
26 February 2024
Games | Aims Update

To further enhance the quality of Games and the papers published in it, under the guidance of our Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Berger, the journal has updated and revised its aims. The original aims and the updated version are listed below:

Aims (new version): Aims (old version):
Games (ISSN 2073-4336) is an international, peer-reviewed, quick-refereeing open access journal (free for readers), which provides an advanced forum for studies on game theory and its applications. Its aim is to provide an interdisciplinary forum for all sciences using game theoretical tools, models, and methods, including economics, psychology, political science, anthropology, mathematics, computer science, and biology. To guarantee a rapid refereeing and editorial process, Games follows standard publication practices in the natural sciences.

Note that Games does NOT publish papers on gaming, video games, sports competition, electronic games, serious games, and gamification, except if they have a clear connection to game theory.
Games (ISSN 2073-4336) is an international, peer-reviewed, quick-refereeing open access journal (free for readers), which provides an advanced forum for studies related to strategic interaction, game theory and its applications, and decision making. The aim is to provide an interdisciplinary forum for all behavioral sciences and related fields, including economics, psychology, political science, mathematics, computer science, and biology (including animal behavior). To guarantee a rapid refereeing and editorial process, Games follows standard publication practices in the natural sciences.

For more detailed information, please visit the following link:

Games Editorial Office

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