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Journal: J. Pers. Med., 2021
Volume: 11
Number: 600

Article: Rituximab as a Treatment Option after Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in a Patient with Systemic Sclerosis
Authors: by Paul Gressenberger, Philipp Jud, Gabor Kovacs, Sonja Kreuzer, Hans-Peter Brezinsek, Katharina Guetl, Viktoria Muster, Ewald Kolesnik, Albrecht Schmidt, Balazs Odler, Gabriel Adelsmayr, Peter Neumeister, Luka Brcic, Sabine Zenz, Kurt Weber, Thomas Gary, Marianne Brodmann, Winfried B. Graninger and Florentine C. Moazedi-Fürst

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