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Revolutionizing Marine Traffic Management: A Comprehensive Review of Machine Learning Applications in Complex Maritime Systems

Faculty of Navigation, Maritime University of Szczecin, Waly Chrobrego 1-2, 70-500 Szczecin, Poland
Polish Society of Bioinformatics and Data Science BIODATA, Popiełuszki 4c, 71-214 Szczecin, Poland
Institute of Marine and Environmental Sciences, University of Szczecin, Wąska 13, 71-415 Szczecin, Poland
Faculty of Mechatronics and Electrical Engineering, Maritime University of Szczecin, Willowa 2, 71-650 Szczecin, Poland
A.P. Møller-Mærsk A/S, Esplanaden 50, DK-1098 Copenhagen, Denmark
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13(14), 8099;
Submission received: 14 June 2023 / Revised: 5 July 2023 / Accepted: 11 July 2023 / Published: 11 July 2023


This review article explores the applications and impacts of Machine Learning (ML) techniques in marine traffic management and prediction within complex maritime systems. It provides an overview of ML techniques, delves into their practical applications in the maritime sector, and presents an in-depth analysis of their benefits and limitations. Real-world case studies are highlighted to illustrate the transformational impact of ML in this field. The article further provides a comparative analysis of different ML techniques and discusses the future directions and opportunities that lie ahead. Despite the challenges, ML’s potential to revolutionize marine traffic management and prediction, driving safer, more efficient, and more sustainable operations, is substantial. This review article serves as a comprehensive resource for researchers, industry professionals, and policymakers interested in the interplay between ML and maritime systems.

1. Introduction

The maritime industry [1], one of the cornerstones of global trade, carries approximately 80% of the world’s merchandise volume [2]. As the central artery of the global economy, it facilitates intercontinental trade, provides transportation for bulk commodities, and is an integral component of many supply chains. Consequently, efficient and safe marine traffic management within complex maritime systems is crucial to maintaining the flow of goods and services worldwide.
However, the maritime industry’s continually evolving landscape, marked by an ever-growing number of ships and routes, introduces a multitude of challenges to marine traffic management [3]. Furthermore, the increasing complexity of maritime systems—with diverse vessel types, multifarious routes, unpredictable environmental conditions, and multifaceted regulatory frameworks—necessitates the utilization of advanced tools and technologies for managing and predicting marine traffic patterns [4].
Enter Machine Learning (ML)—a burgeoning field of artificial intelligence (AI) that offers promising solutions for the numerous challenges in marine traffic management [5]. By leveraging its data analysis capabilities and predictive modeling techniques, Machine Learning can potentially transform marine traffic management, enhancing safety [6], efficiency, and sustainability in the maritime industry.
This review aims to explore the application and potential of Machine Learning techniques in marine traffic management and prediction within intricate maritime systems. We will provide an in-depth overview of the current state of research in this area, including various Machine Learning techniques and their effectiveness. Through this exploration, we hope to elucidate how these advanced tools can improve the robustness and reliability of marine traffic management, offering transformative improvements in maritime systems.

1.1. Importance and Relevance of Machine Learning in the Maritime Industry

Machine Learning’s importance and relevance in the maritime industry cannot be overstated. The vast amount of data generated in the maritime environment, from vessel movements to environmental conditions, makes this field an ideal setting for leveraging the predictive and analytical capabilities of ML. With its potential for processing large volumes of data, making accurate predictions, automating decision-making processes, and ensuring regulatory compliance, Machine Learning presents an opportunity to overcome many of the maritime industry’s challenges. In the following sections, we will delve deeper into these applications, shedding light on the depth and breadth of ML’s impact on the maritime industry [7].
Here is a closer look at why ML is relevant and important in the maritime industry:
  • Data Analysis: Maritime systems generate huge volumes of data, from onboard sensors, AIS, radar systems, weather stations, and more. ML can help process this data, uncover hidden patterns, and provide valuable insights that can enhance operational efficiency and safety [8].
  • Predictive Capabilities: ML algorithms, particularly in the realm of predictive analytics, can provide forecasts about vessel movements, potential traffic congestion, and other significant factors. These predictions can assist in proactive decision making, minimizing risks and optimizing routes for fuel efficiency and timely arrivals [9].
  • Automation: ML, coupled with other AI technologies, can automate numerous processes in marine traffic management. From identifying potential hazards to routing decisions, automation can reduce human errors, improve response times, and increase overall operational efficiency [10].
  • Environmental Impact: ML can help monitor and predict environmental impacts associated with maritime activities. For instance, ML models can predict oil spill trajectories or emissions from vessels, helping in planning mitigating strategies [11].
  • Security: ML can enhance maritime security by identifying abnormal vessel behaviors or detecting potential threats, such as piracy or illegal fishing activities, thus aiding in timely intervention [12].
  • Regulatory Compliance: ML models can be trained to monitor and ensure compliance with various regulatory norms, such as emission levels, waste management, and safety standards, by continuously analyzing data from various sources [13].
Given these advantages, ML can be seen as a valuable tool for managing complex maritime systems. Its ability to transform raw data into actionable intelligence, enable predictive decision making, and automate various processes is likely to be pivotal in addressing the current and future challenges of marine traffic management. The following sections will delve deeper into these applications, shedding light on the depth and breadth of ML’s impact on the maritime industry.

1.2. Background of Marine Traffic Management

Marine traffic management is an intricate system that plays a pivotal role in ensuring the smooth operation of the global maritime transportation network [14]. It involves a multitude of processes, ranging from vessel traffic monitoring, port and harbor operations, and shipping route optimization, to regulatory compliance and safety measures [15,16].
The past few decades have witnessed a significant surge in maritime traffic due to the globalization of trade and industries. This increased traffic has, in turn, resulted in marine environments becoming highly congested [17], especially in the vicinity of ports and along popular shipping routes. The heavy traffic, coupled with the inherently unpredictable nature of marine environments—characterized by changing weather conditions, currents, and tides—has made marine traffic management an increasingly challenging task.
Traditional methods of marine traffic management rely heavily on human skills and judgment. Vessel Traffic Services (VTSs) [18] are akin to Air Traffic Control for ships, utilizing radar, Automatic Identification System (AIS), and radio communication to provide navigational advice and manage marine traffic in designated areas [19]. However, these methods often struggle with the increasing scale and complexity of modern maritime systems. They are susceptible to human error, have limitations in handling large volumes of data, and can be less efficient in predicting potential situations that may lead to maritime accidents or delays.
The advent of modern technology and data-driven approaches, such as Machine Learning, presents a compelling alternative to these traditional methods. By leveraging a vast amount of data generated in maritime environments, Machine Learning techniques can be employed to develop more sophisticated, accurate, and automated marine traffic management systems [20]. This potential shift from human-centric methods towards a more technologically advanced approach could revolutionize marine traffic management, driving improved safety and efficiency in the industry.

1.3. Current Challenges in Complex Maritime Systems

Complex maritime systems face a multitude of challenges that underscore the urgency for advanced, data-driven solutions. Below, we enumerate some of the most significant challenges currently affecting these systems:
  • Increasing Vessel Traffic: The continuous growth of global trade has led to an increase in vessel traffic, resulting in congestion, especially in crucial maritime zones such as the Strait of Malacca, the English Channel, and near major port areas [21]. Managing this rising traffic effectively to avoid collisions, groundings, and delays is a critical challenge.
  • Environmental Impact: Maritime activities have a substantial impact on the marine environment. Vessel operations contribute to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, and accidental spills can have disastrous consequences for marine ecosystems [22,23]. Mitigating these impacts requires improved management and predictive capabilities.
  • Security Threats: The maritime industry faces threats such as piracy, smuggling, and illegal fishing [24,25,26]. Addressing these threats and ensuring the security of vessels and their cargo is a considerable challenge.
  • Regulatory Compliance: International, regional, and local regulations govern maritime operations. Ensuring compliance with these regulations, particularly concerning environmental standards, safety, and security, requires sophisticated management systems [27].
  • Data Management: The maritime industry generates a vast amount of data from different sources, including AIS, radar, weather monitoring systems, and vessel logs. Managing, integrating, and making sense of this big data is a significant challenge, especially in real-time scenarios [28].
  • Human Error: Many maritime accidents are attributable to human error. Reducing the reliance on human judgment in navigation and decision-making processes could help mitigate this risk [29].
  • Adaptability to Changing Conditions: The maritime environment is highly dynamic, with changing weather conditions, sea currents, and geopolitical circumstances. Maritime systems must be capable of quickly adapting to these changes [30].
Machine Learning, with its ability to analyze and learn from large datasets, make predictions, and automate decision-making processes, holds significant potential to address these challenges. The next sections of this review will explore the role of Machine Learning in tackling these issues and enhancing the management and predictive capabilities within complex maritime systems [16].

1.4. Broader Technological Perspectives for Maritime Industry

In addition to Machine Learning, several other advanced technologies could substantially contribute to tackling the complexity and challenges in maritime systems. We briefly discuss some of them below:
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI, the umbrella under which Machine Learning falls, can play a significant role in the maritime industry. AI can automate complex tasks, improve decision-making processes, and enhance efficiency in operations. For instance, AI algorithms can aid in predictive maintenance, reducing operational downtime by identifying potential mechanical issues before they result in equipment failure [16].
  • Internet of Things (IoT): IoT refers to the network of physical objects (‘things’) embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies for exchanging data with other devices and systems over the internet. In the maritime context, IoT devices can provide real-time monitoring and data collection, enhancing safety, efficiency, and environmental sustainability. For example, IoT sensors on vessels can monitor fuel consumption and emissions, aiding in the regulation of environmental standards [12].
  • Big Data: The maritime industry produces an enormous amount of data, and big data analytics can help manage and leverage this information. Analyzing the data from various sources such as vessel tracking systems, weather reports, and port state controls can lead to improved decision-making processes, optimized routes, and efficient vessel traffic management [31].
  • Blockchain: Blockchain technology can potentially revolutionize various aspects of the maritime industry, including supply chain management and document verification. It can offer secure, transparent, and tamper-proof platforms for transactions, documentation, and communications, enhancing the efficiency and security of maritime operations [20].
While these technologies hold substantial potential for the maritime industry, their successful implementation requires overcoming several hurdles, including regulatory issues, technological limitations, and concerns about cybersecurity. The industry needs to work collaboratively to address these challenges, and leveraging these technologies could revolutionize maritime transport, making it more efficient, safe, and sustainable.

2. Overview of Machine Learning Techniques

Machine Learning (ML) is a branch of artificial intelligence that involves the development of algorithms that enable computers to learn from and make decisions based on data. In essence, ML provides systems the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed [32].
The machine learning process typically involves feeding data to an algorithm, which the machine then uses to build a model based on patterns and insights derived from that data. Once the model is built, it can be used to make predictions or decisions without human intervention [7].

2.1. Introduction to Machine Learning

Machine Learning (ML) algorithms and neural networks are both subsets of artificial intelligence (AI) and are often used to interpret complex data. While they have similarities, they also possess distinct characteristics. Here, we explore ML algorithms, which can generally be grouped into three main categories, and draw some comparisons with neural networks (Table 1).
  • Supervised Learning: This method relies on labeled data, which means that both the input and output are provided to the algorithm during training. The algorithm learns to predict the output from the input data during this training process. Once the model is adequately trained, it can predict the output when given new input data. Common supervised learning algorithms include linear regression, decision trees, and support vector machines (SVMs) [26]. In contrast, a neural network would use layers of nodes (neurons) to process and transform the input into output, often excelling in tasks where the relationship between the input and output is too complex to be captured by traditional supervised learning algorithms.
  • Unsupervised Learning: Unlike supervised learning, unsupervised learning algorithms are only given input data, and are left to find structures, relationships, or patterns on their own. These algorithms are often used for clustering or association tasks, like grouping customers based on purchasing behavior. Common unsupervised learning algorithms include K-means clustering, hierarchical clustering, and the Apriori algorithm [33]. In a similar vein, certain types of neural networks, such as Autoencoders, can also perform unsupervised learning tasks, reconstructing the input data and identifying patterns without explicit labeling.
  • Reinforcement Learning: Reinforcement learning algorithms learn from the consequences of actions, much like the way a child learns to walk. They aim to maximize some sort of reward or minimize a penalty. Reinforcement learning is typically used in navigation, gaming, and robotics [33]. Interestingly, neural networks can be a part of reinforcement learning systems as well, as function approximators to predict the quality of actions, seen, for instance, in Deep Q-Networks (DQNs).
It is important to note that the choice between Machine Learning algorithms and neural networks depends on the specific task at hand. While Machine Learning algorithms offer a range of models each suitable for different types of tasks, neural networks, particularly deep learning models, are usually favored for tasks involving large volumes of unstructured data, like image and speech recognition. However, the computational requirements and the need for large datasets can sometimes be a limitation for neural networks.

2.2. Different Machine Learning Techniques and Their Applications

Here are some specific techniques that are commonly used in machine learning:
  • Deep Learning: A subfield of machine learning that is inspired by the structure of the human brain, deep learning algorithms attempt to mimic the learning pattern of the human brain to interpret data such as images, sound, and text. This technique is often used in autonomous vehicles, voice-controlled assistants, and image recognition [10].
  • Random Forests: Random Forests are an ensemble learning method that operate by constructing multiple decision trees at training time and outputting the class that is the mode of the classes (for classification problems) or the mean prediction (for regression problems) of the individual trees. They are often used in banking, stock markets, medicine, and e-commerce [23].
  • Support Vector Machines (SVMs): An SVM is a supervised learning model used for classification and regression analysis. It is commonly used in face detection, text and hypertext categorization, the classification of images, and hand-writing recognition [34].
  • Neural Networks: Inspired by the human brain, a neural network algorithm is a set of algorithms that are designed to recognize patterns. They are commonly used in speech recognition, image recognition, and natural language processing (NLP) [9].
Each of these techniques has its strengths and is suitable for different kinds of tasks. The choice of technique usually depends on the nature of the problem and the type of data available.

2.3. How Machine Learning Can Be Applied in Maritime Systems

The use of Machine Learning (ML) in maritime systems presents an innovative approach to handle the complexity and dynamic nature of marine traffic management. Given the richness of data available, ML can significantly enhance the predictive and decision-making capabilities in these systems. Here are some specific ways in which ML can be applied:
  • Vessel Traffic Prediction: Using historic AIS data and environmental conditions, ML algorithms can learn patterns in vessel movements and make accurate predictions. These predictions can include estimated times of arrival, potential congestions, and ideal routes for avoiding traffic [16].
  • Anomaly Detection: Unusual or anomalous vessel behaviors, such as unexpected route deviations or speed changes, can often indicate potential issues such as mechanical failures, piracy, or illegal activities. ML can be trained to recognize these anomalies in real time, allowing for early interventions and mitigations [31].
  • Risk Assessment: ML models can assess the risk of maritime accidents by analyzing a multitude of factors, such as weather conditions, vessel types, traffic density, and historical accident data. Such risk assessments can be used to inform safety measures, route planning, and other operational decisions [35].
  • Environmental Impact Analysis: The maritime industry significantly contributes to air and water pollution. ML algorithms can be trained on various data, like fuel consumption, engine type, and operational patterns, to predict emissions and other environmental impacts from vessels. These predictions can inform efforts to reduce the environmental footprint of maritime activities [36,37].
  • Port Operations: Ports are critical nodes in maritime systems, and their efficiency greatly impacts the entire shipping industry. ML can be used to optimize various port operations, such as berthing schedules, loading and unloading operations, and resource allocation [31,38].
  • Maritime Surveillance: Surveillance is crucial for maintaining maritime security. ML, combined with technologies like satellite imaging and radar data, can enhance maritime surveillance by identifying potential threats, tracking suspicious vessels, and monitoring protected marine areas [39].
  • Regulatory Compliance: ML can help ensure regulatory compliance by continuously monitoring vessel operations and conditions against established standards and regulations. Any deviations can be quickly identified and addressed [9].
These applications underscore the transformative potential of Machine Learning in maritime systems. The ability to analyze vast datasets, predict future conditions, and automate complex decision-making processes can bring about significant improvements in the safety, efficiency, and sustainability of marine traffic management. The following sections will provide a more detailed examination of these applications and their impact on the maritime industry.

3. In-Depth Analysis of Utilizing Machine Learning in Maritime Systems

As maritime systems become more complex and data-driven, the integration of Machine Learning (ML) techniques provides an innovative and effective approach to addressing their inherent challenges. With the capacity to handle large volumes of data, ML algorithms have the potential to transform the maritime industry by offering actionable insights and enhancing decision-making processes. This section offers a comprehensive analysis of how ML can be utilized within maritime systems, focusing on its applications, potential impact, and the benefits it brings.
  • Data Analysis and Decision Making: One of the key applications of ML in maritime systems is its ability to sift through a vast amount of data from various sources, identify patterns, and make data-driven decisions. These data sources can include ship tracking data (AIS), weather forecasts, maritime regulations, and more. ML algorithms can efficiently process this information, make sense of complex patterns, and provide valuable insights that can assist stakeholders in making informed decisions [9,39].
  • Predictive Capabilities: Another important advantage of ML is its predictive power. By using historical data, ML algorithms can forecast future events with high accuracy. This can range from predicting a ship’s Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) to foreseeing potential risks or congestions in maritime traffic. Such predictions can enhance operational efficiency, enable proactive measures, and reduce the possibility of accidents [9,32].
  • Automation and Efficiency: Machine Learning, particularly when combined with other technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT), can automate several processes in maritime systems. This includes, but is not limited to, route optimization, anomaly detection, and compliance checks. Automating these processes not only reduces the reliance on human labor but also improves efficiency and minimizes the risk of human error [39,40].
  • Enhanced Safety and Security: ML can significantly contribute to enhancing safety and security within maritime systems. For instance, it can be used to develop systems that can detect anomalies in vessel behavior, identify potential threats, or recognize signs of mechanical failure. The timely identification of such issues allows for quick remedial action, thereby enhancing the safety and security of marine operations [41].
  • Environmental Stewardship: Machine Learning can also aid in monitoring and reducing the environmental impact of maritime activities. ML algorithms can predict the emissions of ships, track oil spills, or monitor the health of marine ecosystems. This can guide efforts to reduce pollution and protect marine biodiversity [42].
  • Port Management: Ports are critical nodes in maritime traffic management. ML can enhance port operations by optimizing scheduling, improving resource allocation, and reducing turnaround times. This leads to increased productivity and reduced operational costs [20,40].
In essence, ML offers numerous opportunities to enhance maritime systems, making them safer, more efficient, and more sustainable. By integrating ML techniques, stakeholders in the maritime industry can better navigate the complexities of modern maritime systems, ensuring smoother operations, improved compliance, and better overall performance. In the following subsections, we will delve deeper into these applications, exploring existing research, studies, and real-world applications of ML in maritime systems.

3.1. The Impact and Benefits of Using Machine Learning in Marine Traffic Management and Prediction

The application of Machine Learning (ML) in maritime systems has considerable potential to revolutionize marine traffic management and prediction. It can lead to more effective decision making, improved safety measures, reduced operational costs, and more sustainable practices. Below are some of the key benefits and impacts that ML brings to this field:
  • Improved Decision Making: ML algorithms can process a vast amount of data and deliver valuable insights, facilitating data-driven decision making. This can lead to more accurate and efficient choices in various aspects of marine traffic management, such as route selection, risk management, and regulatory compliance [16,40].
  • Enhanced Safety Measures: By predicting potential risks and anomalies, ML can significantly enhance maritime safety. Predictive models can alert operators about possible collisions, machinery breakdowns, or adverse weather conditions, allowing timely preventive measures to be taken [31,41].
  • Operational Efficiency: ML can optimize various aspects of maritime operations. From automating routine tasks to predicting optimal routes based on traffic and weather conditions, ML can enhance efficiency and reduce operational costs [30].
  • Environmental Sustainability: ML can predict the environmental impact of maritime activities, enabling efforts towards more sustainable practices. It can monitor and predict emissions, fuel consumption, and waste production, assisting in reducing the environmental footprint of maritime operations [36,37].
  • Proactive Management: By predicting future conditions and potential issues, ML allows for proactive management. Anticipating congestion, adverse weather, or equipment failure can help in taking early action, thereby minimizing potential disruptions [20,39,40].

3.2. Challenges and Limitations of Using Machine Learning in This Context

While ML presents numerous benefits to marine traffic management and prediction, it is also important to acknowledge the challenges and limitations associated with its application in this context:
  • Data Quality and Availability: ML algorithms depend heavily on the quality and quantity of data available for training. Incomplete, inconsistent, or inaccurate data can significantly affect the performance of these algorithms [42].
  • Complexity of Maritime Systems: Maritime systems are highly complex and dynamic, with many influencing factors like weather, regulations, and human behavior. Modeling these complex relationships can be challenging for ML algorithms.
  • Interpretability and Transparency: ML models, especially complex ones like deep learning [43] networks, are often described as “black boxes” due to their lack of interpretability. This can be a challenge in situations where understanding the reasoning behind a decision or prediction is crucial.
  • Security and Privacy Concerns: With increasing digitalization and data sharing, ensuring the security and privacy of sensitive data becomes crucial. Any breach could have serious implications, including potential threats to maritime security [41].
  • Regulatory and Ethical Considerations: As AI and ML continue to evolve, there is a need for regulations that address their ethical use, accountability, and potential impacts on jobs and skills. Such regulatory frameworks are still in their nascent stages, and their absence can pose challenges.
  • Reliance on Technology: Over-reliance on technology can pose risks, especially in scenarios where ML predictions are wrong or when technical failures occur. There is always a need for a balance between human judgment and automated decisions [44].
Despite these challenges, the potential benefits of ML in maritime systems far outweigh its limitations. With the ongoing advances in technology and data science, many of these challenges can be addressed, making ML an invaluable tool in the future of marine traffic management and prediction. The subsequent sections of this review will further explore the practical applications, case studies, and future prospects of ML in maritime systems.

4. Case Studies

This section presents some real-world case studies where Machine Learning has been effectively applied to improve marine traffic management and prediction in maritime systems. Each case study will discuss the specific problem, the ML technique utilized, the implementation process, and the observed results (Table 2).

4.1. Case Study 1: Predicting Vessel Arrival Times

  • Problem: The accurate prediction of vessel arrival times (ETAs) is essential for efficient port operations. However, due to the complex factors influencing a ship’s journey, these predictions can often be inaccurate, leading to disruptions in port operations [44].
  • Solution: A study employed a gradient boosting machine learning algorithm to predict ETAs. The algorithm was trained on historical Automatic Identification System (AIS) data, which included information on ship speed, course, location, and more.
  • Implementation: The model was continuously updated with live AIS data, and the output was visualized on a dashboard that was accessible to port operators [44].
  • Results: The machine learning model significantly improved the accuracy of ETA predictions, leading to the more efficient scheduling of port resources and reducing idle time and associated costs.

4.2. Case Study 2: Anomaly Detection for Maritime Safety

  • Problem: Identifying anomalous behavior in vessel movements can be crucial for maritime safety and security. However, given the sheer volume of vessels in operation, manual monitoring is neither feasible nor efficient [38].
  • Solution: A study used unsupervised learning techniques, specifically a one-class support vector machine (SVM), to detect anomalies in vessel movements.
  • Implementation: The algorithm was trained on historical AIS data, and it learned to recognize typical vessel behaviors. Any deviation from these typical patterns was flagged as an anomaly [38].
  • Results: The algorithm successfully detected a variety of anomalies, including vessels deviating from their usual routes and vessels moving at unusual speeds. This early detection allowed for timely interventions and improved maritime safety and security.

4.3. Case Study 3: Reducing Emissions through Optimal Route Planning

  • Problem: The maritime industry is a significant contributor to global emissions. Reducing these emissions is a priority, but traditional methods often rely on predetermined routes and schedules, which may not be optimal.
  • Solution: A research project developed an ML model that could suggest the most fuel-efficient route for vessels, based on historical data and current environmental conditions [39].
  • Implementation: The model took into account various factors, including weather conditions, sea currents, and vessel characteristics. The suggested routes were continuously updated based on real-time data.
  • Results: The ML model helped vessels to reduce their fuel consumption significantly, contributing to a decrease in emissions. The model also led to cost savings, highlighting the commercial benefits of sustainable practices [39].

4.4. Case Study: Composite Intelligent Learning Control of Strict-Feedback Systems with Disturbance

This case study focuses on a paper entitled “Composite Intelligent Learning Control of Strict-Feedback Systems With Disturbance” by Xu, B. and Sun, F., published in the IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics in 2018. The paper presents an innovative approach to the dynamic surface control of uncertain nonlinear systems. The researchers address the dynamic surface control of uncertain nonlinear systems using composite intelligent learning and a disturbance observer. This approach is particularly relevant in the presence of unknown system nonlinearity and time-varying disturbance. The researchers constructed a serial–parallel estimation model that incorporates intelligent approximation and disturbance estimation. This model was used to obtain the prediction error, which in turn facilitated the construction of the composite law for updating weights.
A nonlinear disturbance observer was developed using intelligent approximation information. The disturbance estimation was guaranteed to converge to a bounded compact set. One of the highlights of this study is the inclusion of the transparency of the intelligent approximation and disturbance estimation in the control scheme. This is a departure from previous work, which was directly aimed at asymptotic stability. The researchers analyzed the uniformly ultimate boundedness stability using the Lyapunov method. Simulation verification demonstrated that composite intelligent learning with a disturbance observer could efficiently estimate the effect caused by system nonlinearity and disturbance. The proposed approach achieved better performance with higher accuracy.
The paper concludes that composite intelligent learning control using a disturbance observer is an effective approach for uncertain strict-feedback systems with time-varying disturbances. The novel weight updating method is designed by constructing a prediction error, while disturbance estimation is constructed based on the intelligent approximation. The closed-loop stability is rigorously established. The simulation of third-order nonlinear dynamics demonstrated that the disturbance observer–composite fuzzy learning (DOB-CFL) could closely estimate the effect of unknown system nonlinearity and time-varying disturbance, achieving higher tracking accuracy.
For future work, the researchers expressed interest in constructing more efficient composite learning algorithms. They also suggested that the design presented in this paper could be extended to other dynamics. One important topic for future exploration is how the method could work in robot dynamics and flight dynamics.

4.5. Case Study: Improved LVS Guidance and Path-Following Control for Unmanned Sailboat Robot with the Minimum Triggered Setting

This case study focuses on a paper entitled “Improved LVS Guidance and Path-Following Control for Unmanned Sailboat Robot with the Minimum Triggered Setting” by Guoqing Zhang, Li Wang, Jiqiang Li, and Weidong Zhang. The paper presents a dynamic event-triggered control algorithm for an unmanned sailboat robot (USR) to carry out waypoint-based path-following missions.
The researchers proposed a scheme that includes a guidance module and a control module. The guidance module uses an improved logic virtual ship (LVS) guidance law to plan the reference route for the USR, taking into account the marine environment with time-varying wind direction. The navigation zones for the USR are divided into crosswind and non-crosswind zones, which helps the sailboats achieve tracking and gybe in different navigation zones.
The control part of the scheme uses dynamic event-triggered control proposed by setting a tuning threshold parameter. This approach helps decrease resource waste and channel occupancy. Compared to the existing event-triggered control with a static threshold parameter, the proposed algorithm performs better in data transmission. The closed-loop control system has been proven to have semi-global uniform ultimate bounded (SGUUB) stability.
The researchers developed an improved logic virtual ship (LVS) principle considering the time-varying ocean environment. The USR with the proposed guidance principle can implement the waypoint-based path-following control mission in the presence of a random wind direction and a varying route reference. In the nearby area of waypoints, the sailboats can sail along the planned smooth arc path, preventing the sailboat from losing control due to a sudden change in course. A dynamic event-triggered mechanism is designed for the USR. The threshold parameter can adjust dynamically according to a dynamic rule in the presented event-triggered control, reducing unnecessary transmission burden and energy consumption. The mechanism also allows for more accurate control by asynchronously triggering the sail angle and rudder angle.
The paper concludes that the improved LVS guidance principle and the dynamic event-triggered mechanism have significant benefits. The proposed guidance principle can complete the path-following mission, especially the route with a time-varying wind direction and the reasonable arc turning path. The simulated results show that the communication burden from the controllers to actuators can be reduced due to the dynamic event-triggered mechanism, enhancing transmission efficiency.
These case studies illustrate the practical benefits of using Machine Learning in marine traffic management and prediction. They offer evidence of improved safety, efficiency, and sustainability in maritime systems through the application of these advanced techniques. The next section will explore the future prospects and potential advancements in this exciting field.

5. Comparative Analysis

In this section, we conduct a comparative analysis of different Machine Learning (ML) techniques employed in maritime systems. This includes a review of their performance in various applications, their advantages and disadvantages, and the contexts in which they are most suitable.
  • Supervised Learning Algorithms [19]: These algorithms learn from labeled datasets to predict outcomes for new data. They have been widely used in applications such as vessel traffic prediction and anomaly detection. Methods like decision trees, support vector machines (SVMs) [34], and Logistic Regression are quite popular.
  • Advantages: They are generally easy to interpret, making them suitable for applications where interpretability is important.
  • Disadvantages: They require a large amount of labeled data for training and may not perform well when the data are unstructured or have complex relationships.
  • Unsupervised Learning Algorithms [31]: These algorithms find patterns and structures in unlabeled data. Clustering techniques and dimensionality reduction methods fall under this category. They have found applications in anomaly detection and data exploration.
  • Advantages: They can handle unstructured and unlabeled data, making them suitable for exploratory data analysis and situations where labeled data are not readily available.
  • Disadvantages: Their results are often harder to interpret compared to supervised learning algorithms.
  • Reinforcement Learning Algorithms: These algorithms learn optimal actions through trial and error to maximize some notion of cumulative reward [9]. They are ideal for sequential decision-making problems and have potential applications in optimal route planning and resource allocation.
  • Advantages: They can handle dynamic environments and adapt to new situations, making them suitable for applications with changing conditions.
  • Disadvantages: They require a lot of data and computational resources, and designing a suitable reward function can be challenging.
  • Deep Learning Algorithms: These are complex algorithms inspired by the structure of the human brain (neural networks) [10]. They can model complex relationships and have been used in image recognition tasks, such as detecting objects or features in satellite and radar imagery.
  • Advantages: They can handle large volumes of unstructured data and can model complex relationships, making them suitable for applications involving image, text, or sound data.
  • Disadvantages: They require large amounts of data and computational resources, and their results are often not easily interpretable.
Each ML technique has its strengths and weaknesses and is best suited for different types of problems and datasets. When choosing a technique, it is crucial to consider the nature of the problem, the availability and type of data, and the computational resources at hand. As the field of ML continues to evolve, we can expect the development of new techniques that can address the current limitations and offer improved performance in various maritime applications.

6. The Underutilization of Machine Learning in the Maritime Industry: Challenges and Potential Solutions

6.1. Limited Use of Machine Learning in the Maritime Industry

While Machine Learning (ML) has significantly permeated various industries, its adoption in the maritime industry remains relatively limited. This discrepancy largely stems from industry-specific complexities and challenges that impede the widespread use of ML.
The maritime sector is a traditionally entrenched industry with well-established processes and systems, many of which are manual and involve high degrees of human intervention. Consequently, the integration of ML, which requires the digitization and automation of processes, faces inherent resistance. Furthermore, ML thrives on large datasets for training, which are often scarce in the maritime industry due to data privacy concerns and the lack of consistent data collection and management protocols.

6.2. Challenges Hindering the Use of ML

Several key challenges have slowed the incorporation of ML in the maritime industry. Firstly, the maritime environment is highly dynamic, with numerous variable factors such as weather conditions, sea currents, and maritime traffic. This high degree of variability complicates the design of ML models that can accurately predict outcomes.
Secondly, the maritime industry is governed by a plethora of regulations varying across countries, which creates a complex landscape for ML implementation. Data privacy and security concerns add another layer of complexity, as the sharing and usage of data are often restricted.
Thirdly, the industry suffers from a skills gap. The expertise needed to implement and manage ML solutions is not yet widely available within the maritime sector. Furthermore, maritime professionals often lack understanding or awareness of ML technologies, making it harder to drive adoption.

6.3. Overcoming Challenges for Efficient and Sustainable Maritime Transport

Despite these challenges, the potential benefits of ML for the maritime industry are vast. Overcoming these hurdles requires a multifaceted approach.
Improved data management can enhance data availability for ML models. The industry could adopt more uniform data standards and encourage the sharing of non-sensitive data. These steps could also mitigate privacy and security concerns.
Education and training in ML for maritime professionals could bridge the skills gap and foster acceptance of these technologies. This training could range from understanding the basics of ML to hands-on experience in implementing ML solutions.
Regulatory bodies could also play a significant role in fostering the adoption of ML. By setting clear guidelines on data usage and ML implementation, they can mitigate uncertainties and encourage innovation.
In conclusion, although the adoption of ML in the maritime industry has been slower compared to other sectors, the potential benefits warrant efforts to overcome the challenges. If these hurdles are properly addressed, ML has the potential to revolutionize the maritime industry, improving efficiency and promoting sustainable transport.

7. Future Directions and Opportunities

Machine Learning’s role in enhancing marine traffic management and prediction is unquestionable, and its applications in the maritime sector are set to increase. Let us explore some future directions and opportunities in this promising field (Table 3):
  • Integrating ML with Other Technologies: The fusion of ML with other emerging technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), big data analytics, and blockchain, could unlock new possibilities in maritime systems. For instance, integrating ML with IoT could enable the real-time monitoring and predictive maintenance of ship systems.
  • Enhanced Decision-Making Tools: ML can be used to develop more advanced decision support tools for maritime traffic management. For example, ML models could be developed to predict congestion in ports and suggest optimal scheduling strategies.
  • Autonomous Vessels: One of the most exciting applications of ML in the maritime industry is in the development of autonomous ships. ML algorithms could be used to navigate these vessels, detect and avoid obstacles, and make complex decisions, significantly reducing the need for human intervention.
  • Climate Change Mitigation: ML can be used to monitor and predict the environmental impact of maritime activities, guiding efforts to reduce emissions and tackle climate change. For instance, ML algorithms could be developed to optimize fuel consumption or to predict and mitigate the impact of maritime activities on marine ecosystems.
  • Cybersecurity in Maritime Systems: As maritime systems become more digitalized, they become more vulnerable to cyber threats. ML could be used to detect and respond to these threats, enhancing the security of maritime systems.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Machine Learning can also be applied to ensure and simplify compliance with the increasingly complex and dynamic maritime regulations. For instance, ML algorithms can monitor for breaches of regulations and provide alerts for preventative measures.
  • Improved Search and Rescue Operations: ML algorithms could be used to predict areas where accidents are likely to occur and optimize the deployment of search and rescue resources.
The application of Machine Learning in marine traffic management and prediction offers exciting opportunities for the future. While challenges remain, ongoing research and technological advancements promise innovative solutions to revolutionize the maritime industry, making it safer, more efficient, and more sustainable.

8. Conclusions

The application of Machine Learning (ML) in marine traffic management and prediction is transforming the maritime industry. It offers the promise of enhanced decision making, improved safety measures, increased operational efficiency, and progress towards environmental sustainability. This review has highlighted a number of real-world cases that illustrate the practical impact of these advanced ML techniques in complex maritime systems.
However, the journey is not without challenges. Data quality, the complexity of maritime systems, the interpretability of ML models, security concerns, and the absence of comprehensive regulatory frameworks are all hurdles to overcome. Addressing these issues requires a coordinated effort from researchers, industry professionals, and policymakers alike.
Simultaneously, the future of ML in maritime systems is very promising. The integration of ML with other emerging technologies, the development of autonomous vessels, the application of ML in cybersecurity and regulatory compliance, and the potential to contribute significantly to climate change mitigation are all exciting directions for future research and implementation.
In conclusion, the opportunities that ML provides for maritime systems are substantial and wide-ranging. As the field continues to evolve and mature, we can anticipate a future where ML plays a central role in managing and predicting marine traffic in complex maritime systems, driving the industry towards safer, more efficient, and more sustainable operations. The ongoing development of ML in this context, as evidenced by the studies presented in this review, only serves to confirm the pivotal role of these technologies in shaping the future of the maritime sector.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, T.M., I.D. and L.D.; methodology, I.D., T.M., P.K. and L.D.; formal analysis, T.M., I.D. and T.K.; investigation, I.D., L.D. and T.K.; resources, I.D., T.M. and L.D.; data curation, I.D. and T.K.; writing—original draft preparation, I.D. and P.K.; writing—review and editing, T.M. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Data supporting the reported results can be obtained from the Corresponding Author via the email address:

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Table 1. Comparative overview of different machine learning techniques: descriptions, common applications, strengths, and weaknesses.
Table 1. Comparative overview of different machine learning techniques: descriptions, common applications, strengths, and weaknesses.
ML TechniqueDescriptionCommon ApplicationsStrengthsWeaknesses
Supervised Learning [31]Algorithms learn from labeled datasets to predict outcomes for new data.Vessel traffic prediction; anomaly detection.Easy to interpret.Requires large amount of labeled data.
Unsupervised Learning [32]Algorithms find patterns and structures in unlabeled data.Anomaly detection; data exploration.Can handle unstructured and unlabeled data.Results often harder to interpret.
Reinforcement Learning [33]Algorithms learn optimal actions through trial and error to maximize some notion of cumulative reward.Optimal route planning; resource allocation.Can handle dynamic environments and adapt to new situations.Requires a lot of data and computational resources.
Deep Learning [34]Complex algorithms inspired by the structure of the human brain (neural networks).Image recognition tasks.Can handle large volumes of unstructured data; can model complex relationships.Requires large amount of data and computational resources; results often not easily interpretable.
Table 2. Summary of case studies.
Table 2. Summary of case studies.
Case StudyProblemML Technique UsedImplementationResults
Predicting Vessel Arrival Times [44]Inaccurate ETA predictions leading to port operation disruptions.Gradient boosting ML algorithmModel continuously updated with live AIS data.Improved accuracy of ETA predictions; more efficient scheduling of port resources.
Anomaly Detection for Maritime Safety [38]Difficulty identifying anomalous behavior in vessel movements.One-class support vector machine (SVM)Algorithm trained on historical AIS data.Early detection of anomalies for timely interventions; improved safety and security.
Reducing Emissions through Optimal Route Planning [39]High emissions from the maritime industry.ML model for route optimizationModel continuously updated with real-time data.Significant reduction in fuel consumption and emissions; cost savings.
Table 3. Future directions and opportunities in machine learning applications in maritime systems.
Table 3. Future directions and opportunities in machine learning applications in maritime systems.
Integrating ML with Other TechnologiesFusion of ML with other emerging technologies could unlock new possibilities in maritime systems.
Enhanced Decision-Making ToolsML can be used to develop more advanced decision support tools for maritime traffic management.
Autonomous VesselsML algorithms could be used to navigate these vessels, detect and avoid obstacles, and make complex decisions.
Climate Change MitigationML can be used to monitor and predict the environmental impact of maritime activities.
Cybersecurity in Maritime SystemsML could be used to detect and respond to these threats, enhancing the security of maritime systems.
Regulatory ComplianceML can be applied to ensure and simplify compliance with maritime regulations.
Improved Search and Rescue OperationsML algorithms could be used to optimize the deployment of search and rescue resources.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Durlik, I.; Miller, T.; Dorobczyński, L.; Kozlovska, P.; Kostecki, T. Revolutionizing Marine Traffic Management: A Comprehensive Review of Machine Learning Applications in Complex Maritime Systems. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 8099.

AMA Style

Durlik I, Miller T, Dorobczyński L, Kozlovska P, Kostecki T. Revolutionizing Marine Traffic Management: A Comprehensive Review of Machine Learning Applications in Complex Maritime Systems. Applied Sciences. 2023; 13(14):8099.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Durlik, Irmina, Tymoteusz Miller, Lech Dorobczyński, Polina Kozlovska, and Tomasz Kostecki. 2023. "Revolutionizing Marine Traffic Management: A Comprehensive Review of Machine Learning Applications in Complex Maritime Systems" Applied Sciences 13, no. 14: 8099.

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