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On Holomorphic Contractibility of Teichmüller Spaces

Samuel L. Krushkal
Department of Mathematics, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan 5290002, Israel
Department of Mathematics, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4137, USA
Axioms 2022, 11(10), 548;
Submission received: 15 September 2022 / Revised: 7 October 2022 / Accepted: 7 October 2022 / Published: 12 October 2022


The problem of the holomorphic contractibility of Teichmüller spaces T ( 0 , n ) of the punctured spheres ( n > 4 ) arose in the 1970s in connection with solving algebraic equations in Banach algebras. Recently it was solved by the author. In the present paper, we give a refined proof of the holomorphic contractibility for all spaces T ( 0 , n ) ,   n > 4 and provide two independent proofs of holomorphic contractibility for low-dimensional Teichmüller spaces, which has intrinsic interest.

1. Preamble

1.1. Holomorphic Contractibility

A complex Banach manifold X is contractible to its point x 0 if there exists a continuous map F : X × [ 0 , 1 ] X with F ( x , 0 ) = x and F ( x , 1 ) = x 0 for all x X . If map F can be chosen so that for every t [ 0 , 1 ] the map F t : x F ( x , t ) of X is holomorphic to itself and F t ( x 0 ) = x 0 , then X is called holomorphically contractible to x 0 .
The problem of holomorphic contractibility of Teichmüller spaces T ( 0 , n ) of the punctures spheres ( n > 4 ) arose in the 1970s in connection with solving algebraic equations in Banach algebras. It was caused by the fact that in the space C m ,   m > 1 , there are domains (even bounded) that are only topologically but not holomorphically contractible (see [1,2,3,4,5]).
The simplest example of holomorphically contractible domains in complex Banach spaces is given by starlike domains. However, all Teichmüller spaces of sufficiently great dimensions are not starlike (see [6,7]).
Earle [8] established the holomorphic contractibility of two modified Teichmüller spaces related to asymptotically conformal maps.
Recently, this problem was solved positively in [9]. It was established that all spaces T ( 0 , n ) ,   n > 4 , are holomorphically contractible.
Theorem 1.
Any space T ( 0 , n ) with n > 4 is holomorphically contractible.
The proof of Lemma 3 in that paper contains a wrong assertion (which is not used here) that the map s m , including the space T ( Γ 0 ) into T ( Γ 0 m ) , is a section of the forgetful map χ m :   T ( X a 0 m ) T ( X a 0 ) . Such sections do not exist if n > 6 .
In fact, s m as an open holomorphic map (of a domain onto a manifold) was only used in the proof of Lemma 3 (and of Theorem 1), and the openness is preserved for the limit map s = lim m s m , which determines an ( n 3 ) -dimensional complex submanifold s ( T ( X a 0 ) ) in the universal Teichmüller space T .
In the present paper, we give a refined proof of holomorphic contractibility for all spaces T ( 0 , n ) ,   n > 4 and provide two independent proofs of holomorphic contractibility for low-dimensional Teichmüller spaces (of dimensions two and three). The second proof has its own interest in view of the importance of the problem. Its underlying idea is different; the arguments do not extend to higher dimensions.

1.2. Teichmüller Spaces of Low Dimenshions

There are two Teichmüller spaces of dimension two: the space T ( 0 , 5 ) of the spheres with five punctures and the space T ( 1 , 2 ) of twice-punctured tori; these spaces are biholomorphically equivalent. Such spheres and tori are uniformized by the corresponding Fuchsian groups Γ and Γ so that Γ is a subgroup of index two in Γ ; letting T ( 0 , 5 ) = T ( Γ ) ,   T ( 1 , 2 ) = T ( Γ ) , we have T ( Γ ) = T ( Γ ) .
In a similar way, the Teichmüller spaces T ( 0 , 6 ) of spheres with six punctures and T ( 2 , 0 ) of closed Riemann surfaces of genus 2 also are biholomorphically equivalent, and in terms of the corresponding Fuchsian groups Γ and Γ we have the same relationship T ( Γ ) = T ( Γ ) . We state:
Theorem 2.
The spaces T ( 0 , 5 ) ,   T ( 1 , 2 ) ,   T ( 0 , 6 ) ,   T ( 2 , 0 ) are holomorphically contractible.
The Teichmüller space T ( 1 , 3 ) of tori with three punctures also has three dimensions; it will not be involved here.

2. Underlying Results

2.1. Teichmüller Spaces of Punctured Spheres

Consider the ordered n-tuples of points
a = ( 0 , 1 , a 1 , , a n 3 , ) ,   n > 4 ,
with distinct a j C ^ \ { 1 , 1 , i } and the corresponding punctured spheres
X a = C ^ \ { 0 , 1 , a 1 , a n 3 , } ,   C ^ = C { } ,
regarded as Riemann surfaces of genus zero. Fix a collection a 0 = ( 0 , 1 , a 1 0 , , a n 3 0 , 1 , ) defining the base point X a 0 of Teichmüller space T ( 0 , n ) = T ( X a 0 ) of n-punctured spheres. Its points are the equivalence classes [ μ ] of Beltrami coefficients from the ball
Belt ( C ) 1 = { μ L ( C ) :   μ < 1 } ,
under the relationship that μ 1 μ 2 if the corresponding quasiconformal homeomorphisms w μ 1 , w μ 2 :   X a 0 X a (the solutions of the Beltrami equation ¯ w = μ w with μ = μ 1 , μ 2 ) are homotopic on X a 0 (and hence coincide at the points 0 , 1 , a 1 0 , , a n 3 0 , ). This models T ( 0 , n ) as the quotient space
T ( 0 , n ) = Belt ( C ) 1 /
with a complex Banach structure of dimension n 3 inherited from the ball Belt ( C ) 1 .
Another canonical model of T ( 0 , n ) = T ( X a 0 ) is obtained using the uniformization of Riemann surfaces and the holomorphic Bers embedding of Teichmüller spaces. Consider the upper and lower half-planes
U = { z = x + i y C :   y > 0 } ,   U = { z = x + i y C :   y < 0 }
The holomorphic universal covering map h :   U X a 0 provides a torsion-free Fuchsian group Γ 0 of the first kind acting discontinuously on U U , and the surface X a 0 is represented (up to conformal equivalence) as the quotient space U / Γ 0 . The functions μ L ( X a 0 ) = L ( C ) are lifted to U as the Beltrami ( 1 , 1 ) -measurable forms μ ˜ d z ¯ / d z on U with respect to Γ 0 , satisfying ( μ ˜ γ ) γ ¯ / γ = μ ˜ ,   γ Γ 0 and forming the corresponding Banach space L ( U , Γ 0 ) . We extend these μ ˜ by zero to U and consider the unit ball Belt ( U , Γ 0 ) 1 of this space L ( U , Γ 0 ) . The corresponding quasiconformal maps w μ ^ are conformal on the half-plane U , and their Schwarzian derivatives.
S w ( z ) = w ( z ) w ( z ) 1 2 w ( z ) w ( z ) 2 ,   w = w μ ^ ,
fill a bounded domain in the complex ( n 3 ) -dimensional space B ( Γ 0 ) = B ( U , Γ 0 ) of hyperbolically bounded holomorphic Γ 0 -automorphic forms of degree 4 on U (i.e., satisfy ( φ γ ) ( γ ) 2 = φ ,   γ Γ 0 ), with norm
φ = sup U 4 y 2 | φ ( z ) | .
This domain models the Teichmüller space T ( Γ 0 ) of the group Γ 0 . It is canonically isomorphic to the space T ( X a 0 ) (and to a bounded domain in the complex Euclidean space C n 3 ).
The indicated map μ ^ S w μ ^ determines a holomorphic map ϕ T : Belt ( U , Γ 0 ) 1 B ( Γ 0 ) ; it has only local holomorphic sections.
Note also that T ( Γ 0 ) = T B ( Γ 0 ) , where T is the universal Teichmüller space (modeled as a domain of the Schwarzian derivatives of all univalent functions on U admitting quasiconformal extension to U).

2.2. Connection with Interpolation of Univalent Functions

The collections (1) fills a domain D n in C n 3 obtained by deleting from this space the hyperplanes { z = ( z 1 , , z n 3 ) :   z j = z l ,   j l } , and with z 1 = 0 , z 2 = 1 . This domain represents the Torelli space of the spheres X a and is covered by T ( 0 , n ) , which is given by the following lemma (cf., e.g., [10]; [11], Section 2.8).
Lemma 1.
The holomorphic universal covering space of D n is the Teichmüller space T ( 0 , n ) . This means that for each punctured sphere X a , there is a holomorphic universal covering
π a : T ( 0 , n ) = T ( X a ) D n .
The covering map π a is well defined by
π a ϕ a ( μ ) = ( 0 , 1 , w μ ( a 1 ) , , w μ ( a n 3 ) , ) ,
where ϕ a denotes the canonical projection of the ball Belt ( C ) 1 onto the space T ( X a ) .
Lemma 1 also yields that the truncated collections a = ( a 1 , , a n 3 ) provide the local complex coordinates on the space T ( 0 , n ) and define its complex structure.
These coordinates are simply connected with the Bers local complex coordinates on T ( 0 , n ) (related to basis of the tangent spaces to T ( 0 , n ) at its points, see [12]) via standard variation of quasiconformal maps of X a = U / Γ a
w μ ( z ) = z z ( z 1 ) π C μ ( ζ ) ζ ( ζ 1 ) ( ζ z ) d ξ d η + O ( μ 2 ) = z z ( z 1 ) π γ Γ a   U / Γ a μ ( γ ζ ) | γ ( ζ ) | 2 γ ζ ( γ ζ 1 ) ( γ ζ z ) d ξ d η + O ( μ 2 ) .
with a uniform estimate of the ratio O ( μ 2 ) / μ 2 on compacts in C (see, e.g., [13]).
It turns out that one can obtain the whole space T ( X a 0 ) using only the similar equivalence classes [ μ ] of the Beltrami coefficients from the ball μ Belt ( U ) 1 (vanishing on U ) , requiring that the corresponding quasiconformal homeomorphisms w μ are homotopic on the punctured sphere X a 0 . Surjectivity of this holomorphic quotient map
χ : Belt ( U ) 1 T ( 0 , n ) ,
is a consequence of the following interpolation result from [14].
Lemma 2.
Given two cyclically ordered collections of points ( z 1 , , z m ) and ( ζ 1 , , ζ m ) on the unit circle S 1 = { | z | = 1 } , there exists a holomorphic univalent function f in the closure of the unit disk D = { | z | < 1 } such that | f ( z ) | < 1 for z D ¯ distinct from z 1 , , z m , and f ( z k ) = ζ k for all k = 1 , , m . Moreover, there exist univalent polynomials f with such an interpolation property.
It follows that the function f given by Lemma 2 is actually holomorphic and univalent (hence, maps conformally) in a broader disk D r ,   r > 1 .
First of all, f ( z ) 0 on the unit circle S 1 . Indeed, if f ( z 0 ) = 0 at some point z 0 S 1 , then in its neighborhood f ( z ) = c s ( z z 0 ) s + O ( ( z z 0 ) s + 1 ) = c s ζ s , where c s 0 for some s > 1 , which contradicts the injectivity of f ( z ) on S 1 . Therefore, f is univalent in some disk D r = { | z | < r } ,   r > 1 .
Assuming, on the contrary, that f is not globally univalent in any admissible disk D r with r > 1 , one obtains the distinct sequences { z n } ,   { z n } D r with f ( z n ) = f ( z n ) for any n, whose limit points z 0 ,   z 0 lie on S 1 . Then, in the limit, we have f ( z 0 ) = f ( z 0 ) , which in the case z 0 z 0 , contradicts the univalence of f on S 1 given by Lemma 2, and in the case z 0 = z 0 = z 0 , contradicts the local univalence of f in a neighborhood of z 0 .
The interpolating function f given by Lemma 2 is extended quasiconformally to the whole sphere C ^ across any circle { | z | = r } with r > 1 indicated above. Hence, given a cyclically ordered collection ( z 1 , , z m ) of points on S 1 , then for any ordered collection ( ζ 1 , , ζ m ) in C ^ , there exists a quasiconformal homeomorphism f ^ of the sphere C ^ carrying the points z j to ζ j ,   j = 1 , , m , and such that its restriction to the closed disk D ¯ is biholomorphic on D ¯ .
Taking the quasicircles L passing through the points ζ 1 , , ζ m and such that each ζ j belongs to an analytic subarc of L, one obtains quasiconformal extensions of the interpolating function f, which are biholomorphic on the union of D ¯ and some neighborhoods of the initial points z 1 , , z m S 1 . Now Lemma 1 provides quasiconformal extensions of f lying in prescribed homotopy classes of homeomorphisms X z X w .

2.3. The Bers fiber space

Pick a space T ( 0 , n ) = T ( X a 0 ) with n 5 and let
X a 0 = X a 0 \ { a n 3 0 } = U / Γ 0 .
Due to the Bers isomorphism theorem, the space T ( X a 0 ) is biholomorphically isomorphic to the Bers fiber space
F ( 0 , n ) : = F ( T ( X a 0 ) = { ( ϕ T ( μ ) , z ) T ( X a 0 ) × C :   μ Belt ( U , Γ 0 ) 1 ,   z w μ ( D ) }
over T ( X a 0 ) with holomorphic projection π ( φ , z ) = φ   ( φ T ( X a 0 ) (see [15]).
This fiber space is a bounded hyperbolic domain in B ( Γ 0 ) × C and represents the collection of domains D μ = w μ ( U ) (the universal covers of the surfaces X a 0 ) as a holomorphic family over the space T ( 0 , n 1 ) = T ( X a 0 ) .
The indicated isomorphism between T ( 0 , n + 1 ) and F ( 0 , n ) is induced by the inclusion map j :   D D forgetting the puncture at a n 0 , via
μ ( S w μ 1 , w μ 1 ( a ^ n 3 0 ) )   with     μ 1 = j μ : = ( μ j ^ 0 ) j ^ ¯ / j ^ ,
where j ^ is the lift of j to U and a ^ n 3 0 is one of the points from the fiber over a n 0 under the quotient map U U / Γ 0 .
Note also that the holomorphic universal covering maps h :   U U / Γ 0 and h :   U U / Γ 0 (and similarly, the corresponding covering maps in U) are related by
j h = h j ^ ,
where j ^ is the lift of j. This induces a surjective homomorphism of the covering groups θ : Γ 0 Γ 0 by
j ^ γ = θ ( γ ) γ ,   γ Γ 0
and the norm preserving isomorphism j ^ :   B ( Γ 0 ) B ( Γ 0 ) by
j ^ φ = ( φ j ^ ) ( j ^ ) 2 ,
which projects to the surfaces X a 0 and X a 0 as the inclusion of the space Q ( X a 0 ) of holomorphic quadratic differentials corresponding to B ( Γ 0 ) in the space Q ( X a 0 ) (cf. [16]).
The Bers theorem is valid for the Teichmüller space T ( X 0 \ { x 0 } ) of any punctured hyperbolic Riemann surface X 0 \ { x 0 } and implies that T ( X 0 \ { x 0 } ) is biholomorphically isomorphic to the Bers fiber space F ( T ( X 0 ) ) over T ( X 0 ) .

2.4. Holomorphic Curves and Holomorphic Sections

The group Γ 0 uniformizing the surface X a 0 acts discontinuously on the fiber space F ( Γ 0 ) as a group of biholomorphic maps by
γ ( ϕ T ( μ ) , z ) = ( ϕ T ( μ ) , γ μ z ) ,
where μ Belt ( U , Γ 0 ) ,   z w μ ( U ) ) ,   γ Γ 0 , and
γ μ w μ = w μ γ
(see [15]). The quotient space
V ( 0 , n ) : = V ( Γ 0 ) = T ( 0 , n + 1 ) / Γ 0
is called the n-punctured Teichmüller curve and depends only on the analytic type of the Γ 0 group. The projection π :   F ( 0 , n ) T ( 0 , n ) induces a holomorphic projection
π 1 :     V ( 0 , n ) T ( 0 , n ) .
This curve is also a complex manifold with fibers π 1 ( x ) = X a .
Due to the deep Hubbard–Earle–Kra theorem [16,17], the projections V ( 0 , n ) T ( 0 , n ) and (4) have no holomorphic sections for any n 7 (more generally, for all spaces T ( Γ ) corresponding to groups Γ without elliptic elements, excluding the spaces T ( 1 , 2 ) T ( 0 , 5 ) and T ( 2 , 0 ) T ( 0 , 6 ) ). Such sections exist for Γ groups containing elliptic elements.
In the exceptional cases of T ( 1 , 2 ) and T ( 2 , 0 ) , there is a group Γ that contains Γ as a subgroup of index two. Then, T ( Γ ) = T ( Γ ) ,   F ( Γ ) = F ( Γ ) , and the elliptic elements γ Γ produce the indicated holomorphic sections s as the maps
ϕ T ( μ ) ( ϕ T ( μ ) , w μ ( z 0 ) ) ,
where z 0 is a fixed point of γ in the half-plane U. These sections are called the Weierstrass sections (in view of their connection with the Weierstrass points of the hyperelliptic surface U / Γ ). We describe these sections following [16].
We also consider the punctured fiber space  F 0 ( Γ ) to be the largest open dense subset of F ( Γ ) on which Γ acts freely and let
V ( Γ ) = F 0 ( Γ ) / Γ .
For Γ with no elliptic elements, the universal covering space for V ( g , n ) = V ( Γ ) is T ( g , n + 1 ) .
If Γ contains elliptic elements γ , then any holomorphic section T ( Γ ) F ( Γ ) is determined by map (6) so that w μ ( z 0 ) is exactly one fixed point of corresponding map (4) in the fiber w μ ( U ) . These holomorphic sections take their values in the set V ( Γ ) \ V ( Γ ) and do not provide, in general, sections of projection (5).
In the case of spaces T ( 1 , 2 ) and T ( 2 , 0 ) , either of the corresponding curves V ( 1 , 2 ) or V ( 2 , 0 ) has a unique biholomorphic self-map γ of order two, which maps each fiber into itself. The fixed-point locus of γ is a finite set of connected closed complex submanifolds of V ( g , n ) , and the restriction of map (5) to one of these submanifolds is a holomorphic map onto T ( 0 , n ) ; its inverse is a Weierstrass section. The restriction of γ to each fiber is a conformal involution of the corresponding hyperelliptic Riemann surface interchanging its sheets, and the fixed points of γ are the Weierstrass points on this surface.
In dimension one, there are three biholomorphically isomorphic Teichmüller spaces T ( 1 , 0 ) ,   T ( 1 , 1 ) and T ( 0 , 4 ) (see, e.g., [15,18]). We shall use the last two spaces. Their fiber space F ( 0 , 4 ) is isomorphic to T ( 0 , 5 ) .
As a special case of the Hubbard–Earle–Kra theorem [16,17], we have:
Lemma 3.
(a) The curve V ( 0 , 4 ) has, for any of its points x, a unique holomorphic section s with s ( π 1 ( x ) ) = x .
(b) If dim V ( g , n ) > 1 , only curves V ( 1 , 2 ) and V ( 2 , 0 ) have holomorphic sections, which are their Weierstrass sections.
In particular, curve V ( 2 , 0 ) has six disjoint holomorphic sections corresponding to the Weierstrass points of hyperelliptic surfaces of genus two.

3. Holomorphic Maps of T ( 0 , n ) into Universal Teichmüller Space and Holomorphic Contractibility

3.1. Equivalence Relations

The universal Teichmüller space T = Teich ( U ) is the space of quasisymmetric homeomorphisms of the unit circle factorized by Möbius maps; all Teichmüller spaces have their isometric copies in T .
The canonical complex Banach structure on T is defined by the factorization of the ball of the Beltrami coefficients
Belt ( U ) 1 = { μ L ( C ) :   μ | U = 0 ,   μ < 1 }
(i.e., supported in the upper-half plane), letting μ 1 , μ 2 Belt ( U ) 1 be equivalent if the corresponding quasiconformal maps w μ 1 , w μ 2 coincide on R ¯ = R { } = U (hence, on U ¯ ). Such μ and the corresponding maps w μ are called T -equivalent. The equivalence classes [ w μ ] T are in one-to-one correspondence with the Schwarzian derivatives S w in U , which fill a bounded domain in the space B = B ( U ) (see Section 2.1).
The map ϕ T :   μ S w μ is holomorphic and descends to a biholomorphic map of the space T onto this domain, which we will identify with T . As was mentioned above, it contains the Teichmüller spaces of all hyperbolic Riemann surfaces and of Fuchsian groups as complex submanifolds.
On this ball, we also define another equivalence relationship, letting μ ,   ν Belt ( U ) 1 be equivalent if w μ ( a j 0 ) = w ν ( a j 0 ) for all j and the homeomorphisms w μ ,   w ν are homotopic on the punctured sphere X a 0 . Let us call such μ and ν strongly n-equivalent.
Lemma 4.
If the coefficients μ , ν Belt ( U ) 1 are T -equivalent, then they are also strongly n-equivalent.
The proof of this lemma is given in [19].
In view of Lemmas 1 and 4, the above factorizations of the ball Belt ( U ) 1 generate (by descending to the equivalence classes) a holomorphic map χ of the underlying space T into T ( 0 , n ) = T ( X a 0 ) .
This map is a split immersion (has local holomorphic sections), which is a consequence, for example, of the following existence theorem from [13], which we present here as
Lemma 5.
Let D be a finitely connected domain on the Riemann sphere C ^ . Assume that there are a set E of positive, two-dimensional Lebesgue measures and a finite number of points z 1 , , z m distinguished in D. Let α 1 , , α m be non-negative integers assigned to z 1 , , z m , respectively, so that α j = 0 if z j E .
Then, for a sufficiently small ε 0 > 0 and ε ( 0 , ε 0 ) , and for any given collection of numbers w s j , s = 0 , 1 , , α j ,   j = 1 , 2 , , m , which satisfy the conditions w 0 j D ,
| w 0 j z j | ε ,     | w 1 j 1 | ε ,     | w s j | ε   ( s = 0 , 1 , a j ,   j = 1 , , m ) ,
there exists a quasiconformal automorphism h of domain D, which is conformal on D \ E and satisfies
h ( s ) ( z j ) = w s j   for all   s = 0 , 1 , , α j ,   j = 1 , , m .
Moreover, the Beltrami coefficient μ h of h on E satisfies μ h M ε . The constants ε 0 and M depends only upon the sets D , E and the vectors ( z 1 , , z m ) and ( α 1 , , α m ) .

3.2. Surjectivity

In fact, we have more, given by the following theorem.
Theorem 3.
Map χ is surjective and generates an open holomorphic map s of the space T ( 0 , n ) = T ( X a 0 ) into the universal Teichmüller space T , embedding T ( 0 , n ) into T as a ( n 3 ) -dimensional submanifold.
In particular, this theorem corrects the assertion of Lemma 3 in [9] (mentioned in the preamble).
Proof of Theorem 3.
The surjectivity of χ is a consequence of Lemma 2. To construct s, we take a dense subset
e = { x 1 ,   x 2 ,   } X a 0 R
accumulating to all points of R and considering the punctured spheres X a 0 m = X a 0 \ { x 1 , , x m } with m > 1 . The equivalence relations on Belt ( C ) 1 for X a 0 m and X a 0 generate the corresponding holomorphic map χ m : T ( X a 0 m ) T ( X a 0 ) . □
Uniformizing the surfaces X a 0 and X a 0 m by the corresponding torsion-free Fuchsian groups Γ 0 and Γ 0 m of the first kind acting discontinuously on U U and applying the construction from Section 2.3 to U / Γ 0 and U / Γ 0 m (forgetting the additional punctures), one obtains, similar to (3), the norm-preserving isomorphism j ^ m , :   B ( Γ 0 ) B ( Γ 0 m ) by
j ^ m , φ = ( φ j ^ ) ( j ^ ) 2 ,
which projects to the surfaces X a 0 and X a 0 m as the inclusion of the space Q ( X a 0 ) of quadratic differentials corresponding to B ( Γ 0 ) into the space Q ( X a 0 m ) , and (since projection η m has local holomorphic sections) geometrically, this relation yields a holomorphic embedding of the space T ( Γ 0 ) into T ( Γ 0 m ) as a ( n 3 ) -dimensional submanifold. We denote this embedding by s m .
To investigate the limit function for m , we compose the maps s m with the canonical biholomorphic isomorphisms
η m :   T ( X a 0 m ) T ( Γ 0 m ) = T B ( Γ 0 m )   ( m = 1 , 2 , ) .
Then the elements of T ( Γ 0 m ) are given by
s ^ m ( X a ) = η m s m ( X a ) ,
and this is a collection of the Schwarzians S f m ( z ) corresponding to the points X a of T ( X a 0 ) . Therefore, for any surface X a , we have
s ^ m ( X a ) = S f m ( z ) .
Each Γ 0 m is the covering group of the universal cover h m :   U X a 0 m , which can be normalized (conjugating appropriately Γ 0 m ) by h m ( i ) = i ,   h m ( i ) > 0 . Take the fundamental polygon P m obtained as the union of the circular m-gon in U centered at z = i with zero angles at the vertices and its reflection with respect to one of the boundary arcs. These polygons increasingly exhaust the half-plane U ; hence, by the Carathéodory kernel theorem, the maps h m converge to the identity map locally uniformly in U .
Since the set of punctures e is dense on R , it completely determines the equivalence classes [ w μ ] and S w μ as the points of the universal space T . The limit function s ^ = lim m s ^ m maps T ( X a 0 ) = T ( 0 , n ) into the space T and also is canonically defined by the marked spheres X a .
Similar to (7), the function s ^ is represented as the Schwarzian of some univalent function f n on U with a quasiconformal extension to C ^ determined by X a . Then, by the well-known property of elements in the functional spaces with sup norms, s ^ is also holomorphic in the B -norm on T .
Lemma 5 yields that s ^ is a locally open map from T ( X a 0 ) to T . Therefore, the image s ^ ( T ( X a 0 ) ) is an ( n 3 ) -dimensional complex submanifold in T , biholomorphically equivalent to T ( Γ 0 ) . The proof of Theorem 2 is completed.
The holomorphy property indicated above is based on the following lemma of Earle [20].
Lemma 6.
Let E , T be open subsets of complex Banach spaces X , Y and B ( E ) be the Banach space of holomorphic functions on E with sup norm. If φ ( x , t ) is a bounded map E × T B ( E ) such that t φ ( x , t ) is holomorphic for each x E , then map φ is holomorphic.
The holomorphy of φ ( x , t ) in t for fixed x implies the existence of complex directional derivatives
φ t ( x , t ) = lim ζ 0 φ ( x , t + ζ v ) φ ( x , t ) ζ = 1 2 π i | ξ | = 1 φ ( x , t + ξ v ) ξ 2 d ξ ,
while the boundedness of φ in the sup norm provides the uniform estimate
φ ( x , t + c ζ v ) φ ( x , t ) φ t ( x , t ) c v B ( E ) M | c | 2 ,
for sufficiently small | c | and v Y .

3.3. Explicit Construction of Holomorphic Homotopy

Now we may construct the desired holomorphic homotopy of T ( 0 , n ) = T ( X a 0 ) into its base point and establish the general result:
Pick a collection a 0 = ( 0 , 1 , a 1 0 , , a n 3 0 , ) and the marked surface X a 0 as indicated above, and consider its Teichmüller spaces T ( X a 0 ) and T ( Γ 0 ) .
Using the canonical embedding of T ( 0 , n ) in T via T ( Γ 0 ) , we define on the space T ( Γ 0 ) a holomorphic homotopy applying the maps
W μ = σ 1 w μ σ ,   μ Belt ( U ) 1 ;   σ ( ζ ) = i ( 1 + ζ ) / ( 1 ζ ) ,     ζ D ,
and w t μ ( z ) : = w μ ( z , t ) = σ W t μ σ 1 ( z ) ; then,
S w μ ( · , t ) = t 2 S w μ ( · ) = t 2 ( S W μ   σ 1 ) ( σ ) 2 .
This point-wise equality determines a bounded holomorphic map by Lemma 6 η ( φ , t ) = S w t μ :   T × D T with η ( 0 , t ) = 0 ,   η ( φ , 0 ) = 0 ,   η ( φ , 1 ) = φ ; its boundedness follows from the estimate
S W t μ ( ζ ) < 6 | t | 2 / ( | ζ | 2 1 ) 2 ,   ζ U .
We apply homotopy (8) to φ = S w μ T ( Γ 0 ) . Since it is not compatible with the group Γ 0 , there are images φ t : = η ( φ , t ) = S w t μ that are located in T outside of T ( Γ 0 ) . Map χ η ( φ , t ) carries these images to the points of the space T ( 0 , n ) = T ( X a 0 ) . We compose this map with the holomorphic map s given by Lemma 3 and with a biholomorphism ξ :   s ( T ( X a 0 ) ) T ( Γ 0 ) , getting the function
Θ ( φ , t ) = ξ s χ η ( φ , t )
which maps holomorphically T ( Γ 0 ) × D into T ( Γ 0 ) with Θ ( φ , 0 ) = 0 .
A crucial step in constructing is to establish that function (9) extends holomorphically to the limit points ( φ , 1 ) representing the initial Schwarzians S w μ . This property does not extend (in the B -norm) to all points of T .
To prove the limit holomorphy, fix a point φ 0 T ( Γ 0 ) and consider, in its small neighborhood V 0 , the local coordinates a = ( a 1 , , a n 3 ) introduced above.
Both maps η and Θ are holomorphic in the points ( φ 0 , t ) of this neighborhood for all t with | t | < 1 . On the other hand, coordinates a are determined by the corresponding quasiconformal maps w t μ and, together with these maps, are uniformly continuous in t in the closed disk { | t | 1 } . This follows from the uniform boundedness of dilatations given by the estimate
k ( w t μ ) = μ t | t | μ < 1
(which holds for generic holomorphic motions) and from non-increasing the Kobayashi metric d X ( · , · ) under holomorphic maps. Since this metric on Teichmüller spaces equals their intrinsic Teichmüller metric τ T ( Γ 0 ) , one gets from (10),
τ T ( Γ 0 ) ( 0 , Θ ( φ , t ) ) = d T ( Γ 0 ) ( 0 , Θ ( φ , t ) ) tanh 1 ( | t | μ ) .
Hence, function Θ ( φ , t ) determines a normal family on V 0 T ( Γ 0 ) .
Applying the classical Weierstrass theorem about the locally uniform convergent sequences of holomorphic functions in finite-dimensional domains, one derives that the limit function
Θ ( φ , 1 ) = lim t 1 Θ ( φ , t )
is also holomorphic on V 0 T ( Γ 0 ) and then on T ( Γ 0 ) , which completes the construction of the desired holomorphic homotopy on T ( 0 , n ) .

4. Second Proof of Holomorphic Contractibility for Low-Dimensional Teichmüller Spaces

The previous section implies the proof of holomorphic contractibility for all spaces T ( 0 , n ) with n 5 , which also yields, in particular, Theorem 2. In this section, we provide another proof of this important theorem; it relies on the intrinsic features of the two and three-dimensional Teichmüller spaces mentioned in Section 2.4.
Case n = 5 (dimension two). It is enough to establish holomorphic contractibility of the space T ( 0 , 5 ) F ( 0 , 4 ) for the spheres
X a = C ^ \ { 0 , 1 , a 1 , a 2 , } .
The fibers of T ( 0 , 5 ) are the spheres with quadruples of punctures { 0 , 1 , a 1 , } .
We start with the construction of the needed holomorphic homotopy of the space T ( 0 , 5 ) to its base point X a 0 and first apply the assertion ( a ) of Lemma 3 of holomorphic sections over T ( 0 , 4 ) . It implies that for any point
x = ( S w μ 1 , w μ 1 ( a ^ n 3 0 ) ) T ( 0 , 5 )
a unique holomorphic section s : T ( 0 , 5 ) T ( 0 , 4 ) with s ( π 1 ( x ) ) = x . This section has a common point with each fiber π 1 ( x ) over T ( 0 , 4 ) .
Since T ( 0 , 4 ) is (up to a biholomorphic equivalence) a simply connected bounded Jordan domain D C containing the origin, there is a holomorphic isotopy h ( ζ , t ) : D × [ 0 , 1 ] D with h ( ζ , 0 ) = ζ ,   h ( z , 1 ) = 0 . Using this isotopy, we define a homotopy h 1 ( φ , t ) on T ( 0 , 5 ) , which carries each point x = ( S w μ , w μ ( a ^ 2 0 ) ) T ( 0 , 5 ) to its image on the section s passing from x; that is,
h 1 ( φ , w μ ( a ^ 2 0 ) ) = ( h ( φ ) , a ˜ 2 ) ,   φ = S w μ ,     μ Belt ( C ) 1 ,
where a ˜ 2 is the common point of the fiber h ( φ ) and the selected section s. The holomorphy of this homotopy in variables x = ( S w μ , w μ ( a ^ 2 0 ) ) for any fixed t [ 0 , 1 ] follows from Lemmas 1, 2, and the Bers isomorphism theorem. The limit map
h 1 ( x ) = lim t 1 h 1 ( x , t ) ,
carries each fiber w μ ( U ) to the initial half-plane U.
There is a canonical holomorphic isotopy
h 2 ( ζ , t ) :   U × [ 0 , 1 ] U
of U into its point corresponding to the origin of T ( 0 , 5 ) . Now make h ( x , t ) equal to h 1 ( x , 2 t ) for t 1 / 2 and equal to h 2 ( x , 2 t 1 ) for x = ζ U and 1 / 2 t 1 .
This function is holomorphic at x T ( 0 , 5 ) for any fixed t [ 0 , 1 ] and hence provides the desired holomorphic homotopy of the space T ( 0 , 5 ) into its base point.
Case n = 6 (dimension three). This case is more complicated.
We prescribe to each ordered sextuple a = { 0 , 1 , a 1 , a 2 , a 3 , } of distinct points the corresponding punctured sphere
X a = C ^ \ { 0 , 1 , a 1 , a 2 , a 3 , }
and the two-sheeted closed hyperelliptic surface X ^ a of genus two with the branch points 0 , 1 , a 1 , a 2 , a 3 , . The corresponding Teichmüller spaces T ( 0 , 6 ) and T ( 2 , 0 ) coincide up to a natural biholomorphic isomorphism. Note also that the collection a = { 0 , 1 , a 1 , a 2 , a 3 , } provides the local complex coordinates on spaces T ( 0 , 6 ) and T ( 2 , 0 ) .
In view of the symmetry of hyperelliptic surfaces, it suffices to deal with the Beltrami differentials μ d z ¯ / d z on X ^ a , which are compatible with a conformal involution J a of X ^ a , hence, satisfying μ ( J a z ) = μ ( z ) J a / J a ¯ . In other words, these μ are obtained by lifting to X ^ a of the Beltrami coefficients on X a . This extends Lemma 2 and its consequences on holomorphy in the neighborhoods of the boundary interpolation points to the corresponding two-sheeted disks on hyperelliptic surfaces.
We fix a base point of T ( 2 , 0 ) , determining a Fuchsian group Γ for which T ( Γ ) = T ( 2 , 0 ) . The corresponding Teichmüller curve V ( 2 , 0 ) is a 4-dimensional, complex analytic manifold with projection π 1 :   V ( 2 , 0 ) T ( 2 , 0 ) onto T ( 2 , 0 ) such that for every φ T ( 2 , 0 ) the fiber π 1 1 ( φ ) is a hyperelliptic surface, determined by φ (see Section 2.4).
Due to assertion ( b ) of Lemma 3, this curve has, for any point
X ^ a = ( S w μ 1 , w μ 1 ( a ^ n 3 0 ) ) T ( 2 , 0 ) )
six distinct holomorphic sections s ^ 1 , , s ^ 6 , corresponding to the Weierstrass points of the surface X a , with s ^ j ( π 1 ( X a ) ) = X a , and either from these sections has one common point with every fiber over T ( 2 , 0 ) . We lift these sections to the Bers fiber space F ( Γ ) covering V ( 2 , 0 ) .
As mentioned in Section 2.4, these sections are generated by the space F ( Γ ) = F ( Γ ) corresponding to the extension Γ of Γ , for which Γ is a subgroup of index two. Every section s ^ j acts on T ( Γ ) via (6), where z 0 is now the corresponding Weierstrass point of hyperelliptic surface X ^ a , and s ^ j is compatible with action (2) of the Bers isomorphism.
Thus each s ^ j descends to a holomorphic map s j :   T ( 0 , 6 ) V ( 0 , 6 ) of the underlying space T ( 0 , 6 ) for the punctured spheres (10). We choose one from these maps and denote it by s.
The features of sections s ^ j provide that the descended map s also determines, for each point z 0 X a , its unique image on every fiber w μ ( X a ) with μ Belt ( X a ) 1 , and this image is the point w μ ( z 0 ) .
The next preliminary construction consists of embedding space T ( 0 , 5 ) into T ( 0 , 6 ) , using the forgetting map (3). Its image j T ( 0 , 5 ) is a connected submanifold in T ( 0 , 6 ) , and the corresponding fibers of the curve V ( 0 , 6 ) over the points j φ j T ( 0 , 5 ) are the surfaces w j μ ( X a ) with j μ ( z ) = μ ( j ^ ( z ) ) j ^ ( z ) / j ^ ( z ) ¯ . The covering domains w j μ ( U ) over these surfaces fill a submanifold T ˜ ( 0 , 7 ) T ( 0 , 7 ) , which is biholomorphically equivalent to the space T ( 0 , 6 ) .
Using the biholomorphic equivalence of space T ( 0 , 5 ) to its image j T ( 0 , 5 ) in T ( 0 , 6 ) , we carry over to j T ( 0 , 5 ) the result of the previous step ( a ) on the holomorphic contractibility of T ( 0 , 5 ) , which provides a holomorphic homotopy
h ( j φ , t ) :   j T ( 0 , 5 ) × [ 0 , 1 ] j T ( 0 , 5 )   with     h ( j φ , 0 ) = j φ ,     h ( j φ , 1 ) = 0
(here, 0 stands for the origin of j T ( 0 , 5 ) ).
Now we may construct the desired holomorphic homotopy of T ( 0 , 6 ) , contracting this space to its origin.
First, regarding T ( 0 , 6 ) as the Bers fiber space F ( 0 , 5 ) over T ( 0 , 5 ) (whose fibers are the covers of surfaces X a with collections of five punctures a = ( 0 , 1 , a 1 , a 2 , ) ), we apply homotopy (11) and define, for any pair x = ( j φ , z ) with φ T ( 0 , 5 ) and z X a , the map
h ˜ 1 ( ( j φ , z ) , t ) = ( h ( j φ ) , t ) , w t j μ ( z ) ) ,   φ T ( 0 , 5 ) ,
noting that the image point w t j μ ( z ) is uniquely determined on surface w h ( j μ ) ( X a ) by map s, as indicated above.
The pairs ( j φ , z ) are located in the space F ( 0 , 6 ) and fill a three-dimensional submanifold T ˜ ( 0 , 6 ) biholomorphically equivalent to T ( 0 , 6 ) .
Homotopy (15) is well defined on T ˜ ( 0 , 6 ) × [ 0 , 1 ] and contracts the set T ˜ ( 0 , 6 ) into fiber U ˜ over the base point. It is holomorphic with respect to the space variable x = ( j φ , z ) for any fixed t [ 0 , 1 ] and continuous in both variables.
In view of the biholomorphic equivalence of T ˜ ( 0 , 6 ) to T ( 0 , 6 ) , (15) generates a holomorphic homotopy h 1 ( x , t ) of the space T ( 0 , 6 ) onto the initial fiber (half-plane) U over the origin of T ( 0 , 5 ) .
It remains to combine this homotopy h 1 with the additional homotopy (12) of U into its point corresponding to the origin of T ( 0 , 6 ) . This provides the desired homotopy h and completes the proof of Theorem 1.


This research received no external funding.

Data Availability Statement

No data are used in this article.


I am very thankful to the referees for their remarks and suggestions.

Conflicts of Interest

There is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this article.


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Krushkal, S.L. On Holomorphic Contractibility of Teichmüller Spaces. Axioms 2022, 11, 548.

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Krushkal SL. On Holomorphic Contractibility of Teichmüller Spaces. Axioms. 2022; 11(10):548.

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Krushkal, Samuel L. 2022. "On Holomorphic Contractibility of Teichmüller Spaces" Axioms 11, no. 10: 548.

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