Vaccine Efficacy and Safety

A section of Vaccines (ISSN 2076-393X).

Section Information


The Vaccine Efficacy and Safety section aims to examine the features and attributes of how vaccination protects people against infection, symptomatic illness, hospitalization, and death. 


Vaccines are among the most effective, safe, and cost-effective means to train the body’s immune system to fight a disease it has never been exposed to. Vaccines are designed to prevent disease, rather than treat them. Vaccination programs have increased health by achieving high levels of individual and community protection. However, limited knowledge and misperceptions of vaccine effectiveness and safety are sometimes associated with vaccine hesitancy or delay in the acceptance or refusal of vaccinations despite the availability of vaccination services.

The manuscripts considered for submission to this section include those about the following or related themes: vaccine efficacy and safety; studies assessing vaccine efficacy and safety; methods for assessing vaccine efficacy and safety; effectiveness of vaccination programs; knowledge and perception of vaccine efficacy, vaccine safety monitoring; and communication of vaccine effectiveness and safety.


  • vaccine efficacy
  • vaccine effectiveness
  • vaccine safety
  • evaluative studies
  • clinical trials
  • post-marketing studies
  • vaccine safety research
  • monitoring systems
  • communication strategies

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