Aquatic Animals

A section of Animals (ISSN 2076-2615).

Section Information

Animals (ISSN 2076-2615) is an international peer-reviewed open access journal devoted entirely to animals, including zoology and veterinary sciences.

The Section Aquatic Animals of Animals will publish original research articles, short communications or reviews dealing with aquatic animals (fishes, whales and dolphins, tunicates and lancelets, echinoderms, molluscs, crustaceans, aquatic insects, parasites and bacteria, and so on). The section aims to disseminate scientific research on aquatic animals in the broadest definition with modern approaches to a wide audience. Special issues within this section have covered topics on microbiota, nutrition, and pathogen/stress response in aquatic animals as well as applied topics such as aquatic animal welfare, sustainable aquaculture and conservation. As an open access journal, Animals provides a publication process permitting rapid dissemination of impactful research to the wider scientific community. As Animals enjoys a wide audience, it is important to ensure all technical data are made accessible to all readers.

A vast range of topics of interest for each aquatic sciences specialty is welcome in the section Aquatic Animals of the prestigious journal Animals.

Editorial Board

Topical Advisory Panel

Special Issues

Following special issues within this section are currently open for submissions:

Topical Collections

Following topical collections within this section are currently open for submissions:

Papers Published

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