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Journal: Land, 2023
Volume: 12
Number: 1881

Article: Characterization and Classification of Soils in Agroecosystems in a Moist Enclave in Northeastern Brazil
Authors: by Phâmella Kalliny Pereira Farias, Jeane Cruz Portela, Rafael Oliveira Batista, Joseane Dunga da Costa, Joaquim Emanuel Fernandes Gondim, Geisiane Xavier de Matos, Paulo Jardel Mota, Eulene Francisco da Silva, Francisco de Assis de Oliveira, Joaquim Odilon Pereira, Diego José da Costa Bandeira, Claudeone Manoel do Nascimento, Rauny Oliveira de Souza, Matias de Souza Dantas, Tiago da Costa Dantas Moniz and Antonio Genilson Rodrigues Araujo

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