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Journal: Antibiotics, 2022
Volume: 11
Number: 746

Article: Decreased Antibiotic Consumption Coincided with Reduction in Bacteremia Caused by Bacterial Species with Respiratory Transmission Potential during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Authors: by Vincent Chi-Chung Cheng, Shuk-Ching Wong, Simon Yung-Chun So, Jonathan Hon-Kwan Chen, Pui-Hing Chau, Albert Ka-Wing Au, Kelvin Hei-Yeung Chiu, Xin Li, Patrick Ip, Vivien Wai-Man Chuang, David Christopher Lung, Cindy Wing-Sze Tse, Rodney Allan Lee, Kitty Sau-Chun Fung, Wing-Kin To, Raymond Wai-Man Lai, Tak-Lun Que, Janice Yee-Chi Lo and Kwok-Yung Yuen

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