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Does Tax Incentives Affect Future Firm Value for Corporate Sustainability?

Department of Accounting and Taxation, Semyung University, Jecheon 27136, Korea
Department of Security Management, Kyunggi University, Seoul 03731, Korea
Department of Service and Design Engineering, Sungshin Women’s University, Seoul 01133, Korea
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Sustainability 2021, 13(22), 12665;
Submission received: 21 September 2021 / Revised: 5 November 2021 / Accepted: 10 November 2021 / Published: 16 November 2021
(This article belongs to the Collection Sustainability on Production and Industrial Management)


This paper investigates how tax benefits for companies affect future firm value and current corporate performance. In addition, this paper also examines the relationship between tax benefits and future firm value for each major industry. The findings of this paper are as follows. First, tax benefits granted to companies improve current corporate performance. The effect of tax benefits that reduce corporate tax costs increases net income, which directly increases current corporate performance, such as ROA (returns on assets) and ROE (returns on equity). Second, tax benefits granted to firms reduce future firm value. Industries that receive tax benefits may have inherent taxation, which can lead to fiercer competition and ultimately lower pre-tax profit margins due to the entry of new companies or the increase in production facilities. In addition, tax benefits that cause temporary differences among the types of tax benefits for a company through deferred tax payments may be factors that hinder future improvements in corporate value. These causes result in the fact that tax benefits for a company can negatively affect its value in the long term. This paper has the following contributions. First, the findings of this paper imply that there is a limit to the positive impact of tax benefits on firms on improving corporate value in the long run. Second, through empirical analysis, this study provides objective information that the impact of tax incentives on corporate value may differ by industry.

1. Introduction

This paper investigates to analyze how tax benefits for companies affect their current performance and future value. Furthermore, this paper analyzes the association between tax benefits and future firm value for each major industry.
A corporate is obliged to pay corporate tax in proportion to its profits. However, companies can face various situations and have difficulties. To help companies grow stably through these difficulties, policy authorities should grant tax benefits to suit the corporate situation. These tax benefit schemes should be reasonable and help not only business growth but also national economic development. However, it is not right that tax benefits for companies are indiscriminately overused, and it is important to provide tax benefits in the proper conditions.
Granting tax benefits to a firm will reduce corporate tax costs and thus increase net income. In other words, tax benefits will improve current corporate performance. However, the question arises whether tax benefits can improve future firm value. Therefore, this study presents results through empirical analysis of the current corporate performance and future changes in firm value when tax benefits are provided to companies.
The sample period of this study is from 2011 to 2019, with KOSPI (Korea Composite Stock Price Index) and KOSDAQ (Korea Securities Dealers Automated Quotation) listed companies being sampled. In this paper, we used ROA and ROE as proxies for current corporate performance, and Tobin’s Q and market value to book value ratio as measures for future firm value.
The results of the paper show that tax benefits granted to companies improve current corporate performance. In other words, the effect of tax benefits that reduce corporate tax costs and increases net income, resulting in immediate improvement in current corporate performance, such as ROA and ROE. However, the tax benefits granted to a company have resulted in a reduction in future corporate value. This implies that industries with tax benefits may eventually lead to a decline in pre-tax profit margins as competition intensifies due to the entry of new companies or increased production facilities, which can negatively affect corporate value in the long term. In addition, these results are believed to have been derived because tax benefits that cause temporary differences through deferred corporate tax payments, other than tax deductions or tax breaks, can rather reduce future corporate value.
The results of this study provide the following implications: Tax incentives for companies suggest that there may be limitations for companies to grow sustainably in the long run. Tax benefits for businesses are necessary for early businesses and businesses in poor conditions. However, as a result of the empirical analysis of this paper, tax benefits for companies only can work in the short term, and their effects may be halved in the long term. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the current tax benefit system for companies and improve it so that it can positively affect long-term corporate value for their sustainability.
The composition of this paper is as follows. In Section 2, we derive the hypotheses from prior literatures related to the research topic of this paper. Section 3 describes research design methods for deriving hypotheses, and Section 4 presents research findings and discusses their implications. Finally, Section 5 concludes this paper.

2. Prior Researches and Hypothesis Development

Tax benefits to companies ease the burden on businesses to pay corporate tax expenses. Kim et al. [1] and Bornemann [2] explain that the existence of tax benefits would induce managers to account for conservatism by reducing corporate tax costs and pressure on reporting profits. Jung et al. [3] and Nicolaescu et al. [4] report that firms with tax benefits have less financial reporting pressure on achieving high net income, which improves the quality of accounting information. In other words, tax benefits can have a positive financial effect on a firm because they reduce the burden of cash outflows on the firm’s corporate tax expense.
And tax benefits for companies have the effect of directly increasing net profit at this point because they reduce corporate tax costs. If tax benefit support is provided to companies, this effect will occur immediately in the year, which will improve current corporate performance. That is, in the short term, tax benefits to a firm are believed to increase the financial performance of the company. Therefore, the following hypothesis is derived:
Hypothesis 1.
As tax benefits increase, current corporate performance will increase.
Although tax benefits for a firm may help its current performance in the short term, tax benefits may not help it improve its future value in the long term. In order for tax benefits to increase corporate value in the long run, investment for the future must be activated and ultimately corporate performance at a future point as tax benefits have paid less corporate tax costs at the present point.
Prior studies report conflicting results in the fact that tax incentives for businesses facilitate investment. Above all, some of prior studies report that tax benefits for companies promote corporate investment. Lee et al. [5] and Xie et al. [6] report that supporting tax benefits for companies would facilitate investment activities for firms. Choi and Seo [7] and Sampaio et al. [8] explain that tax breaks for companies have positive (+) relationship with the number of patent applications for companies. Seo and Lee [9] and Chen et al. [10] mention that increasing tax benefits can increase R&D (research & development) investment. Lim and Yoon [11] and Hanlon et al. [12] present empirical results that tax benefits for firms increase investment.
On the other hand, other prior studies suggest that tax benefits for a company do not enhance investment. Lee and Kim [13] report that a reduction in corporate tax rates had no significant future corporate value. Bryant-Kutcher et al. [14] future firm value has negative relation with foreign effective tax rates. Park et al. [15] argue that it is difficult to say that tax benefits for a company significantly increase investment. Luo et al. [16] explain cancellation of preferential tax benefits has no effect on foreign investment. Choi and Kim [17] report that companies that receive high tax benefits have higher explanation of profit continuity than those that receive low tax benefits, but there is no significant difference in value relevance.
If tax benefits to a firm do not increase the investment activation of the corporate, future firm value may not increase. Many studies have been conducted so far on the effect of corporate tax on corporate value. Modigliani and Miller [18] demonstrate that the value of a company is maximized by financing debt in the presence of corporate tax that can pay interest on debt. Many firms present possess sub-optimal capital structures as they do not fully use the function of the debt tax [19].
In order to resolve this problem, Welch [20] focuses on leverage mis-measurement. Almeida and Philippon [21] examine costs mis-measurement. Graham and Tucker [22] focus on tax shelters and Huizinga et al. [23] emphasize the importance of international tax. DeAngelo et al. [24] explain that because most companies use short-term debt and they do not use long-term debt well, the capital structure of companies does not improve and this is the main reason for not improving corporate value. Kopecky et al. [25] report that the corporate value can be affected by the presence of takeover firms. Therefore, it can be hypothesized that tax incentives may do not affect future corporate value due to various and complex factors.
However, referring to the following previous studies, it is considered more reasonable to derive a hypothesis that tax incentives can reduce future corporate value. Jung [26] report that the effect of corporate tax reduction by tax benefits has the effect of reducing the value of the firm when it is replaced by reserves or reserves that are limited in disposal from retained earnings under the tax exemption management regulations. Lee and Lee [27] stated that there is a significant negative (−) relationship between tax benefits and pre-tax return on investment.
Actually, most of the types of companies that receive a lot of tax benefits are small and medium-sized enterprises or venture companies with poor financial conditions. In the case of small and medium-sized enterprises or venture companies, they will try to grow into mid-sized enterprises or large companies, but in reality, many small and medium-sized enterprises or venture companies stay in their current positions can disappear without further growth. In other words, tax benefits for companies in poor business conditions can immediately improve their current corporate performance, but there is a high uncertainty in improving future corporate value in the long run.
In some cases, the types of tax benefits for companies reduce corporate tax costs, such as tax deductions and tax cuts, but in some cases, deferred tax liabilities are generated by extending the corporate tax deadline. Tax benefits that cause these temporary differences are rather judged to be burdensome for future corporate values.
In addition, we think there could be reasons related to the fact that sometimes people prefer current gratification to the future gratification. Gordon [28] states that the realization of solid profits through current dividends is better than the realization of uncertain profits from future stock prices in the future. This means that small but certain profits are better than large amounts of uncertain profits. From this point of view, when tax incentives are granted to companies at this point, there may be companies that prefer to reduce current cash outflows rather than increase future corporate value by increasing investment at this point. Hence, therefore, the following hypotheses are derived:
Hypothesis 2.
As tax benefits increase, future corporate value will decrease.

3. Research Design

3.1. Sample Selection

The sample period of this study is from 2011 to 2019, and the sample targets are KOSPI and KOSDAQ listed companies. Since IFRS was introduced in 2011, the start of the sample period begins with 2011. In addition, since an abnormal economic situation occurred due to the COVID-19 pandemic from 2020, the end of the sample period is set to 2019.
Financial and insurance industries are excluded from the sample because of different accounting standards, and samples are selected only by companies whose settlement date was at the end of December. In addition, the financial data used in the analysis are obtained from KIS-VALUE of NICE credit rating information and TS-2000 of the Korea Council of Listed Companies. In other words, the firm’s financial data used in this study consist of satisfying with all of the following conditions:
  • Condition 1: KOSPI-listed companies in the South Korea
  • Condition 2: Except from the banking industry, a corporate with a settlement month ending Dec.
  • Condition 3: The financial data can be obtained from TS-2000 of the Korea Council of Listed Companies ( (accessed on 9 November 2021) and KIS-value of NICE credit rating information ( (accessed on 9 November 2021).
After selecting the samples by considering all of the above conditions, companies that did not have financial information are excluded from the samples. In addition, the upper and lower extremities of 1% of the variable values used in the analysis are adjusted the outlier of the sample. Given all these conditions, the final number of samples is 11,947 firm-year.
The specific information on the samples of this study is as follows. Table 1 presents the number of samples by year. In addition, Table 2 describes the calculation process of the final number of samples used in this study.

3.2. Descriptive Statistics and Correlation Analysis

The variables used for empirical analysis in this study are presented in the following Table 3. ROA [29] and ROE [30] are used as measures for current corporate performance, and Tobin’s Q [31,32] and MB [33] are used as proxies for future firm value. In addition, TB is used as a proxy for tax benefits [34,35].
Descriptive statistics of the variables used in this study are presented in Table 4 below. The mean values of TQ and MB, which represent future corporate value, are 1.447 and 2.003, respectively, and the standard deviations are 1.053 and 2.427, respectively. The average values of ROA and ROE, which currently represent corporate performance, are 0.005 and 0.008, respectively, and the standard deviations are 0.109 and 0.222, respectively. The average value of TB, which means tax benefits, is –0.004, and the standard deviation is 0.020.
The results of correlation analysis among the variables used in this paper are presented in the following Table 5. TQ and MB, which represent future corporate value, have significantly positive (+) correlation. ROA and ROE, which represent current corporate performance, have also significantly positive (+) correlation.
TQ has significantly negative (−) association with ROA. In addition, TQ has also significantly negative (−) relationship with ROE. However, MB shows no significant correlation with ROA and ROE.
TB, which means tax benefits for companies, has significantly negative (−) relationship with TQ and MB. Yet, TB has significantly positive (+) correlation with ROA and ROE.

3.3. Research Model

3.3.1. Research Model for Hypothesis 1

This study uses a regression analysis to test hypotheses. The research model for verifying hypothesis 1 of this study is as follows:
ROAt/ROEt = β0 + β1TBt + β2LARGEt + β3FORNt + β4SIZEt−1 + β5LEVt−1
    + β6OIt + β7GRWt + β8ATORt + β9BIG4t + β10CFOt
    + β11Year fixed effects + β12Industry fixed effects + εt
ROA: A proxy for current corporate performance 1 [29]: net income of the current term, all divided by the sum of total assets; ROE: A proxy for current corporate performance 2 [30]: net income of the current term, all divided by the sum of equity; TB: A proxy for tax benefits [34,35]: average value of {(net income before tax expense × maximum corporate tax rate) − corporate tax rate} for the last three years ÷ total assets; LARGE: Largest shareholder‘s equity ratio [36,37]; FORN: Foreign investors’ shareholder ratio [36,37]; SIZE: Natural logarithm of total assets [38]; LEV: Total liabilities to total assets [39]; OI: (Year-end operating profit − year-end operating profit) ÷ year-end operating profit [40]; GRW: (Year-end sales − year-end sales) ÷ year-end sales [40]; CFO: Current operating cash flows ÷ total assets at the beginning of the year [41]; ATOR: Current sales ÷ total assets at the beginning of the year [40]; BIG4: Dummy variable; 1 if a company is audited by a large foreign accounting company called Big4, otherwise 0 [42].
In Equation (1), the independent variable established TB [34,35], meaning tax benefits, and the dependent variable established ROA [29] and ROE [30], meaning current corporate performance. In the management field, most papers use ROI and ROE as proxies for present firm performance [43,44]. In addition, we employ Tobin’s q and MB as proxies for future firm value [45,46]. The reason for analyzing the current corporate performance first before analyzing the future corporate value in this study is to compare how the tax benefits given to companies affect the present and future, respectively.
In addition, the control variables used in the above model are as follows. First of all, to control corporate governance, LARGE, which means the largest shareholder share ratio, and FORN, which means the foreign investor share ratio, are designated as the control variables of the model [34,37]. To control the size of the firms, SIZE is used with a natural log on the total assets [38], and LEV, meaning debt ratio, is used to control financial risk [39].
To control the growth rate of the company, OI, which represents the growth rate of operating profit, and GRW, which represents the growth rate of sales, were used [40]. In addition, to control the effect of sales, ATOR is established [40], and BIG4 variable is established to control audit risk, meaning whether one of the Big4 accounting firms is audited [42]. Finally, CFO, the ratio of operating cash flows, is used to control the effects of operating cash flows [41]. In addition, Year Effect and Industry Effect are used to control annual and industry effects.
If TB’s coefficient β1 has a significantly positive (+) value, then tax benefits for a company are interpreted as having the effect of increasing current corporate performance, and vice versa, if β1 has a significantly negative (−) value, tax benefits for a firm are interpreted as having the effect of decreasing current corporate performance.

3.3.2. Research Model for Hypothesis 2

The research model to test Hypothesis 2 of this study is as follows:
TQt/MBt = β0 + β1TBt + β2ROAt + β3LARGEt + β4FORNt + β5SIZEt−1 + β6LEVt−1
    + β7OIt + β8GRWt + β9ATORt + β10BIG4t + β11CFOt
    + β12Year fixed effects + β13Industry fixed effects + εt
TQ: A proxy for future firm value 1 [31,32]: the sum of the market value of equity and the book value of debt, all divided by the book value of total assets; MB: A proxy for future firm value 2 [33]: market value of equity to book value of equity ratio; TB: A proxy for tax benefits [34,35]: average value of {(net income before tax expense × maximum corporate tax rate) − corporate tax rate} for the last three years ÷ total assets; ROA: A proxy for current corporate performance 1 [29]: net income of the current term, all divided by the sum of total assets; LARGE: Largest shareholder‘s equity ratio [36,37]; FORN: Foreign investors’ shareholder ratio [36,37]; SIZE: Natural logarithm of total assets [38]; LEV: Total liabilities to total assets [39]; OI: (Year-end operating profit − year-end operating profit) ÷ year-end operating profit [40]; GRW: (Year-end sales − year-end sales) ÷ year-end sales [40]; CFO: Current operating cash flows ÷ total assets at the beginning of the year [41]; ATOR: Current sales ÷ total assets at the beginning of the year [40]; BIG4: Dummy variable; 1 if a company is audited by a large foreign accounting company called Big4, otherwise 0 [42].
In Equation (2) above, we set TB [34,35], which means tax benefits as independent variables, and TQ [31,32] and MB [43], which mean future corporate value as dependent variables. In addition the control variables used in the model to verify Hypothesis 2 are the same as those used in the model to verify Hypothesis 1.
If TB’s coefficient β1 shows a significantly positive (+) value, then tax benefits for the firm are interpreted as having the effect of increasing future corporate value, whereas if β1 shows a significantly negative value, tax benefits for the company are interpreted as having the effect of decreasing future corporate value.

4. Research Results

4.1. Findings on Hypothesis 1

The results of validating Hypothesis 1 in this paper are presented in Table 6. When the dependent variable is ROA, the coefficient β1 of the independent variable TB is 1.277 and the t-value is 28.635, resulting in a statistically significant result under 1%. This result means that increasing tax benefits for a firm improves current corporate performance. In other words, it can be interpreted that a reduction in income tax expense resulting from tax benefits directly increases net income and thus improves current corporate performance.
Additionally, the Adj_R_square value is 40.100 and is found to have high inter-variable explanation power in the model. The t-value of the model’s F value is 101.859, which is significant under 1%, indicating that the model is highly reasonable.
Table 7 shows empirical analysis results for hypothesis 1. When the dependent variable is ROE, the coefficient β1 of the independent variable TB is 2.579 and the t-value is 27.694, which is statistically significant under 1%. This result is the same as when the dependent variable is ROA, which means that increasing tax benefits for a company also increases current corporate performance. This can be interpreted as improving current corporate performance as net income increases due to a decrease in corporate tax costs due to tax benefits.
The Adj R square value also shows 36.529, indicating a relatively high explanatory power between variables in the model. The model’s t-value of F value is 87.569, which shows significant values under 1%, indicating that the model also has high validity.
Overall, hypothesis 1 of this study is supported, as the tax benefit variable for the corporate shows significantly positive (+) value of empirical analysis for the current corporate performance proxy variables ROA and ROE. In particular, the analysis results for hypothesis 1 of this study are considered robust, as the tax benefit variables show consistent results for both ROA and ROE, which are measures of current corporate performance.

4.2. Findings on Hypothesis 2

Table 8 presents the empirical analysis result for hypothesis 2. When the dependent variable is TQ, the coefficient β1 of the independent variable TB is −4.409 and the t-value is −9.008, which is statistically significant under 1%. This result implies that increased tax benefits for the company will reduce future firm value.
Additionally, the Adj R_square value shows 27.247, indicating a relatively high inter-variable explanation power in the model. The t-value of the model’s F value is 56.257, which is significant under 1%, indicating that the model’s validity is also very high.
These results mean that tax benefits reduce corporate tax costs in the short term, improving current corporate performance, but falling in future corporate value in the long run. As Lee and Lee [19] argue, there is an inherent tax on tax benefits, which in turn leads to a decline in pre-tax profit margins due to increased competition within industries with tax benefits, which can negatively affect future firm value in the long run.
Table 9 shows the results for hypothesis 2. When the dependent variable is MB, the coefficient β1 of the independent variable TB is −19.262 and t-value is −17.082, which is statistically significant under 1%. This results are the same as when the dependent variable is TQ, which means that increasing tax benefits for a company reduces future corporate value.
The Adj R_square value also appears to be 27.360, indicating a relatively high inter-variable explanation power in the model. The t-value of the model F value is 56.578, indicating that the model has a high validity as well as a significant value under 1%.
Overall, hypothesis 2 of this study is strongly supported, as tax benefit variables for the companies show consistently negative (−) results for TQ and MB, which are the measures of future corporate value. In particular, the empirical analysis results of hypothesis 2 in this study are considered highly reliable, as both the proxies TQ and MB of future firm value have the same results for tax benefit variables.

4.3. Additional Test for Hypothesis 2

The focus of this study is to analyze the relationship between tax benefits and future firm value. That is, to ensure the validation of Hypothesis 2, this study classifies the samples by major industries, and then performs further analysis of Hypothesis 2 for each major industry. Since the environment is different for each industry, the analysis results are expected to vary for each industry.
Table 10 presents the industry samples used in the additional test. In further study, major industries are selected based on over 100 samples. For further analysis, the samples are classified into a total of seven major industries (Manufacturing industry/Construction industry/Wholesale and Retail Industry/Transportation and Warehouse Industry/Information and Communication Industry/Professional, scientific and technical services industries/Business facility management, business support, and rental service industry).
Table 11 presents the results of an empirical analysis of the relationship between tax benefits and future corporate value for each industry when the dependent variable is TQ. The results of further analysis show that the coefficient value of the tax benefit variable TB is significantly negative (−) in all seven major industries, consistently with the results of the main analysis.
However, the level of negative (−) relationship change between tax benefits and firm future corporate value has been shown to vary by industry. First of all, when the dependent variable is TQ, the additional analysis results are as follows. IND_A (manufacturing industry) shows that TB × IND has a coefficient of 1.863 and a t-value of 2.007, which is significant under 5%. This result shows that the negative (−) relationship between tax benefits and firm value is more relaxed in ‘manufacturing industry’. In IND_B (construction industry) presents that the coefficient value of TB × IND is 6.035 and t-value is 2.292, which is significant under 5%. This means that the negative relationship between tax benefits and corporate value is more relaxed in ‘construction industry’. IND_E (information and communication industry) also shows that TB × IND has a coefficient value of 2.417 and t-value of 2.036, which is significant under 5%. This result shows that the negative (−) association between tax benefits and firm value is further weakened in ‘information and communication industry’. That is, in ‘manufacturing industry’, ‘construction industry’, and ‘information and communication industry’, we find that the negative (−) relationship between tax benefits and corporate value is more relaxed than in other industries.
Meanwhile, in IND_C (wholesale and retail industry), TB×IND’s coefficient value is −3.292 and t-value is −2.403, which is shown to be significant under 5%. This result implies a stronger negative (−) relationship between tax benefits and corporate value in wholesale and retail industry. In addition, IND_F (professional, scientific and technical services industries) presents that TB × IND has a coefficient of −18.550 and t-value of −8.226, which is significant under 1%. This result means a stronger negative (−) relationship between tax benefits and corporate value in professional, scientific and technical services industries. Namely, in ‘wholesale and retail Industry’ and ‘professional, scientific and technical services industries’, the negative (−) association between tax benefits and future firm value can be further strengthened compared to other industries.
Finally, in IND_D (transportation and warehouse industry) and IND_G (business facility management, business support, and rental service industry), the coefficients of TB × IND are not statistically significantly derived. This can be interpreted as a minor additional change in the negative relationship between tax benefits and corporate value in ‘transportation and warehouse industry’ and ‘business facility management, business support, and rental service industry’.
Next, Table 12 shows the results of an empirical analysis of the relationship between tax benefits and future corporate value for each industry when the dependent variable is MB. When the dependent variable is in MB, the additional analysis results are as follows. IND_A (manufacturing industry) shows that TB×IND has a coefficient value of 6.976 and t-value of 3.344, which is significant under 1%. This result means that in ‘manufacturing industry’, the negative (−) relationship between tax benefits and corporate value is more relaxed. IND_E (information and communication industry) also shows that TB×IND has a coefficient value of 7.026 and t-value of 2.634 which is significant under 1%. This result implies that the negative (−) association between tax benefits and future firm value is further weakened in ‘information and communication industry’. That is, in ‘manufacturing industry’, and ‘information and communication industry’, we find that the negative (−) relationship between tax benefits and future corporate value is more relaxed than in other industries.
Meanwhile, in IND_C (wholesale and retail industry), TB×IND’s coefficient value is −10.187and t-value is −3.313, which is shown to be significant under 5%. This implies a stronger negative (−) association between tax benefits and corporate value in ‘wholesale and retail industry’. IND_F (professional, scientific and technical services industries) presents that TB×IND has a coefficient of −24.179 and t-value of −4.768, which is significant under 1%. This means a stronger negative (−) relationship between tax benefits and future corporate value in ‘wholesale and retail industry’. In addition, IND_G (business facility management, business support, and rental service industry) presents that TB×IND has a coefficient of −20.326 and t-value of −2.740, which is significant under 1%. This result shows a stronger negative (−) relationship between tax benefits and corporate value in ‘wholesale and retail Industry’.
Finally, in IND_B (construction industry) and IND_D (transportation and warehouse industry), the coefficient value of TB × IND is not statistically significantly derived. This can be seen in ‘construction industry’ and ‘transportation and warehouse industry’ as having a negative (−) association between tax benefits and future firm value, but with relatively small changes in the negative (−) relationship compared to other industries.

4.4. The Results of 2 Stage Least Squares (2SLS) Analysis

To solve the endogenity problem, we present the results as follows using the 2 stage least squares (2SLS) model. In the 1st stage, the Equation (3) for tax benefits (TB) is established as follows.
[1st stage]
TB = β0 + β1SIZEt + β2LEVt + β3PPEt + β5GRWt + β6ATORt + β7BIG4t + β8CFOt + β9ROAt + β9PPEt + εt
TB: A proxy for tax benefits [34,35]: average value of {(net income before tax expense × maximum corporate tax rate) − corporate tax rate} for the last three years ÷ total assets; SIZE: Natural logarithm of total assets [38]; LEV: Total liabilities to total assets [39]; GRW: (Year-end sales − year-end sales) ÷ year-end sales [40]; CFO: Current operating cash flows ÷ total assets at the beginning of the year [41]; ATOR: Current sales ÷ total assets at the beginning of the year [40]; BIG4: Dummy variable; 1 if a company is audited by a large foreign accounting company called Big4, otherwise 0 [42]. ROA: A proxy for current corporate performance 1 [29]: net income of the current term, all divided by the sum of total assets; PPE: Tangible assets (excluding land and assets under construction) divided by total assets [47].
ROA and ROE which mean current corporate performance and TQ and MB which indicate future firm value are used as dependent variables in the 2nd stage model. The 2nd stage model is Equation (4) as follows.
[2nd stage]
ROAt/ROEt/TQt/MBt = β0 + β1TBt + β2LARGEt + β3FORNt + β4SIZEt−1 + β5LEVt−1
   + β6OIt + β7GRWt + β8ATORt + β9BIG4t + β10CFOt
   + β11Year fixed effects + β12Industry fixed effects + εt
TQ: A proxy for future firm value 1 [31,32]: the sum of the market value of equity and the book value of debt, all divided by the book value of total assets; MB: A proxy for future firm value 2 [33]: market value of equity to book value of equity ratio; ROA: A proxy for current corporate performance 1 [29]: net income of the current term, all divided by the sum of total assets; ROE: A proxy for current corporate performance 2 [30]: net income of the current term, all divided by the sum of equity; TB: A proxy for tax benefits [34,35]: average value of {(net income before tax expense × maximum corporate tax rate) − corporate tax rate} for the last three years ÷ total assets; LARGE: Largest shareholder‘s equity ratio [36,37]; FORN: Foreign investors’ shareholder ratio [36,37]; SIZE: Natural logarithm of total assets [38]; LEV: Total liabilities to total assets [39]; OI: (Year-end operating profit − year-end operating profit) ÷ year-end operating profit [40]; GRW: (Year-end sales − year-end sales) ÷ year-end sales [40]; CFO: Current operating cash flows ÷ total assets at the beginning of the year [41]; ATOR: Current sales ÷ total assets at the beginning of the year [40]; BIG4: Dummy variable; 1 if a company is audited by a large foreign accounting company called Big4, otherwise 0 [42].
Table 13 presents the results of 2SLS analysis on the effect of tax incentives on current corporate performance and on future firm value. The results of the 2SLS model for controlling endogenity problem are consistent with the results of the main analyses.

5. Conclusions

This paper investigates how tax benefits for companies affect current corporate performance and future firm value. In addition, this study examines the relationship between tax benefits and future firm value by industry through further analysis.
The sample period of this study is from 2011 to 2019, and we obtain the samples from KOSPI and KOSDAQ listed companies. In this study, we use ROA and ROE as measures for current corporate performance, and Tobin’s Q and market value to book value ratio as proxies for future firm value.
The findings of this paper are as follows. First, tax benefits granted to a company have been shown to improve current corporate performance. The effect of tax benefits that reduce corporate tax costs increases net income, indicating a direct increase in current corporate performance, such as ROA and ROE.
Second, tax benefits granted to a corporate have been shown to reduce future firm value. Industries with tax benefits may become more competitive due to the entry of new companies or the increase in production facilities, and ultimately reduce pre-tax profit margins. In addition, among the types of tax benefits for the company, tax benefits that cause temporary differences through deferred corporate tax payments can be a factor that hinders the sustainable growth of a company in the long run. It is believed that these causes have resulted in an influence that tax benefits for companies can negatively affect future firm value in the long term.
Third, this study finds that the relationship between tax benefits and future corporate value shows different result by industry. In ‘manufacturing industry’ and ‘information and communication industry’, we find the negative (−) association between tax benefits and future firm value is more weakened than in other industries. Meanwhile, in ‘wholesale and retail industry’ and ‘professional, scientific and technical services industries’, we find the negative (−) relationship between tax benefits and future firm value can be further strengthened compared to other industries.
The results of this paper provide the following implications. Tax incentives for firms suggest that there can be limitations for corporates to grow sustainably in the long run. Tax benefits for businesses are important for early businesses and businesses in poor conditions. However, as a result of the empirical analysis of this study, tax benefits for companies only can have an effect in the short term, and their effects may be halved in the long term. Therefore, it implies that it is necessary to examine the current tax benefit system for firms and improve it in order to positively affect long-term firm value for their sustainability.
This paper has the following contributions. First, the results of this paper supply useful information that there is a limitation to the positive impact of tax benefits on firms on improving firm value in the long run. Second, through empirical analysis, this study provides objective information that the effect of tax incentives on corporate value may differ by industry. Therefore, the results of this study suggest that it is necessary to check and improve tax benefit policies for companies. In particular, it is important to make differences in tax benefits for each industry rather than uniformly granting tax benefits to all industries. For the sustainable growth of companies, it is significant that policy authorities implement appropriate tax benefits by each industry.
Limitation of the current study and future direction for research are as follows. This paper used KOSPI-listed companies in the South Korea as samples and examined the relationship between tax benefits and future corporate value by industry. In order to obtain more objective and accurate research results, it is necessary to secure more samples in future studies. In addition, it is expected that more useful research results can be presented by classifying the samples according to the size of the company or manager characteristics.

Author Contributions

For Conceptualization, H.-J.N.; methodology, H.-J.N. and H.-E.L.; software, H.K.; validation, H.K. and H.-J.N.; formal analysis, H.-E.L. and H.-J.N.; resources, H.-J.N.; data curation, H.K. and H.-E.L. writing—original draft preparation, H.-J.N.; writing—review and editing, H.-E.L. and H.K.; supervision, H.-J.N.; project administration, H.-E.L. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Not applicable.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Table 1. The number of samples by year.
Table 1. The number of samples by year.
Table 2. Sample selection criteria.
Table 2. Sample selection criteria.
Initial firm-years listed in KOSPI market from 2011 to 201920,926
    Less: Financial industries (initial word of KIS-code started from ’K’)(381)
    Less: Non-December fiscal-year end(924)
    Less: Unavailable financial data required from the database(7647)
Final observations11,947
Table 3. Definition of variables.
Table 3. Definition of variables.
TQA proxy for future firm value 1 [31,32]: the sum of the market value of equity and the book value of debt, all divided by the book value of total assets
MBA proxy for future firm value 2 [33]: market value of equity to book value of equity ratio
ROAA proxy for current corporate performance 1 [29]: net income of the current term, all divided by the sum of total assets
ROEA proxy for current corporate performance 2 [30]: net income of the current term, all divided by the sum of equity
TBA proxy for tax benefits [34,35]: average value of {(net income before tax expense × maximum corporate tax rate) − corporate tax rate} for the last three years ÷ total assets
LARGELargest shareholder‘s equity ratio [36,37]
FORNForeign investors’ shareholder ratio [36,37]
SIZENatural logarithm of total assets [38]
LEVTotal liabilities to total assets [39]
OI(Year-end operating profit − year-end operating profit) ÷ year-end operating profit [40]
GRW(Year-end sales − year-end sales) ÷ year-end sales [40]
CFOCurrent operating cash flows ÷ total assets at the beginning of the year [41]
ATORCurrent sales ÷ total assets at the beginning of the year [40]
BIG4Dummy variable; 1 if a company is audited by a large foreign accounting company called Big4, otherwise 0 [42]
Table 4. Descriptive statistics.
Table 4. Descriptive statistics.
TQ: A proxy for future firm value 1 [31,32]: the sum of the market value of equity and the book value of debt, all divided by the book value of total assets; MB: A proxy for future firm value 2 [33]: market value of equity to book value of equity ratio; ROA: A proxy for current corporate performance 1 [29]: net income of the current term, all divided by the sum of total assets; ROE: A proxy for current corporate performance 2 [30]: net income of the current term, all divided by the sum of equity; TB: A proxy for tax benefits [34,35]: average value of {(net income before tax expense × maximum corporate tax rate) − corporate tax rate} for the last three years ÷ total assets; LARGE: Largest shareholder’s equity ratio [36,37]; FORN: Foreign investors’ shareholder ratio [36,37]; SIZE: Natural logarithm of total assets [38]; LEV: Total liabilities to total assets [39]; OI: (Year-end operating profit − year-end operating profit) ÷ year-end operating profit [40]; GRW: (Year-end sales − year-end sales) ÷ year-end sales [40]; CFO: Current operating cash flows ÷ total assets at the beginning of the year [41]; ATOR: Current sales ÷ total assets at the beginning of the year [40]; BIG4: Dummy variable; 1 if a company is audited by a large foreign accounting company called Big4, otherwise 0 [42].
Table 5. The result of correlation analysis.
Table 5. The result of correlation analysis.
TQ: A proxy for future firm value 1 [31,32]: the sum of the market value of equity and the book value of debt, all divided by the book value of total assets; MB: A proxy for future firm value 2 [33]: market value of equity to book value of equity ratio; ROA: A proxy for current corporate performance 1 [29]: net income of the current term, all divided by the sum of total assets; ROE: A proxy for current corporate performance 2 [30]: net income of the current term, all divided by the sum of equity; TB: A proxy for tax benefits [34,35]: average value of {(net income before tax expense × maximum corporate tax rate) − corporate tax rate} for the last three years ÷ total assets; LARGE: Largest shareholder‘s equity ratio [36,37]; FORN: Foreign investors’ shareholder ratio [36,37]; SIZE: Natural logarithm of total assets [38]; LEV: Total liabilities to total assets [39]; OI: (Year-end operating profit − year-end operating profit) ÷ year-end operating profit [40]; GRW: (Year-end sales − year-end sales) ÷ year-end sales [40]; CFO: Current operating cash flows ÷ total assets at the beginning of the year [41]; ATOR: Current sales ÷ total assets at the beginning of the year [40]; BIG4: Dummy variable; 1 if a company is audited by a large foreign accounting company called Big4, otherwise 0 [42].
Table 6. Results for hypothesis 1 (dependent variable ROA).
Table 6. Results for hypothesis 1 (dependent variable ROA).
Variablesβt ValueVIF
Intercept−0.309−8.096 ***0.000
TB1.27728.635 ***1.255
LARGE0.0008.534 ***1.119
FORN0.0003.592 ***1.541
SIZE0.01114.281 ***2.067
LEV−0.063−17.643 ***1.402
OI−0.001−2.628 ***1.024
GRW0.02111.365 ***1.140
ATOR0.03320.530 ***1.531
BIG4−0.010−5.423 ***1.332
CFO0.35839.352 ***1.313
Industry EffectIncluded
Year EffectIncluded
F value101.859 ***
ROA: A proxy for current corporate performance 1 [29]: net income of the current term, all divided by the sum of total assets; TB: A proxy for tax benefits [34,35]: average value of {(net income before tax expense × maximum corporate tax rate) − corporate tax rate} for the last three years ÷ total assets; LARGE: Largest shareholder‘s equity ratio [36,37]; FORN: Foreign investors’ shareholder ratio [36,37]; SIZE: Natural logarithm of total assets [38]; LEV: Total liabilities to total assets [39]; OI: (Year-end operating profit − year-end operating profit) ÷ year-end operating profit [40]; GRW: (Year-end sales − year-end sales) ÷ year-end sales [40]; CFO: Current operating cash flows ÷ total assets at the beginning of the year [41]; ATOR: Current sales ÷ total assets at the beginning of the year [40]; BIG4: Dummy variable; 1 if a company is audited by a large foreign accounting company called Big4, otherwise 0 [42]. *** indicate significance at the 1% levels.
Table 7. Results for hypothesis 1 (dependent variable ROE).
Table 7. Results for hypothesis 1 (dependent variable ROE).
VariablesΒt ValueVIF
Intercept−0.574−7.211 ***0
TB2.57927.694 ***1.255
LARGE0.0016.208 ***1.119
FORN01.766 *1.541
SIZE0.02212.91 ***2.067
LEV−0.117−15.729 ***1.402
GRW0.05313.356 ***1.14
ATOR0.07121.201 ***1.531
BIG4−0.019−5.043 ***1.332
CFO0.68836.244 ***1.313
Industry EffectIncluded
Year EffectIncluded
F value87.569 ***
ROE: A proxy for current corporate performance 2 [30]: net income of the current term, all divided by the sum of equity; TB: A proxy for tax benefits [34,35]: average value of {(net income before tax expense × maximum corporate tax rate) − corporate tax rate} for the last three years ÷ total assets; LARGE: Largest shareholder‘s equity ratio [36,37]; FORN: Foreign investors’ shareholder ratio [36,37]; SIZE: Natural logarithm of total assets [38]; LEV: Total liabilities to total assets [39]; OI: (Year-end operating profit − year-end operating profit) ÷ year-end operating profit [40]; GRW: (Year-end sales − year-end sales) ÷ year-end sales [40]; CFO: Current operating cash flows ÷ total assets at the beginning of the year [41]; ATOR: Current sales ÷ total assets at the beginning of the year [40]; BIG4: Dummy variable; 1 if a company is audited by a large foreign accounting company called Big4, otherwise 0 [42]. *, *** indicate significance at the 10%, 1% levels, respectively.
Table 8. Results for hypothesis 2 (dependent variable TQ).
Table 8. Results for hypothesis 2 (dependent variable TQ).
Variablesβt ValueVIF
Intercept7.01117.275 ***0.000
TB−4.409−9.008 ***1.342
ROA−0.541−5.548 ***1.669
LARGE−0.002−2.752 ***1.126
FORN0.01718.073 ***1.542
SIZE−0.157−18.218 ***2.103
LEV0.0882.301 **1.439
GRW0.1748.667 ***1.152
ATOR0.0482.774 ***1.585
CFO0.6376.208 ***1.484
Industry EffectIncluded
Year EffectIncluded
F_value56.257 ***
TQ: A proxy for future firm value 1 [31,32]: the sum of the market value of equity and the book value of debt, all divided by the book value of total assets; TB: A proxy for tax benefits [34,35]: average value of {(net income before tax expense × maximum corporate tax rate) − corporate tax rate} for the last three years ÷ total assets; ROA: A proxy for current corporate performance 1 [29]: net income of the current term, all divided by the sum of total assets; LARGE: Largest shareholder‘s equity ratio [36,37]; FORN: Foreign investors’ shareholder ratio [36,37]; SIZE: Natural logarithm of total assets [38]; LEV: Total liabilities to total assets [39]; OI: (Year-end operating profit − year-end operating profit) ÷ year-end operating profit [40]; GRW: (Year-end sales − year-end sales) ÷ year-end sales [40]; CFO: Current operating cash flows ÷ total assets at the beginning of the year [41]; ATOR: Current sales ÷ total assets at the beginning of the year [40]; BIG4: Dummy variable; 1 if a company is audited by a large foreign accounting company called Big4, otherwise 0 [42]. **, *** indicate significance at the 5%, 1% levels, respectively.
Table 9. Results for hypothesis 2 (dependent variable MB).
Table 9. Results for hypothesis 2 (dependent variable MB).
Variablesβt ValueVIF
Intercept11.16711.942 ***0.000
TB−19.262−17.082 ***1.342
ROA1.6667.423 ***1.669
FORN0.03516.035 ***1.542
SIZE−0.315−15.861 ***2.103
LEV2.66430.309 ***1.439
GRW0.65114.069 ***1.152
BIG4−0.099−2.258 **1.335
CFO1.2465.273 ***1.484
Industry EffectIncluded
Year EffectIncluded
F_value56.578 ***
MB: A proxy for future firm value 2 [33]: market value of equity to book value of equity ratio; TB: A proxy for tax benefits [34,35]: average value of {(net income before tax expense × maximum corporate tax rate) − corporate tax rate} for the last three years ÷ total assets; ROA: A proxy for current corporate performance 1 [29]: net income of the current term, all divided by the sum of total assets; LARGE: Largest shareholder‘s equity ratio [36,37]; FORN: Foreign investors’ shareholder ratio [36,37]; SIZE: Natural logarithm of total assets [38]; LEV: Total liabilities to total assets [39]; OI: (Year-end operating profit − year-end operating profit) ÷ year-end operating profit [40]; GRW: (Year-end sales − year-end sales) ÷ year-end sales [40]; CFO: Current operating cash flows ÷ total assets at the beginning of the year [41]; ATOR: Current sales ÷ total assets at the beginning of the year [40]; BIG4: Dummy variable; 1 if a company is audited by a large foreign accounting company called Big4, otherwise 0 [42]. **, *** indicate significance at the 5%, 1% levels, respectively.
Table 10. Results of major industries for further analysis.
Table 10. Results of major industries for further analysis.
IndustryManufacturing industryConstruction industryWholesale and Retail IndustryTransportation and Warehouse IndustryInformation and Communication IndustryProfessional, scientific and technical services industriesBusiness facility management, business support, and rental service industry
Table 11. Additional analysis results for hypothesis 2 (dependent variable TQ).
Table 11. Additional analysis results for hypothesis 2 (dependent variable TQ).
Intercept7.16533.466 ***6.92832.275 ***7.03232.847 ***6.99432.479 ***6.73931.058 ***7.04933.116 ***7.02332.72 ***
TB−6.392−8.887 ***−6.161−11.611 ***−5.372−9.726 ***−5.879−11.185 ***−6.112−10.725 ***−5.137−9.712 ***−5.720−10.86 ***
TB × IND1.8632.007 **6.0352.292 **−3.292−2.403 **5.0720.9872.4172.036 **−18.550−8.226 ***−4.182−1.265
IND−0.148−7.482 ***−0.267−4.361 ***0.0080.225−0.126−1.693 *0.2457.816 ***0.2897.466 ***0.1311.356
ROA−0.468−4.474 ***−0.493−4.707 ***−0.489−4.661 ***−0.497−4.737 ***−0.497−4.746 ***−0.524−5.026 ***−0.487−4.637 ***
LARGE−0.004−5.897 ***−0.004−5.942 ***−0.004−5.912 ***−0.004−6.003 ***−0.004−5.882 ***−0.003−5.548 ***−0.004−5.937 ***
FORN0.02020.957 ***0.02020.844 ***0.02121.039 ***0.02120.935 ***0.02020.758 ***0.02121.384 ***0.02020.815 ***
SIZE−0.218−25.889 ***−0.213−25.097 ***−0.217−25.636 ***−0.215−25.308 ***−0.207−24.187 ***−0.219−26.063 ***−0.217−25.519 ***
GRW0.27212.646 ***0.27912.966 ***0.27912.938 ***0.27812.926 ***0.27512.809 ***0.25411.783 ***0.28013.014 ***
ATOR−0.077−4.444 ***−0.080−4.612 ***−0.085−4.883 ***−0.084−4.849 ***−0.072−4.167 ***−0.063−3.583 ***−0.085−4.904 ***
BIG40.0643.17 ***0.0763.78 ***0.0803.977 ***0.0793.919 ***0.0633.116 ***0.0592.939 ***0.0793.884 ***
CFO0.5695.223 ***0.5635.15 ***0.5765.251 ***0.5685.198 ***0.4954.518 ***0.6415.893 ***0.5595.11 ***
F-value90.093 ***88.223 ***86.656 ***86.544 ***89.627 ***94.065 ***86.557 ***
TQ: A proxy for future firm value 1 [31,32]: the sum of the market value of equity and the book value of debt, all divided by the book value of total assets; TB: A proxy for tax benefits [34,35]: average value of {(net income before tax expense × maximum corporate tax rate) − corporate tax rate} for the last three years ÷ total assets; ROA: A proxy for current corporate performance 1 [29]: net income of the current term, all divided by the sum of total assets; LARGE: Largest shareholder‘s equity ratio [36,37]; FORN: Foreign investors’ shareholder ratio [36,37]; SIZE: Natural logarithm of total assets [38]; LEV: Total liabilities to total assets [39]; OI: (Year-end operating profit − year-end operating profit) ÷ year-end operating profit [40]; GRW: (Year-end sales − year-end sales) ÷ year-end sales [40]; CFO: Current operating cash flows ÷ total assets at the beginning of the year [41]; ATOR: Current sales ÷ total assets at the beginning of the year [40]; BIG4: Dummy variable; 1 if a company is audited by a large foreign accounting company called Big4, otherwise 0 [42]. *, **, *** indicate significance at the 10%, 5%, 1% levels, respectively.
Table 12. Additional analysis results for hypothesis 2 (dependent variable MB).
Table 12. Additional analysis results for hypothesis 2 (dependent variable MB).
Intercept12.31725.603 ***11.81324.522 ***12.11125.203 ***11.96424.753 ***11.56923.731 ***12.21925.524 ***12.15425.224 ***
TB−24.691−15.276 ***−22.228−18.665 ***−20.295−16.371 ***−21.620−18.328 ***−22.747−17.765 ***−20.902−17.574 ***−21.352−18.058 ***
TB × IND6.9763.344 ***3.2880.556−10.187−3.313 ***−18.001−1.5617.0262.634 ***−24.179−4.768 ***−20.326−2.740 ***
IND−0.241−5.418 ***−0.856−6.240 ***0.0650.819−0.608−3.652 ***0.4656.611 ***0.7168.223 ***−0.007−0.031
ROA1.8167.721 ***1.7677.516 ***1.7817.558 ***1.7447.408 ***1.7557.468 ***1.7037.259 ***1.7987.622 ***
LARGE−0.006−4.475 ***−0.006−4.566 ***−0.006−4.491 ***−0.006−4.597 ***−0.006−4.461 ***−0.006−4.146 ***−0.006−4.493 ***
FORN0.04118.511 ***0.04018.350 ***0.04118.592 ***0.04118.448 ***0.04018.377 ***0.04118.919 ***0.04118.547 ***
SIZE−0.432−22.828 ***−0.419−22.000 ***−0.431−22.678 ***−0.425−22.234 ***−0.412−21.445 ***−0.439−23.187 ***−0.432−22.697 ***
LEV2.45126.991 ***2.44326.920 ***2.42826.701 ***2.43426.780 ***2.42626.729 ***2.47227.280 ***2.43026.691 ***
GRW0.85317.648 ***0.86317.867 ***0.86417.867 ***0.86317.842 ***0.85817.755 ***16.862 ***16.862 ***0.86717.926 ***
ATOR−0.251−6.430 ***−0.247−6.348 ***−0.266−6.78 ***−0.258−6.605 ***−0.238−6.1 ***−0.208−5.288 ***−0.265−6.785 ***
CFO1.1204.573 ***1.0854.425 ***1.1524.681 ***1.1134.536 ***0.9813.988 ***1.2565.129 ***1.1154.538 ***
F-value124.936 ***124.751 ***122.886 ***122.806 ***124.608 ***18.38717.744
MB: A proxy for future firm value 2 [33]: market value of equity to book value of equity ratio; TB: A proxy for tax benefits [34,35]: average value of {(net income before tax expense × maximum corporate tax rate) − corporate tax rate} for the last three years ÷ total assets; ROA: A proxy for current corporate performance 1 [29]: net income of the current term, all divided by the sum of total assets; LARGE: Largest shareholder‘s equity ratio [36,37]; FORN: Foreign investors’ shareholder ratio [36,37]; SIZE: Natural logarithm of total assets [38]; LEV: Total liabilities to total assets [39]; OI: (Year-end operating profit − year-end operating profit) ÷ year-end operating profit [40]; GRW: (Year-end sales − year-end sales) ÷ year-end sales [40]; CFO: Current operating cash flows ÷ total assets at the beginning of the year [41]; ATOR: Current sales ÷ total assets at the beginning of the year [40]; BIG4: Dummy variable; 1 if a company is audited by a large foreign accounting company called Big4, otherwise 0 [42]. *** indicate significance at the 1% levels.
Table 13. 2SLS results (dependent variable ROA/ROE/TQ/MB).
Table 13. 2SLS results (dependent variable ROA/ROE/TQ/MB).
1st Stage2nd Stage (ROA)2nd Stage (ROE)2nd Stage (TQ)2nd Stage (MB)
(Intercept)−0.064−17.693 ***−0.151−2.816 ***−0.125−1.1184.5448.236 ***10.2057.942 ***
TB 3.3797.904 ***8.3489.38 ***−33.216−7.521 ***−29.609−2.879 ***
LARGE0.0003.02 ***0.0019.629 ***0.0017.293 ***−0.002−2.872 ***−0.003−2.132 **
FORN0.000−7.323 ***0.0002.166 **0.0000.4370.01818.56 ***0.03716.784 ***
SIZE0.00216.168 ***0.0042.666 ***0.0020.657−0.057−3.358 ***−0.265−6.68 ***
LEV−0.011−14.843 ***−0.036−5.275 ***−0.042−2.966 ***−0.308−4.411 ***2.46915.194 ***
OI0.000−6.625 ***0.0001.2780.0034.916 ***−0.011−3.724 ***−0.005−0.714
GRW−0.005−12.52 ***0.0178.642 ***0.04310.687 ***0.1949.678 ***0.73715.831 ***
ATOR0.0025.426 ***0.03823.289 ***0.08324.061 ***0.0281.585−0.032−0.799
BIG40.0011.739 *−0.009−5.132 ***−0.018−4.727 ***−0.011−0.570−0.109−2.449 **
CFO0.02110.894 ***0.39942.875 ***0.76639.511 ***0.6496.288 ***0.9163.815 ***
ROA0.05430.827 *** −0.712−7.531 ***0.7373.348 ***
PPE0.0056.534 ***
IND EffectIncludedIncludedIncludedIncludedIncluded
YEAR EffectIncludedIncludedIncludedIncludedIncluded
F-value51.785 ***86.694 ***74.687 ***55.832 ***51.756 ***
TQ: A proxy for future firm value 1 [31,32]: the sum of the market value of equity and the book value of debt, all divided by the book value of total assets; MB: A proxy for future firm value 2 [33]: market value of equity to book value of equity ratio; ROA: A proxy for current corporate performance 1 [29]: net income of the current term, all divided by the sum of total assets; TB: A proxy for tax benefits [34,35]: average value of {(net income before tax expense × maximum corporate tax rate) − corporate tax rate} for the last three years ÷ total assets; LARGE: Largest shareholder’s equity ratio [36,37]; FORN: Foreign investors’ shareholder ratio [36,37]; SIZE: Natural logarithm of total assets [38]; LEV: Total liabilities to total assets [39]; OI: (Year-end operating profit − year-end operating profit) ÷ year-end operating profit [40]; GRW: (Year-end sales − year-end sales) ÷ year-end sales [40]; CFO: Current operating cash flows ÷ total assets at the beginning of the year [41]; ATOR: Current sales ÷ total assets at the beginning of the year [40]; BIG4: Dummy variable; 1 if a company is audited by a large foreign accounting company called Big4, otherwise 0 [42]; PPE: Tangible assets (excluding land and assets under construction) divided by total assets [47]. *, **, *** indicate significance at the 10%, 5%, 1% levels, respectively.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Na, H.-J.; Kang, H.; Lee, H.-E. Does Tax Incentives Affect Future Firm Value for Corporate Sustainability? Sustainability 2021, 13, 12665.

AMA Style

Na H-J, Kang H, Lee H-E. Does Tax Incentives Affect Future Firm Value for Corporate Sustainability? Sustainability. 2021; 13(22):12665.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Na, Hyung-Jong, Hyeon Kang, and Hyang-Eun Lee. 2021. "Does Tax Incentives Affect Future Firm Value for Corporate Sustainability?" Sustainability 13, no. 22: 12665.

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