
Cell Biology of Galectins

Edited by
June 2022
202 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-4448-9 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-4447-2 (PDF)

This book is a reprint of the Special Issue Cell Biology of Galectins that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Medicine & Pharmacology

Galectins are a family of soluble beta-galactoside-binding proteins with diverse glycan-dependent and glycan-independent functions outside and inside the cell. There are sixteen recognized mammalian galectin genes, and their expression profiles are very different between cell types, tissues, and species. This Special Issue covers recent progress in the field of the cell biology of galectins, relevant concepts of galectin regulatory mechanisms, and biomedical aspects of these unique multifunctional proteins.

  • Hardback
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
galectin-7; p53; MMP-9; cancer; gain-of-function; vasculature; gene expression; tube formation; sprouting; VEGF; integrins; galectin; extracellular matrix; microenvironment; Yersinia enterocolitica; YopP; Galectin-1; nitric oxide; macrophages; galectin-7; epithelial tissues; apoptosis; targeting; inhibitors; β-hairpin; β-sandwich; blood group B; lectin; sugar code; galectin; LGALS16; placenta; brain tissues; cell differentiation; transcription factor; miRNA; galectin-3; cardiac fibrosis; heart failure; atrial fibrillation; chronic inflammation; MMPs; microRNAs; lncRNAs; galectin-3; pectin; structure and function; bioactive polysaccharides; galectin-3 inhibition; galacto-oligosaccharides; galectins; intestinal epithelial cells; β-3′galactosyllactose; immunomodulation; mucosal immunity; O-GlcNAc; galectin-3; unconventional secretion; extraembryonic endoderm; cell differentiation; n/a