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Task-Covariant Representations for Few-Shot Learning on Remote Sensing Images

School of Mathematics and Computer Science, Yunnan Minzu University, Kunming 650500, China
Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Mathematics 2023, 11(8), 1930;
Submission received: 15 March 2023 / Revised: 13 April 2023 / Accepted: 14 April 2023 / Published: 19 April 2023
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Advances in Computer Vision and Machine Learning)


In the regression and classification of remotely sensed images through meta-learning, techniques exploit task-invariant information to quickly adapt to new tasks with fewer gradient updates. Despite its usefulness, task-invariant information alone may not effectively capture task-specific knowledge, leading to reduced model performance on new tasks. As a result, the concept of task-covariance has gained significant attention from researchers. We propose task-covariant representations for few-shot Learning on remote sensing images that utilizes capsule networks to effectively represent the covariance relationships among objects. This approach is motivated by the superior ability of capsule networks to capture such relationships. To capture and leverage the covariance relations between tasks, we employ vector capsules and adapt our model parameters based on the newly learned task covariance relations. Our proposed meta-learning algorithm offers a novel approach to effectively address the real task distribution by incorporating both general and specific task information. Based on the experimental results, our proposed meta-learning algorithm shows a significant improvement in both the average accuracy and training efficiency compared to the best model in the experiments. On average, the algorithm increases the accuracy by approximately 4% and improves the training efficiency by approximately 8%.

1. Introduction

Task-invariant representation meta-learning methods [1,2,3] apply prior knowledge learned from previous tasks to new ones and has been successfully used in few-shot learning problems, such as classification and regression. However, the prerequisite for the success of these methods is the invariant representation of all tasks, with no differences among tasks, and good knowledge transfer can be achieved by learning globally shared meta-knowledge for all tasks. The form of meta-knowledge includes the model structure, initialization parameters, and loss function. Most existing meta-learning methods that learn globally shared meta-knowledge fail to handle all tasks, because it is necessary to consider the covariance among tasks, i.e., that there are both differences and correlations among tasks. According to the covariant relationship between tasks, the learned meta-knowledge is adaptively adjusted for each new task, which can address the deficiency of task-invariant representation meta-learning, in which all tasks utilize the learned globally shared meta-knowledge.
The covariant relationship among tasks should consider not only the differences among tasks but also the correlations among tasks. The factors that affect the learning effect of each task include the initialization parameters, loss function, and update rules. To address the problem of invariant representation meta-learning, where all tasks utilize the learned globally shared meta-knowledge, the concept of heterogeneity among tasks has been proposed [4,5,6], which is based on differences among tasks and uses task-specific information to customize specific meta-knowledge for each task. Several works have attempted to solve this problem by attempting to find better initialization parameters [7,8,9,10]. Baik et al. proposed a method to adaptively learn the loss function for each task during the inner-loop optimization of meta-learning [11]. Several other works have developed faster adaption processes, for example, by increasing the learning rate [12,13]. Considering the importance of tasks, some studies have achieved better results by weighting different tasks in the outer-loop update [14,15]. However, in addressing the problem of learning globally shared meta-knowledge for all tasks, the above methods only consider differences among tasks, and correlations among tasks are not taken into account.
A capsule is a group of neurons whose activity vector represents the instantiation parameters of a specific type of entity, such as an object or an object part [16,17,18,19]. In contrast to convolutional neural networks, it not only represents the presence of objects but also more prominently represents the covariance between objects. Covariant relationships can effectively describe the subtle differences among objects of the same category and enhance the expressiveness of objects. Inspired by the covariant representation capability of capsule networks, we propose a task-covariant representation meta-learning algorithm. The real task distribution may contain several subdistributions with large differences, and, using the covariant relationship among tasks, different subspace representations are learned for different subdistributions. The correlations among tasks are reflected within subspaces, and the differences between tasks are reflected among the subspaces. Different modulation functions are learned for different subspaces, and the learned meta-knowledge is modulated by using the task information and corresponding modulation functions in the subspaces so as to achieve the fast learning and generalization of new tasks, as shown in the covariance subplot in Figure 1.
The key challenges in meta-learning of task-covariant representations are how current tasks are assigned to the corresponding subspaces and how to learn the corresponding modulation functions for each subspace. In the task-covariant representation meta-learning algorithm, capsule representation is used to represent a task feature or a part of the task feature, and the dynamic routing algorithm [16] is used to represent the covariant relationships among tasks. In the dynamic routing algorithm, the number of output capsules in the final layer indicates the number of subspaces. Each output capsule’s module length is computed and compared to find the capsule with the highest probability of existence, which corresponds to the chosen subspace capsule. All other subspace capsules are then set to zero using masking. The subspace capsule is converted into a vector format and then used as input for the modulation function of the fully connected network. According to the different positions of the retained task capsules in the vector and the characteristics of the fully connected function, the corresponding modulation function can be learned for each subspace capsule, and the learned meta-knowledge can be modulated in combination with the current task information so as to obtain a solution more suitable for each task’s meta-knowledge.
The proposed task-covariant representation meta-learning algorithm uses the capsule network to accurately express the relationships among task covariates. By assigning corresponding capsule subspaces to different subdistribution tasks and learning the modulation function corresponding to each subspace, the learned meta-knowledge is better modulated using the current task information and the corresponding modulation function. Experimental results show that the proposed novel meta-learning algorithm can obtain results comparable to advanced algorithms in terms of accuracy and can effectively increase the model training performance.
The major contributions of our proposed task-covariant representation meta-learning method are summarized as follows:
  • Considering the covariant relationships among tasks in practical use, a task-covariant representation meta-learning algorithm is proposed.
  • According to the different distributions of tasks, the corresponding subspaces are allocated to different subdistributions.
  • A corresponding modulation function is learned for each subspace, and the learned meta-knowledge is adaptively adjusted according to the task information and the corresponding modulation function.

2. Related Work

2.1. Meta-Learning

“Meta-learning” or “learning to learn”  [20,21] is the process of distilling learning experience across multiple distribution-related tasks and using the extracted experience to improve future learning performance. Meta-learning aims to provide an integrated combination of next-step features, models, and algorithms, with the goal of replacing hand-designed learners relying on prior knowledge with learned learning algorithms [20,22,23]. Model-agnostic meta-learning [1] adopts the invariant representation of tasks and can learn globally shared meta-knowledge for all tasks. When a new task arrives, it can quickly learn the globally shared meta-knowledge. However, globally shared meta-knowledge does not consider the differences among tasks [4,5] and cannot effectively handle tasks with different distributions. In order to address the limitation of globally shared meta-learning in adapting to different tasks, some studies have introduced the concept of task heterogeneity [4,5,24]. This approach improves the efficiency of learning in new tasks by adaptively adjusting the learned meta-knowledge for each task, which includes the initialization parameters, loss function, and update rules.
From the initialization parameter angle, some works have used probabilistic models to tailor the globally shared initialization to suit each task [2,25,26]. Yao et al. [9] proposed a method that constructs a meta-knowledge graph between tasks and adaptively adjusts the model initialization parameters through the relationship between the new task and the meta-knowledge graph so as to achieve the purpose of selecting the initialization parameters for each task. Baik et al. [27] proposed adaptive learning attenuation parameters to adaptively adjust the learned prior knowledge for each task. From the loss function angle, Baik et al. [11] proposed a method that learns a loss function that is adapted to each task based on the current task state during inner-loop optimization. From the update rule angle, Baik et al. [13] proposed a small meta-network that can adaptively generate per-step hyperparameters: learning rate and weight decay coefficients. From the perspective of task importance, inspired by curriculum learning [28,29] and hard sample learning [30,31], some researchers have proposed hard task strategies. By resampling tasks with lower validation accuracy among the learned tasks, the difficult tasks are learned multiple times [32,33]; in model-agnostic meta-learning, according to the gradient value of each task in the inner loop and the similarity between the support set and the query set gradient, during the update of the outer loop, the weight of each task loss in the total loss function is assigned according to the different gradients [14]. From the perspective of task generation, the random sampling of tasks may be sub-optimal and uninformative, so adaptive sampling can be used to improve the performance and learning efficiency of the model. According to the impact of categories on learning efficiency, a greedy-based class-pair learning algorithm was proposed to generate the class-pair potential for difficult tasks [34]. For multi-modal tasks, Zheng et al. proposed a partially interactive collaboration method to reduce the modality gap in VI-ReID [35] by utilizing complementary information from different modalities. Yao et al. [5] used a hierarchical structure method that adaptively customizes the learned prior knowledge for each task set, but the prior knowledge for each task set is still customized on the basis of the globally shared prior knowledge. However, the above methods only consider the differences among tasks or task sets and do not consider the covariant relationships among tasks. We propose to adaptively adjust the learned meta-knowledge for each task according to the real distribution of tasks and the ability of the capsule network to represent the covariant relationships among tasks so as to improve the learning efficiency of the adjusted meta-knowledge for the current task. Many methods adopt a two-stream network and design additional constraint conditions to extract shared features for different modalities. However, the interaction between the feature extraction processes of different modalities is rarely considered. Finn et al. proposed Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning for Fast Adaptation of Deep Networks (MAML [1]). Li et al. proposed Learning to Learn Quickly for Few-Shot Learning (Meta-SGD [36]). Yoon et al. proposed Bayesian model-agnostic meta-learning (BMAML [25]). Lee et al. proposed Gradient-Based Meta-Learning with Learned Layerwise Metric and Subspace (MT-Net [7]).

2.2. Capsule Network

Inspired by the fact that manual features can effectively represent the position and posture information of an object, Hinton proposed the concept of the “capsule” [37] in 2011, which uses a vector to represent the capsule to increase the model’s ability to recognize gestures. After the pose or position of the same object changes, its existence probability remains unchanged, while the elements in the capsule change, that is, the covariance of object representation. Sabour [16] proposed a vector-form capsule network and a dynamic routing algorithm among capsules; using a 16-dimensional vector to represent the capsule, the modulo length of the vector represents the probability of an object’s existence, and the direction of the vector represents the attribute information of the object. In order to strengthen the ability of the capsule network to express covariance between objects, the “matrix capsule” [17] expands position sharing between different positions by adding a “local-global” relationship: the capsule is represented by a two-tuple composed of a pose matrix and an activation probability. The change in the angle of view usually has a complex relationship with the change in pixel intensity and has a simple linear relationship with the attitude matrix. The change in the angle of view can be better described by the change in the attitude matrix; that is, the covariance representation of the change in the angle of view can be obtained [38,39,40]. Objects are represented in the form of triples of the object’s existence probability [37], eigenvector, and pose matrix. Assuming that an object is composed of a series of components, an unsupervised capsule network autoencoder can be constructed to represent the individual components and the geometric relationship between them, thereby inferring the positional relationship between objects and objects.
The improvement of the vector capsule network mainly includes two aspects: the capsule form and routing design method. Aiming at the improvement of capsules, compared to the method of directly segmenting the extracted feature tensor with vector capsules, a method of orthogonal projection was proposed to obtain capsules [41,42,43]. For the improvement of routing, inspired by the better expressive ability of deep convolutional neural networks [44], Rajasegaran et al. [45] improved the original dynamic routing by using 3D convolution to construct a deeper network structure; DeCapsGAN [46] combined capsule and generative confrontation, in which the networks are combined with skip connections to increase the model depth. In order to strengthen the equivariant feature expression ability of the capsule network, Choi et al. [47] tried to improve the original dynamic routing by using attention routing and achieved good results in a perturbation interpretability experiment of capsule elements. The application aspects of capsule networks include tasks such as adversarial sample detection [48,49], point cloud segmentation [50], and 3D object recognition [51,52].

3. Mathematical Preliminaries

3.1. Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning

We start with an introduction to meta-learning in the context of few-shot learning. Assuming a task distribution p τ , each task τ i can be represented by a dataset D i that consists of two disjoint sets: a support set D i S and a query set D i Q . Each set consists of some pairs of samples x and the labels y: D i S = { x i s , y i s } s = 1 n and D i Q = { x i q , y i q } q = 1 m . In this work, we focus on gradient-based meta-learning [1], where we aim to learn a well-generalized parameter θ 0 of a base predictive learner f from N meta-learning tasks { τ i } i = 1 N . The meta-learning initialization for the base learner leads to bi-level optimization, with inner-loop optimization and outer-loop optimization. In inner-loop optimization, the base learner is initialized with θ 0 and adapted to the i-th task by updating its weight for a fixed number of steps via gradient descent with respect to the support set D i S .
θ i = θ 0 α θ L D i S ; θ
Here, α represents the inner-loop learning rate, and θ 0 denotes the initialized parameters of the base learner. During outer-loop optimization, the meta-learned initialization parameter θ 0 is evaluated by the generalization performance of the task-specific base learner with the parameter θ i on the unseen query set D i S . To evaluate and improve the initialization update, we measure the performance of θ i on the unseen query set D i S and use the corresponding loss to optimize the initialization as follows:
θ 0 k + 1 = θ 0 k β i = 1 N L D i Q ; θ i
where β is the outer-loop learning rate. In the outer-loop update, the meta-learner uses the gradients of all query sets in N tasks { τ i } i = 1 N to update the parameters, that is, to find suitable initialization parameters for all query sets. After training for K time-step updates, we can obtain the well-generalization model parameter initialization θ 0 * . During the meta-test, θ 0 * is adapted to each task τ t by performing a few gradient updates on the test task support set, and the final model performance is obtained on the corresponding query set.

3.2. Setting Up the System: Task-Covariant Representation Meta-Learning

In this section, we introduce the details of our proposed task-covariant representation meta-learning method. In order to better explain how our proposed model works, we use Figure 2, Algorithm 1, and Figure 3 to show the working principle of our model. The goal of task-covariant representation meta-learning is to effectively solve the multi-distribution problem of tasks by leveraging the transferable knowledge learned from historical tasks, with each distribution learning a modulated function. As shown in the task-covariant representation part of Figure 1, the adaptation is entirely determined by the real task distribution, which is represented by the learning of the capsule network. Task representation techniques are discussed, which aim to improve the efficiency of feature representation, the performance of task-invariant learning, and task-specific knowledge adaptation. We also introduce the concept of task-covariant representation, which allows for adaptive task assignment to appropriate distributions when new tasks are introduced. Task-specific knowledge adaptive modulation involves choosing the suitable modulation technique based on the distribution of tasks while adjusting initialization parameters according to task-specific information.
Algorithm 1 Task-covariant representation for meta-learning.
p T : Overall distribution of tasks; α : each task gradient update step size (inner-loop update); β : meta-optimization gradient update step size (outer-loop update); μ 1 and μ 2 : weight coefficients in the loss function.
Randomly initialize all learnable parameters Φ .
while not done do
   Sample a batch of tasks T i i 1 , I from task distribution p T .
   for  T i  do
     Sample training set D i t r and testing set D i t s .
     Extract features to obtain task representation c i n by Equation (3).
     Extract deep task features based on recurrent neural network autoencoder T i n and compute class feature autoencoding loss L q by Equation (4).
     Dynamic routing represents the covariant relationship between tasks, and the capsule decoder uses Equation (5) to calculate the task capsule reconstruction L c a p s u l e .
     Compute the task-specific initialization θ 0 i in Equation (7) and update parameters θ 0 = θ 0 i α L f θ , D i t r .
   end for
   Update parameters Φ Φ β θ i = 1 I L f θ , D i t s + μ 1 L q + μ 2 L c a p s u l e .
end while

3.2.1. Task Representation Learning

To accurately reconcile the learned meta-knowledge, it is necessary to represent the current task information using covariance. When dealing with classification or regression problems in few-shot learning, we typically begin by investigating the task representation with respect to a set of samples. Initially, the samples in the task can be represented as vectors after feature extraction. To reduce the complexity of task representation in meta-learning, we typically average the feature vectors of samples belonging to the same class and then combine the resulting task feature vectors into a matrix format, where each row represents a class or cluster. In a regression problem, the image’s class information is replaced by clustering results. Constructing the task’s feature representation based on classes can effectively reduce the impact of outlier samples on tasks. Specifically, for a classification problem, the support set D i S = { x i s , y i s } s = 1 n of the corresponding task, with the class feature representation denoted by c i n R , is defined as:
c i n = 1 K n S j = 1 K n S F x j
where K n S denotes the number of samples of the corresponding class in the support set of each task, and i represents the i-th task. F · is a feature extraction function that contains a convolutional layer and fully connected layer, which projects x j into a feature space in which samples from the same class are located closer to each other, while samples from different classes are farther apart. For a regression problem, we first extract the feature of each sample and then cluster the extracted feature vectors to obtain the feature representation of the regression problem. The extracted task features are input into the recurrent neural network R N N autoencoder to extract the deep features of the task, where each class or cluster of features in the task is individually self-encoded to obtain a better task representation. In order to obtain better self-encoded intermediate features, we use the L 2 norm as the recurrent autoencoding loss function; the autoencoder loss function is defined as:
L q = n = 1 N k S c i n c i n * 2
where c i n and c i n * are the input and output of the autoencoder, and N k S is the number of support set classes or clusters.
From the above support-centralized sample feature extraction and class feature self-encoding operations, a better class feature representation T i n can be obtained, which prepares for subsequent task distribution division and the customization of specific task initialization parameters.

3.2.2. Task-Covariant Representation

In this section, we introduce task-covariant representation by leveraging the capsule network. Our goal is to use capsules for the covariant representation of tasks based on different task distributions. We take the intermediate variable generated by the encoder or the divided intermediate variable of the class feature vector in the task as a capsule; the class feature vector is denoted by T i n . The class feature vector is used as the input of the capsule network. First, projection transformation is performed to effectively represent covariant transformation among tasks. At the same time, the dimension of the class feature vector can be changed; the output of the capsule network consists of multiple capsules, and each capsule represents one of the multiple distributions. Capsules are assigned to positions that represent different distributions, and the value of the position where the capsule with the largest modulus length is retained, while other positions are masked (all set to 0) so that the task representation of the corresponding distribution can be obtained, as shown in Figure 4. In order to ensure that the task presentation information is not lost due to different mask operations, we transform the matrix composed of differently distributed capsules into a vector form and input it into the decoding network, which consists of three fully connected layers. The recurrent neural network self-encoder generates the intermediate variable T i n as the input of the capsule network. The output and decoding of the capsule network are t c a p s u l e and T i n * , respectively, and the L 2 norm is used as the loss function of the task capsule.
L c a p s u l e = T i n T i n * 2
where T i n and T i n * are the capsule network input and decoding output. The capsule reconstruction error in Equation (5) can enhance the training stability, leading to the improvement of task representation learning.
The output t c a p s u l e of the capsule network is transformed into a vector form v c a p s u l e after being masked by Equation (6), which helps the modulation function of the fully connected form to modulate the learned meta-knowledge.
v c a p s u l e t c a p s u l e

3.2.3. Task-Specific Knowledge Adaption and Loss Function

We will discuss how to adjust the initialization parameters and loss function of a model corresponding to different distributions for each task. In the method developed in this study, we use modulation functions to tailor initialization parameters for particular tasks across diverse distributions. Differently distributed task capsules utilize distinct modulation functions.
The prerequisite for the effective operation of the modulation function is task-covariant representation. We use multi-distribution covariant representation to more effectively represent the true distribution of each task. The true distribution of tasks may take the form of multiple distributions. For each distribution, a modulation function is used. In other words, multiple tasks form a task set and share a modulation function. The number of task sets determines the number of modulation functions needed. To simplify the form of multiple modulation functions, a fully connected network and sigmoid activation function are used as the modulation function for initialization parameters. The input is a masked vector, where different mask positions are equivalent to using different modulation functions. Therefore, one network can perform multiple modulation functions. This is formulated as:
θ 0 i = M W * v c a p s u l e + b · θ 0
where W and b are a fully connect layer of weights and biases when using the sigmoid activation function. The trained model parameters are utilized as the starting point for the meta-learning model, with a number of tasks sampled from various relational datasets. The meta-learning model is trained to optimize the similarity vectors of tasks. When selecting a task, the current state of the meta-learning model is used as input, and a selection strategy is output based on the similarity vectors between the current task and the tasks previously encountered by the meta-learning model. This selection strategy is used to choose the next task, followed by retraining the meta-learning model to adapt to the new task.
For each task τ i , we use the gradient descent algorithm to update the modulated initialization parameter θ 0 i to θ i . The total loss function includes meta-learning loss; class task reconstruction error, defined by Equation (4); and multi-distribution capsule reconstruction loss, defined by Equation (5). The total loss function is:
L t o t a l = L m e t a + μ 1 L q + μ 2 L c a p s u l e
where μ 1 and μ 2 are the proportions of task representation autoencoder loss and multi-distribution capsule reconstruction loss in the total loss. The goal of our neural network training is to minimize the total loss. Finally, we also provide a detailed table of common mathematical symbols, which can be referred to in Appendix A Table A1 if necessary.

4. Experiments

In this section, we describe experiments performed on several few-shot learning problems, such as few-shot regression, few-shot classification, and ablation experiments to corroborate the effectiveness of task-covariant representation meta-learning. All our experiments were supervised small-sample learning problems that did not use pre-trained models.

4.1. Two-Dimensional Regression

To demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed task-covariant meta-learning algorithm, we evaluated our method and other methods in a few-shot regression experiment. To verify the superiority of the model for more complex regression problems, AID, UCMerced-LandUse, and WHU-RS-19 were combined into a single dataset, and then 2D regression tests were performed on these data. Inputs x and y were sampled from a uniform distribution U [0.0, 0.5], and random Gaussian noise with a standard deviation of 0.3 was added to the output. The regression functions include line, sinusoidal, quadratic, cubic quadratic surface, and ripple functions. Compared with task-invariant meta-learning algorithms, our proposed task-covariant meta-learning method has notable advantages in regression tasks and can still achieve competitive results compared with task-heterogeneous meta-learning methods. The experimental results are shown in Table 1.

4.2. Few-Shot Classification

In a few-shot classification problem, each task is defined by N-way K-shot classification, where N is the number of classes, and K is the number of examples per class.

4.2.1. Datasets and Setting

In the few-shot classification task, we used common remote sensing image datasets, which mainly include AID, SIRI-WHU, UCMerced-LandUse, and WHU-RS-19. In these experiments, the size of the data images was made uniform at 84 × 84 , and each dataset was divided into a support set and query set at a ratio of 8:2, with each experiment being run for 4000 epochs. First, we conducted experiments on the classification of AID and UCMerced-LandUse datasets. We compared our proposed method not only internally but also with other methods. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed task-covariant meta-learning in handling more complex underlying structures and highlight its application ability for remote sensing images, we increased the difficulty of few-shot image classification by adding synthetic data that introduce blur and sharpening to the original AID dataset. The processed datasets were used separately to conduct experiments in the few-shot classification task. Finally, to validate the performance of our method on other datasets, experiments were carried out on UCMerced-LandUse and WHU-RS-19 datasets, and the results were compared with task-invariant meta-learning (MAML) and task-heterogeneous meta-learning (MeTAL) methods.

4.2.2. Internal Comparison of Our Method

We verified the effectiveness of our proposed scheme through a large number of experiments, the results of which are shown in Table 2. The experiments tested the following settings: (a) The type of image corresponding to the task is directly input to the encoder to generate intermediate features, which are then directly input to the modulation function. This exploits the heterogeneity between tasks to customize initialization parameters. (b) Building on experiment (a), the self-encoder result is first used with a fully connected layer, and then the initialization parameters are modulated. (c) The task-specific features are directly input to the capsule network, which has no reconstruction loss and produces a single output capsule. The initialization parameters are customized for each task using the output of the capsule network and modulation functions. (d) Similar to (c), but the number of output capsules is 5, and all other settings remain unchanged. (e) Similar to (c), but the number of output capsules is 10, and all other settings remain unchanged. (f) Similar to (c), but the number of output capsules is 15, and all other settings remain unchanged. (g) A fully connected neural network layer and capsule routing are used simultaneously, and then the modulation function is applied to customize the initialization parameters for a specific task. (h) Similar to (g), but a three-layer fully connected network is used. (i) Similar to (g), but each type of class task feature is separately encoded using the fully connected network.
Experiment analysis: (1) From experimental settings (a) and (b), it can be seen that directly using the fully connected neural network to extract features as the class feature mean and then using the modulation function reduces the model’s performance. (2) From experiments (c–f), it can be observed that as the number of capsules (i.e., the number of distributions of multi-distribution tasks) increases, the model’s performance decreases. However, there is almost no difference between using 10 and 20 capsules. (3) From experiment (f) and experiments (g–i), it can be observed that extracting features from the intermediate coding of class features will reduce the performance of the model. (4) It can be seen from experiments (g) and (h) that the number of layers of the fully connected network has almost no effect on the experimental results, and (g) and (i) reveal that the fully connected neural network’s separate coding can slightly improve the performance of the model. Through the above experimental analysis, we determined the final model as the form from experiment (a). The following sections introduce the experimental comparison between our proposed algorithm and other similar algorithms.

4.2.3. Comparison with Other Methods

Based on the experimental results obtained with different settings, we always selected setting (a) as the final model and compared its performance with other similar methods. We compared our proposed task-covariant meta-learning method with different types of baselines: (1) the task-invariant representation method in the original gradient-based learning method (all tasks share global initialization parameters, such as MAML and Meta-SGD) and the task-heterogeneous representation method (adaptive custom initialization parameters for different tasks, such as MT-Net, MUMO-MAML, HSML, and DMAML); (2) other original learning algorithms, including task-invariant representation methods (VERSA, Prototypical network, and TapNet) and task-heterogeneous representation (TADAM) as baselines.
The experimental results are shown in Table 3, in which our proposed task-covariant learning method is compared with other schemes. From the experimental data, it is clear that in the few-shot classification task, our method has a slight advantage over the other solutions. At the same time, we can find that our method has some advantages over global parameter-sharing meta-learning for task-covariant learning for the classification of real data with fewer samples. The results show that adaptively customizing the initialization parameters for each task according to the task information is more in line with the actual situation than the global sharing setting. In contrast to independently customizing each parameter, task covariance means that both the invariance between tasks and the heterogeneity between tasks are considered. However, the large amount of calculation required for the meta-knowledge graph is computationally intensive; the method of using the capsule network can significantly reduce the amount of calculation and has a higher training efficiency, and the running time is more stable. To verify the operational efficiency of our proposed method, we compared the ARML method with our method on the AID dataset. For task-covariant learning and the ARML method, under the condition that other settings remain the same, the running times of each iteration were compared (the average was taken once for 100 iterations, and all results were averaged again), and the results are shown in Table 4. Compared to RAML, the advantage of the proposed method in operating efficiency is significant, resulting in substantial time savings during training.
In order to compare the accuracy of trials during the training of task covariance learning and the ARML method, the following experimental settings were used: AID dataset and 5-way 5-shot. The verification accuracy of the two is drawn in the graph as scatter points, where the red dots are task-covariant learning, and the cyan dots are task-heterogeneous meta-learning. As can be seen in Figure 5, after a sufficient training process, the validation accuracy of both methods is similar, but our method also has a smaller range of fluctuations.
At the same time, in order to verify the effectiveness of our method, we added blur to and sharpened the AID dataset images to produce a degraded dataset. In the setup of the fuzzy dataset, a Gaussian fuzzy method was used with a radius value of 3, and the original default bound value was used. When sharpening the dataset, we used horizontal sharpening with the depth value set to −1 and the convolutional kernel matrix set to B.
B = 0 1 0 1 5 1 0 1 1
On the degraded AID dataset, the above methods and our method were compared on a small sample classification task; the experiments are shown in Table 5. We found that, on the degraded dataset, although the performance of our method decreased, it still exhibited some advantages over the other methods. This demonstrates that the capsule network’s ability to provide a covariant representation of tasks can effectively enhance the expressive power of the tasks.

4.2.4. SIRI-WHU and WHU-RS19 Datasets

To confirm that the task-covariant representation meta-learning method is also advantageous using other widely used remote sensing image classification datasets, two commonly employed datasets for few-shot classification, SIRI-WHU and WHU-RS19, were utilized. The experimental results presented in Table 6 demonstrate that, compared with task-invariant meta-learning (MAML) and task-heterogeneous meta-learning (MeTAL, which involves the adaptive learning of the loss function for each task using task-specific information) methods, our method still exhibited superior performance. However, our classification accuracy was slightly lower than that of the MeTAL method.

5. Conclusions

In this paper, we propose a task-covariant meta-learning method for representation learning specifically designed for remotely sensed images. The proposed approach tackles the challenge of assigning the current task to a specific subspace and acquiring the corresponding modulation function for each respective subspace. The task-covariant representation meta-learning algorithm incorporates capsule representation to embody a subset of the task feature or the entire task feature. Additionally, the dynamic routing algorithm is leveraged to capture the covariant relationships among tasks. By learning distinct modulation functions for each distribution within a multi-distribution task, the modulation functions are able to be dynamically selected based on the specific distributions encountered during the task. Logically, our method can effectively handle the real task distribution, and numerous experiments showed that the proposed new meta-learning algorithm can achieve accurate results comparable to those of state-of-the-art algorithms and effectively improve model training performance. It is expected that the ideas and structure of the task-covariant representation meta-learning method would make a valuable contribution to future research in meta-learning. To fulfill the research demands in the domain of future image enhancement, it is crucial to bridge technological and disciplinary boundaries and integrate knowledge from various interdisciplinary fields, including machine learning, computer vision, and sensor technology, in order to consistently advance the growth of image enhancement algorithms and their corresponding applications. Therefore, in future work, we aim to explore the use of capsule networks and meta-learning in a weakly [53] supervised manner to achieve image enhancement based on human visual perception.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, L.Z. and Z.T.; methodology, L.Z.; software, L.Z.; validation, L.Z., Y.T., Z.J. and Z.T.; formal analysis, Y.T.; investigation, L.Z.; resources, Z.T.; data curation, Z.J.; writing—original draft preparation, Y.T.; writing—review and editing, L.Z.; visualization, L.Z.; supervision, L.Z.; project administration, Y.T. and Z.J.; funding acquisition, L.Z. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61866040), the Special Support Plan for High-Level Talents of Guangdong Province (No. 2019TQ05X571), and the Project of Guangdong Province Innovative Team (No. 2020WCXTD011).

Data Availability Statement

The datasets generated and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

Appendix A. Commonly Used Notations

Table A1. Commonly used notations.
Table A1. Commonly used notations.
D i S The support set of the i-th task, containing samples and labels used for
training the model.
D i Q The query set of the i-th task, containing samples and labels for testing
the model.
x i s A sample from the support set of the i-th task.
y i s The label of a sample from the support set of the i-th task.
x i q A sample from the query set of the i-th task.
y i q The label of a sample from the query set of the i-th task.
θ 0 The initial parameter of the base predictive model f, which is the goal
of meta-learning.
{ τ i } i = 1 N A set of N meta-learning tasks used for training the model.
θ i The model parameter for the i-th task.
α The learning rate of the inner optimization strategy.
θ L D i S ; θ The gradient with respect to θ , representing the gradient of the model
trained on the support set D i S with respect to the current parameter.
θ i Parameters of the task-specific base learner.
L Loss function.
β Step size or learning rate for outer optimization loop.
RA set of real numbers.
1 K n S Fraction equal to the reciprocal of the number of samples in a support set.
The summation of all terms within the brackets.
jThe index used for iterating over all samples in a support set.
F · The feature extraction function.
x j The input sample.
iThe index used for iterating over all tasks.
c i n The class feature representation for i-th task.
K n S The number of samples of the corresponding class in the support set
of each task.
L 2 normEuclidean distance between two points.
μ 1 and μ 2 The weight coefficients that control the ratio of autoencoder
loss and capsule network reconstruction loss in the loss function.
Φ The set of learnable parameters in the model, including the weights and
biases of the neural network.
{ T i i [ 1 , I ] } The set of I tasks sampled from the meta-task distribution.
D i t r and D i t s The training set and testing set of the i-th task.
c i n A feature vector representing task i.
T i n An autoencoder recurrent neural network used to extract task-specific
low-dimensional feature vectors for task i.
L q The loss function used to ensure consistency in task-specific
L c a p s u l e The loss function for computing task-specific capsule network
θ 0 i The function parameters used for task-specific initialization in task i.
L f θ , D i t r The task-specific gradient computation used to update task-specific
θ The meta-learning update gradient computation used to update the
learnable parameters of the model.
· 2 Represents the Euclidean norm or 2-norm.
N k S Indicates the number of support set categories or clusters.
t c a p s u l e The output of the capsule network.
T i n * The decoding output of the capsule network.
· 2 The Euclidean norm or 2-norm.
v c a p s u l e The vector form of the output of capsule network.
MThe modulation function.
W and bThe weights and biases of a fully connected layer.
L m e t a The meta-learning loss.


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Figure 1. Task-invariant, task-heterogeneous, and task-covariant representation meta-learning comparison diagram. Task-invariant representation meta-learning learns globally shared meta-knowledge for all tasks, task-heterogeneous meta-learning uses task information to adaptively modulate learned meta-knowledge, and task-covariant representation means that meta-learning uses the covariant relationships among tasks to assign the current task to the corresponding subspace and uses the modulation function and task information corresponding to the subspace to adaptively modulate the learned meta-knowledge.
Figure 1. Task-invariant, task-heterogeneous, and task-covariant representation meta-learning comparison diagram. Task-invariant representation meta-learning learns globally shared meta-knowledge for all tasks, task-heterogeneous meta-learning uses task information to adaptively modulate learned meta-knowledge, and task-covariant representation means that meta-learning uses the covariant relationships among tasks to assign the current task to the corresponding subspace and uses the modulation function and task information corresponding to the subspace to adaptively modulate the learned meta-knowledge.
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Figure 2. The framework for the task-covariant representation meta-learning algorithm.
Figure 2. The framework for the task-covariant representation meta-learning algorithm.
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Figure 3. Algorithm flow diagram.
Figure 3. Algorithm flow diagram.
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Figure 4. In the routing process of the capsule network, the number of input and output capsules are N and M, respectively; the mask mechanism is used so that the output capsule retains the largest capsule of the model, and the rest of the capsules are all zero.
Figure 4. In the routing process of the capsule network, the number of input and output capsules are N and M, respectively; the mask mechanism is used so that the output capsule retains the largest capsule of the model, and the rest of the capsules are all zero.
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Figure 5. Comparison of accuracy between our proposed method and a task-heterogeneous meta-learning process, where the red dots represent task-covariant learning and the cyan dots represent task-heterogeneous meta-learning.
Figure 5. Comparison of accuracy between our proposed method and a task-heterogeneous meta-learning process, where the red dots represent task-covariant learning and the cyan dots represent task-heterogeneous meta-learning.
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Table 1. Comparison of experimental error (mean square error with 95% confidence) results between the task-covariant meta-learning algorithm and other meta-learning algorithms in 2D regression tasks.
Table 1. Comparison of experimental error (mean square error with 95% confidence) results between the task-covariant meta-learning algorithm and other meta-learning algorithms in 2D regression tasks.
Table 2. Comparison of classification accuracy (accuracy ± 95%) between different settings of task-covariant meta-learning algorithm and other similar works on the AID and UCMerced-LandUse datasets.
Table 2. Comparison of classification accuracy (accuracy ± 95%) between different settings of task-covariant meta-learning algorithm and other similar works on the AID and UCMerced-LandUse datasets.
Algorithm5-way 1-shot5-way 3-shot5-way 5-shot
(a) Initialization parameters78.47%81.91%85.58%
(b) Adjusting parameters with FCN76.31%80.96%83.50%
(c) Number of capsules is 179.43%82.19%85.55%
(d) Number of capsules is 578.33%81.80%85.07%
(e) Number of capsules is 1078.23%82.10%84.42%
(f) Number of capsules is 1577.35%80.93%84.93%
(g) Adding a layer of FCN77.69%80.85%82.45%
(h) Adding three layers of FCN78.45%81.65%83.23%
(i) Coding each task separately78.65%82.14%85.90%
(a) Initialization parameters75.23%82.61%84.12%
(b) Adjusting parameters with FCN73.59%79.59%83.03%
(c) Number of capsules is 175.29%82.74%84.53%
(d) Number of capsules is 574.73%82.06%83.91%
(e) Number of capsules is 1073.59%81.47%84.36%
(f) Number of capsules is 1575.07%80.88%82.84%
(g) Adding a layer of FCN74.89%81.01%83.16%
(h) Adding three layers of FCN75.29%81.83%83.74%
(i) Coding each task separately75.37%82.37%84.03%
Table 3. Comparison of few-shot classification accuracy of task-covariant learning, task-invariant, and task-heterogeneous methods on AID and UCMerced-LandUse datasets.
Table 3. Comparison of few-shot classification accuracy of task-covariant learning, task-invariant, and task-heterogeneous methods on AID and UCMerced-LandUse datasets.
Algorithm5-way 1-shot5-way 3-shot5-way 5-shot
Table 4. Run time comparison.
Table 4. Run time comparison.
DatasetAlgorithm Time (Minutes)
5-Way 1-Shot5-Way 3-Shot5-Way 5-Shot
Table 5. Comparison of the few-shot classification accuracy of task-covariant learning, task-invariant, and task-heterogeneous methods on the degraded AID dataset.
Table 5. Comparison of the few-shot classification accuracy of task-covariant learning, task-invariant, and task-heterogeneous methods on the degraded AID dataset.
SettingAlgorithmAvg. OriginalAvg. BlurAvg. Sharpened
5-way 1-shotVERSA68.58%65.98%60.70%
5-way 3-shotVERSA72.40%70.10%70.48%
5-way 5-shotVERSA75.86%75.41%71.93%
Table 6. Comparison of classification accuracy on SIRI-WHU and WHU-RS19 datasets.
Table 6. Comparison of classification accuracy on SIRI-WHU and WHU-RS19 datasets.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Zhang, L.; Tian, Z.; Tang, Y.; Jiang, Z. Task-Covariant Representations for Few-Shot Learning on Remote Sensing Images. Mathematics 2023, 11, 1930.

AMA Style

Zhang L, Tian Z, Tang Y, Jiang Z. Task-Covariant Representations for Few-Shot Learning on Remote Sensing Images. Mathematics. 2023; 11(8):1930.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Zhang, Liyi, Zengguang Tian, Yi Tang, and Zuo Jiang. 2023. "Task-Covariant Representations for Few-Shot Learning on Remote Sensing Images" Mathematics 11, no. 8: 1930.

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