Biomineralization and Biominerals

A section of Minerals (ISSN 2075-163X).

Section Information

Biominerals are natural organo–mineral biocomposites. There are unresolved questions about the factors that control their formation and growth in tests, shells and skeletons, and how some diseases modify their properties. The field covered by the Biomineralization and Biominerals Section extends from the structure to the composition of mineral and organic components of plants, fungi, algae, vertebrates and invertebrates. Methods for characterization at macro, micro, nano and atomic level of biominerals are included. Contributions from a broad community working on fundamental research and/or applications in biology, medicine, inspired biomaterials, evolution, diagenesis, etc., based on modern and ancient (fossil) biominerals are expected.


  • Shells
  • Tests
  • Bone
  • Teeth
  • Micro–nanostructure
  • Phase transformation
  • Mineralogy
  • Crystallography
  • Composition
  • Organic components

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