequency in the text [30]. However, the use of Zipf’s law for assessing gene algorithmic complexity seemed exigent for us. That is why in this paper we used k-words ranging as in the Gini coefficient calculation but calculated a quantitative estimate of the difference between k-words ranged frequencies and frequencies, obtained for shuffled gene sequences.
In this study W1 and W2 characterize the difference between ranged in ascending order six-word distributions in cds and random distributions obtained by mixing cds bases randomly (W1) and in triplets (W2), respectivelly. Distributions are ranged in ascending order with no respect to the specific six-word position. This kind of impersonality allows considering the six-word appearance irregularity in cds as a specific genome feature, representing genetic text information redundancy. The greater W is, the greater cds information redundancy is with a simultaneous decrease in information volume, which can be calculated by Shannon formulas [31]. The greater text redundancy, the more mutations are needed to distort the original meaning.
Previously, informational redundancy has been studied for European languages (including Russian) and it turned out that their redundancy exceeds 50% [32,33]. Some special tests conducted for the English language by Shannon [34] showed that missing letters recovery can be made only if their number does not exceed 25% of the text length. When the text reduction rate is higher, the original meaning cannot be recovered as the text becomes a meaningless set of letters, based on which it cannot be imagined, what the original point was. Simply speaking, informational redundancy shows the percentage of excess symbols (letters, words, etc.). In a text with 0 informational redundancy no error can be fixed without a meaning loss.
Considering the results of studies [32,33] and study [34], the second group of bacteria with W2 between 425 and 875 have cds with a high level of informational redundancy. We can suggest that this redundancy is needed for better genome noise immunity. In this sense, metazoan and plant cds noise immunity is much lower (Figure 6 and Figure 7). Virus noise immunity is about at the same level as the metazoan and plants one (W1 = 233.6 and W2 = 188.7). The biological interpretation is that the virus life cycle in a cell is quite short and there are a lot of them. In this condition, noise immunity is not the key factor for virus survival, but genome volatility and new virus strain creation ability are.
We attempted to compare the bacteria from both sides of the W1 spectrum shown in Figure 4. The first 10 bacteria with the highest W1 are listed in Table 1. For most of these bacteria, their habitat is limited to mammalian intestinal microbiota or the oral cavity. For example, Alysiella filiformis habitat [35] is mostly limited to the animal oral cavity. The same is true for Elusimicrobium_sp_an273 [36], Moraxella caviae [37], Alysiella crassa [38], Kingella kingae [39], Acidaminococcus sp cag_542 [40], Helicobacter_ailurogastricus [41]. Urubureella suis [42] was isolated from the heart and lungs of pigs with pneumonia and pericarditis. Moraxella atlantae [43] was isolated from a female cancer patient with aerobic blood cultures. Out of all the bacteria in Table 1 only Herpetosiphon geysericola [36] is unrelated to mammals and is an extremophile. It was isolated from the biofilm of a hot spring in lower California, Mexico. This organism is able to live in extreme environments, such as extreme temperature, radiation, salinity or pH levels [44].
It is important to note, that all the bacteria in Table 1 are gram-negative. Due to stronger and less permeable cell walls, gram-negative bacteria are more resistant to antibodies and live under stress than gram-positive bacteria [45].
Next, let us have a look at Table 2. Here, 10 bacteria with the lowest W1 value are listed. Rickettsiales bacterium [46] has the lowest W1 value and it was isolated from the south part of the Atlantic ocean. Its life cycle consists of two stages: vegetative and resting. The resting form of Rickettsiales is a spherical still cell, located in arthropod and warm-blooded organisms’ cells. Their reproduction happens only in live calls, similar to viruses. In the resting stage Rickettsiales bacterial cells are not affected by any actions from their carrier. Then there are some bacteria from the Archaea domain in Table 2. Such bacteria are Lokiarchaeum_sp_gc14_75 [47], Nitrosopumilales_archaeon [48] and Candidatus nitrosocosmicus franklandus [49]. Additionally, there are groups of bacteria living in water and soil. Such examples are Sulfurovum_sp. [50], Cryomorphaceae bacterium [51], Alkaliphilus_sp [52], Verrucomicrobiales_bacterium [53], Legionellales_bacterium [54], Puniceicoccaceae_bacterium [55]. It can be suggested with enough confidence that these bacteria are living in a natural environment for a long enough evolutionary time and their level of environmental stress is at a minimum.
There are almost equal amounts of both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria in Table 2. That is not surprising, as their living conditions are less stressful and a strong cell wall presence is not an essential condition for survival.
In Table 1, there are only extremophiles or bacteria isolated from mammals. In the latter case, bacteria have to fight against the mammalian immune system, which can be a big stress for them. On the other hand, bacteria shown in Table 2 are living in an environment with minimal stress levels. The method for W1 determination, used in this study is the modified Gini method. The only difference is that we use a probability measure for Q1 and R1 distribution differentiation, but the distributions are obtained the same way as with the Gini coefficient calculation. In economics the Gini coefficient is a social stress indicator, showing the level of wealth inequality [56]. Based on Table 1 and Table 2 we can suggest that in the case of cds it also represents stress, but this time a biological one. Algorithmic complexity [25] for bacteria from Table 1 is less than for bacteria from Table 2. This suggests that bacteria gene sequences are less complex for bacteria living in less stressful environments.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, A.F.; methodology, A.F., E.K. and K.Z.; software, E.K. and K.Z.; validation, A.F., E.K. and K.Z.; formal analysis, K.Z.; investigation, K.Z. and E.K.; resources, A.F. and K.Z.; data curation, E.K.; writing—original draft preparation, E.K.; writing—review and editing, A.F., E.K. and K.Z.; visualization, K.Z.; supervision, A.F.; project administration, E.K.; funding acquisition, A.F. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This study was partially funded bu a grant from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (agreement #075-15-2021-1071).

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Structure of the algotithm for normal distribution arguments W1 and W2 calculation from cds for each species.
Figure 1. Structure of the algotithm for normal distribution arguments W1 and W2 calculation from cds for each species.
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Figure 2. Six-word distribution sorted in ascending order. Continuous line shows Q 1 distribution for E. coli genome cds. Dotted line shows R 1 distribution for the same genome after every cds was randomly mixed. Mixing was performed in a way, that no stop codons can be found in resulting sequences.
Figure 2. Six-word distribution sorted in ascending order. Continuous line shows Q 1 distribution for E. coli genome cds. Dotted line shows R 1 distribution for the same genome after every cds was randomly mixed. Mixing was performed in a way, that no stop codons can be found in resulting sequences.
Entropy 24 00632 g002
Figure 3. Six-word distribution sorted in ascending order. Continuous line shows Q 1 distribution for E. coli genome cds. Dotted line shows T 1 distribution for the same genome after every cds was mixed by triplets.
Figure 3. Six-word distribution sorted in ascending order. Continuous line shows Q 1 distribution for E. coli genome cds. Dotted line shows T 1 distribution for the same genome after every cds was mixed by triplets.
Entropy 24 00632 g003
Figure 4. Bacterial genomes. Grey infilled area is W1 distribution for bacterial genomes. Black outlined area is W2 distribution for bacterial genomes.
Figure 4. Bacterial genomes. Grey infilled area is W1 distribution for bacterial genomes. Black outlined area is W2 distribution for bacterial genomes.
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Figure 5. The scatter plot for W1 and W2.
Figure 5. The scatter plot for W1 and W2.
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Figure 6. Metazoan genomes. Grey infilled area is W 1 distribution for metazoan genomes. Black outlined area is W 2 distribution for metazoan genomes.
Figure 6. Metazoan genomes. Grey infilled area is W 1 distribution for metazoan genomes. Black outlined area is W 2 distribution for metazoan genomes.
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Figure 7. Plant genomes. Grey infilled area is W 1 distribution for plant genomes. Black outlined area is W 2 distribution for plant genomes.
Figure 7. Plant genomes. Grey infilled area is W 1 distribution for plant genomes. Black outlined area is W 2 distribution for plant genomes.
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Table 1. Names and accession numbers for 10 bacteria with the highest W1 value.
Table 1. Names and accession numbers for 10 bacteria with the highest W1 value.
Bacterial NameAccession NumberW1
1Alysiella_filiformis dsm_16848gca_9002302051037.38
3Elusimicrobium_sp an273gca_002159705940.01
7Acidaminococcus_sp cag_542gca_000437815907.44
Table 2. Names and accession numbers for 10 bacteria with the lowest W1 value.
Table 2. Names and accession numbers for 10 bacteria with the lowest W1 value.
Bacterial NameAccession NumberW1
3Lokiarchaeum_sp gc14_75gca_000986845176.05
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MDPI and ACS Style

Korotkov, E.; Zaytsev, K.; Fedorov, A. Use of 6 Nucleotide Length Words to Study the Complexity of Gene Sequences from Different Organisms. Entropy 2022, 24, 632.

AMA Style

Korotkov E, Zaytsev K, Fedorov A. Use of 6 Nucleotide Length Words to Study the Complexity of Gene Sequences from Different Organisms. Entropy. 2022; 24(5):632.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Korotkov, Eugene, Konstantin Zaytsev, and Alexey Fedorov. 2022. "Use of 6 Nucleotide Length Words to Study the Complexity of Gene Sequences from Different Organisms" Entropy 24, no. 5: 632.

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