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Characterization of Monochromate and Hemichromate AFm Phases and Chromate-Containing Ettringite by 1H, 27Al, and 53Cr MAS NMR Spectroscopy

Department of Chemistry and Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (iNANO), Aarhus University, Langelandsgade 140, DK-8000C Aarhus, Denmark
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Minerals 2022, 12(3), 371;
Submission received: 18 February 2022 / Revised: 15 March 2022 / Accepted: 15 March 2022 / Published: 17 March 2022
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Cement Related Minerals—in Memory of Herbert Pöllmann)


The calcium aluminate hydrate AFm and AFt phases formed upon hydration of Portland cement have an important role in the stabilization and solidification of hazardous chromate ions in hardened cement. AFm monochromate (Ca4[Al(OH)6]2(CrO4)·12H2O), AFm hemichromate (Ca4[Al(OH)6]2(CrO4)0.5(OH)·12H2O) and the chromate-containing AFt phase, Ca6[Al(OH)6]2-(CrO4)3·24H2O, were synthesized and investigated by 1H, 27Al, and 53Cr MAS NMR spectroscopy. 27Al quadrupolar coupling parameters (CQ, ηQ) and isotropic chemical shifts (δiso) were determined for the three phases, including two distinct Al sites in chromate-AFt, as observed by 27Al MAS and MQMAS NMR. Two dominant peaks are apparent in the 1H MAS NMR spectra of each of the phases. For the AFm phases, these resonances are assigned to framework hydroxyl groups (1.7–2.0 ppm) and water molecules/hydroxyls (5.0–5.5 ppm) in the interlayer. For chromate-AFt, the peaks are ascribed to framework hydroxyl groups in the [Ca6Al2(OH)12]6+ columns (~1.4 ppm) and water molecules (~4.8 ppm) associated with the Ca ions. 53Cr MAS NMR spectra acquired at 22.3 T for the samples show a narrow resonance for both chromate AFm phases, whereas indications of three distinct Cr resonances are apparent for the chromate AFt. The absence of any second-order quadrupolar effects in the 53Cr NMR spectra strongly suggests that the chromate ions are highly mobile in the anionic sites of the AFm and AFt structures. The NMR data reported in this work are in agreement with the reported crystal structures for the chromate AFm and AFt phases and may be useful for identification and characterization of chromate fixation in cementitious systems, complementing information gained from conventional powder X-ray diffraction studies.

1. Introduction

The stabilization/solidification of hazardous waste products by cementitious materials is a widely used approach as a result of the low cost of cement binders, their general availability, and the formation of stable products upon hydration [1,2,3,4]. Chromium plays an important role in several industrial products and processes, such as pigments, heterogeneous catalysts, electroplating, and petroleum refining, since it is a redox-sensitive transition element. Chromium can be found in natural soils, refractories, and in many types of waste materials (e.g., fly ashes and metal-ore processing waste). Moreover, it is also present in trace amounts in Portland cement, originating either from the raw materials or alternative fuels (e.g., used oil, tires, plastics, and wastewater sludge) of cement production, where it mainly occurs in the oxidation state Cr(III) [5]. Hexavalent chromium is a highly toxic, carcinogenic, teratogenic, and mutagenic element, reflecting its high solubility and oxidizing potential. In biological systems, chromium can be lethal at levels close to 0.1 mg/g of the body weight [6,7]. A stabilization/solidification of chromium can be achieved in solid matrices, such as the hydration products from ordinary Portland cement [8,9,10]; composite cements, including supplementary cementitious materials [11]; or alkali-activated cementitious systems [4,12].
The calcium aluminate hydrates AFm (alumina-ferric oxide-mono) and AFt (alumina-ferric oxide-tri) phases are the two main aluminium-containing hydration products resulting from Portland cement hydration, and they exhibit important roles in the stabilization/solidification of hazardous waste in cementitious systems [2,12,13]. Generally, the AFm phases (Figure 1) have a layered structure with positively charged principal layers composed of [Ca4Al2(OH)12]2+ and with different types of charge-balancing anions (e.g., Cl, OH, SO42−, CO32−, and CrO42−) located in the interlayers. On the other hand, the AFt phases are characterized by two distinct structural components in the form of columns and channels in the intercolumn space. The columns have the composition of [Ca6M2(OH)12·nH2O]6+, M = Al3+, Cr3+, Si4+, Ge4+, and the channels are occupied by oxyanions (SO42−, CO32−, CrO42−) or water molecules in four crystallographically distinct T sites [14,15].
The incorporation of chromium in AFm and AFt phases has been investigated in several studies [16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24], mainly using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman, and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) as analytical techniques. This includes investigations on the effective removal and fixation of Cr6+ ions from solution by AFt [13] and AFm phases, such as Friedel’s salt (Cl form) [25,26] and monocarbonate (CO32− analogue) [21]. The solubilities of chromate AFm ([Ca4Al2(OH)12]2+·[CrO4·nH2O]2−) and AFt ([Ca6Al2(OH)12·24H2O]6+-[(CrO4)3·2H2O]6−) were studied by Perkins and Palmer [17,18], who found that the solubility of chromate-AFt is higher than that of SO4-AFt (ettringite) [27]. This implies that the removal of Cr6+ ions from waste water in the presence of sulphate ions by precipitation as ettringite is difficult. The crystal structures of chromate-AFm and chromate-AFt have not been described in detail. Segni et al. [28] reported the structure of chromate-AFm from Rietveld refinement of XRD data using the tetragonal P-3 space group. However, a clear location of the CrO42− anions was not determined, as the seventh Ca-O bond could either be shared with a water molecule (Ca–O-H2) or the chromate anion (Ca–O-Cr(-O)3), the Ca–O distance being 2.96(3) Å [28]. Recently, Juroszek et al. [23] reported the crystal structure for a new mineral, siwaqaite, ideally [Ca6Al2(OH)12·24H2O]6+[(CrO4)3·2H2O]6−, which was found in Jordan using single-crystal synchrotron XRD data. Moreover, Seryotkin et al. [22] proposed the structure for bentorite, [Ca6Cr2(OH)12·18H2O]6+[3SO4·2H2O]6−. The structures of siwaqaite and bentorite are similar to the crystal structure of ettringite, the main difference being that Cr3+ ions replace Al3+ in bentorite, whereas CrO42− takes the positions of the SO42− ions in siwaqaite. For the chromate AFm phases, pure samples of monochromate ([Ca4Al2(OH)12]2+·-[CrO4·nH2O]2−) and hemichromate ([Ca4Al2(OH)12]2+-·[1/2CrO4·OH-·nH2O]2−) were reported by Pöllmann and Auer [21], including a description of their basic structural features from powder X-ray diffraction.
Solid-state magic-angle spinning (MAS) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is a very powerful technique to investigate the local structure of double-layered hydroxides (LDHs) [29], including the AFm and AFt group phases belonging to the hydrocalumite type of LDHs. For example, the structural α–β phase transition in Friedel’s salt (Cl-AFm) has been characterized by variable-temperature (VT) 27Al MAS NMR, providing information about the structural changes that occur during the phase transition from an analysis of changes in the 27Al quadrupolar coupling parameters [30]. For the SO4-AFt phase (ettringite), two distinct Al sites were resolved by 27Al MAS and multiple-quantum magic-angle spinning (MQMAS) NMR utilizing very high-magnetic-field (22.3 T) instrumentation [31]. This observation supports the trigonal model for ettringite as originally reported from single-crystal X-ray diffraction by Moore and Taylor [32] and most recently refined from single-crystal XRD combined with density functional theory calculations [15,33]. Less detailed solid-state 27Al NMR studies have also been reported for the hydroxy, sulphate, and carbonate AFm phases [34,35], whereas no investigations have appeared so far for the chromate analogues of the AFm and AFt phases. In this work, monochromate (Cr-AFm), hemichromate (hemi-Cr-AFm), and chromate-AFt (Cr-AFt) were synthesized and characterized for the first time by 1H, 27Al, and 53Cr NMR spectroscopy. Four different magnetic fields, including a very high magnetic field (22.3 T, 950 MHz for 1H), were utilized in the determination of the 27Al quadrupolar coupling parameters for the chromate AFm and AFt phases, whereas the 1H and 53Cr NMR experiments provide additional information about the hydroxyl groups and water molecules in the structures, as well as the location and dynamics of the CrO42− ions.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Sample Preparation

The syntheses of chromate AFm (3CaO·Al2O3·CaCrO4·nH2O), hemichromate AFm (3CaO·Al2O3·1/2Ca(OH)2·1/2CaCrO4·nH2O), and chromate AFt (3CaO·Al2O3·3CaCrO4 ·nH2O) were conducted from tricalcium aluminate (3CaO·Al2O3, C3A), CaCrO4 (>99.9%, Alfa Aesar, Karlsruhe, Germany), and CaO in stochiometric proportions. C3A was synthesized from CaCO3 (>99%, Alfa Aesar, Karlsruhe, Germany) and Al2O3 (>98%, Aldrich, Steinheim am Albuch, Germany) using a stochiometric quantity of 3:1 and sintered for 3 h at 1450 °C. CaO was produced by the decarbonation of CaCO3 at 1000 °C for 24 h. The solids were suspended in degassed Milli-Q water with a water/solid ratio of 10 and continuously rotated in sealed high-density polyethylene (HDPE) bottles for 35 days. After reaction, the solids were filtered in a glovebox with an N2 atmosphere to prevent carbonation; subsequently, the residues were dried in a desiccator over silica gel with a slightly reduced pressure for 3 days. The dried samples were stored in sealed glass containers prior to the different types of analysis. The basic structure and purity of the synthesized samples were confirmed by thermogravimetric analysis TGA (Figure A1) and powder XRD analyses (Figure A2).

2.2. Characterization Methods

Solid-state 27Al MAS NMR spectra were acquired on Varian Unity INOVA 300 MHz (7.1 T), Bruker Avance-III HD 400 MHz (9.4 T), Varian Direct-Drive VNMRS-600 MHz (14.1 T) and Bruker Avance 950 MHz (22.3 T) spectrometers using home-built (5 mm at 7.1 T and 4 mm at 14.1 T) or commercial (4 mm at 9.4 T and 2.5 mm at 22.3 T) CP/MAS probes. The single-pulse 27Al MAS NMR spectra at 7.1 T were recorded with a pulse width of 0.5 µs for an rf field strength of γB1/2π = 65 kHz, using a spinning frequency of νR = 10.0 kHz, a relaxation delay of 2 s, 1H decoupling (γB2/2π = 50 kHz) during acquisition, and typically 8192 scans. The 27Al MAS NMR spectra at 9.4, 14.1 and 22.3 T were obtained in a similar manner, employing γB1/2π = 100 kHz, γB2/2π = 100 kHz, and νR = 10.0 kHz at 9.4 T; γB1/2π = 75 kHz, γB2/2π = 55 kHz, and νR = 13.0 kHz at 14.1 T; and γB1/2π = 100 kHz, γB2/2π = 70 kHz, and νR = 25.0 kHz at 22.3 T. 27Al isotropic chemical shifts were referenced to an external sample of a 1.0 M aqueous AlCl3·6H2O solution.
The 27Al MQMAS NMR spectrum (22.3 T, νR = 25.0 kHz) of the chromate AFt was obtained with the three-pulse z-filter sequence using the 1H and 27Al rf field strengths given above; 1H decoupling during the MQ excitation, evolution, and acquisition periods; spectral widths of 45 kHz in both the direct and indirect dimensions; 330 t1 increments and 72 scans for each t1 increment; and a relaxation delay of 2 s. For the 27Al NMR experiments at 22.3 T, the NMR probe was cooled with air at 5 °C, and relatively low 1H rf field strengths were used in order to compensate for frictional heating by the magic-angle spinning and for high-frequency heating by the prolonged 1H radiation at 950 MHz. The latter strongly affects the ‘zeolitic’ water molecules in the AFt structure, as earlier reported for SO4-AFt [31].
The 1H MAS NMR experiments (22.3 T) were conducted with a 1.9 mm 1H-13C-15N-2H Bruker MAS probe at MAS frequencies of 35–40 kHz, a 45° excitation pulse for γB1/2π ≈ 60 kHz, and a relaxation delay of 30 s. 1H chemical shifts are relative to neat TMS (Si(CH3)4), using an external sample of adamantane (δiso = 1.87 and 1.76 ppm).
The 53Cr MAS NMR spectra were acquired at 22.3 T using a 4 mm low-gamma X-H probe from Phoenix NMR with a spinning speed of νR = 12.0 kHz; a pulse width of 2 µs for an rf field strength of γB1/2π = 21 kHz; a relaxation delay of 2; and 40,000 scans for Cr-AFm and Cr-AFt and 120,000 scans for the hemichromate-AFm. A saturated aqueous solution of Cs2CrO4 was used for the pulse-width calibrations and as a secondary reference (δiso = 1798 ppm [36]) for the 53Cr NMR chemical shifts relative to a saturated solution of Cr(CO)6 dissolved in CDCl3. For comparison, a 53Cr MAS NMR spectrum of solid Cs2CrO4 was also obtained under these conditions.
The powder X-ray diffraction patterns of the synthesized samples were collected on a Rigaku Smartlab diffractometer using an incident monochromator that selects CuKa1 radiation and measuring the 2θ range of 5–70°. Thermogravimetric analyses were conducted on a NETZSCH TG 209 Libra instrument in the temperature range of 50–1000 °C, at a heating rate of 20 °C/min, and with an N2 gas flow of 20 mL/min.

3. Results

3.1. 27Al MAS NMR

The 27Al MAS NMR spectra of the monochromate, hemichromate, and chromate AFt phases recorded at the four different magnetic fields (7.1, 9.4, 14.1, and 22.3 T) are shown in Figure 2 and illustrate the spectral region for the 27Al central transitions (m = ½ ↔ m = −½) of octahedrally coordinated aluminium (AlO6 species). Nearly symmetric resonances are observed for all phases at 9.4 T, with line widths (FWHM) of 1.65 ppm (Cr-AFm), 1.94 ppm (hemi-Cr-AFm) and 1.10 ppm (Cr-AFt). At a lower magnetic field (7.1 T), clear indications of a second-order quadrupolar line shape are observed for both the monochromate and hemichromate samples, indicating that these phases possess stronger quadrupolar interactions than chromate-AFt. At higher magnetic fields, the resonances become narrower and shift slightly towards higher frequency, reflecting the inverse proportionality of the second-order quadrupolar broadening and second-order quadrupolar shift with the magnetic field strength and thereby the Larmor frequency (νL).
For the chromate AFt, the resonances at 14.1 and 22.3 T split into two well-resolved peaks, indicating the presence of two distinct AlO6 sites in the crystal structure of Cr-AFt, in agreement with similar observations for the sulphate analogue, ettringite [31]. Minor resonances from impurity phases are also most clearly observed in the spectra at the highest magnetic field. For hemichromate, the resonance at ~12.3 ppm corresponds to a minor impurity of katoite (Ca3Al2(OH)12), whereas the resonance at 10.5 ppm in the spectra of Cr-AFt is ascribed to a minor amount of monochromate AFm.
Valuable estimates of the 27Al isotropic chemical shift ( δ iso ) and second-order quadrupolar effect parameter (PQ) can be determined from the centres of gravity ( δ m cg ) for the central transitions and the inner satellite transitions (m = ±1/2 ↔ m = ±3/2) obtained at the four magnetic fields utilizing the following relationship [37]:
δ m cg = δ iso   P Q 2 C m v L 2 C m = 3 40 I   ( I + 1 )     9   m   ( m     1 )     3 I 2   ( 2   I     1 ) 2
Here, PQ = C Q ( 1 + η Q 2 / 3 ) 1 / 2 , where CQ is the quadrupole coupling constant, and ηQ is the associated asymmetry parameter of the quadrupole coupling tensor (see Table 1 for definitions). The δ m cg values (m = 1/2 for the central transition and m = 3/2 for the inner satellite transitions) at the four magnetic fields are shown as a function of C m / v L 2 for the chromate-containing phases in Figure 3. The data at 14.1 and 22.3 T are not included for Cr-AFt because the central transition line shapes clearly split into two distinct peaks at these magnetic fields.
Linear regression analysis of the data gives the values δ iso = 11.26 ppm, PQ = 1.42 MHz for monochromate and δ iso = 11.26 ppm, PQ = 1.40 MHz for hemichromate. For Cr-AFt, δ iso = 13.39 ppm and PQ = 0.54 MHz is obtained, which should be considered average values for the two Al sites in this phase. The δ iso and PQ values for monochromate and hemichromate are nearly identical, and the PQ values are similar to those reported for other AFm phases (i.e., PQ = 1.7 ± 0.2 MHz for monosulphate [34] and PQ = 1.6 ± 0.1 MHz (CQ = 1.42 MHz, ηQ = 0.93) for the low-temperature polymorph of Friedel’s salt at 18 °C [30]), reflecting that monochromate and hemichromate have similar lamellar structures (Figure 1c) and that the CrO42− anions only have a moderate impact on the environments of the Al(OH)63− sites in the principal layers. Furthermore, the strong similarity in δ iso and PQ shows that the replacement of half of the CrO42− anions in monochromate with hydroxyl groups and water molecules in hemichromate only has a very small impact on the local environment of the Al(OH)6 octahedra. This may partly be a result of high degrees of mobility of the species in the interlayer anionic sites, as further supported by the 53Cr NMR spectra (see below).
The δ iso and PQ values represent valuable parameters for a full determination of δ iso , as well as the CQ and ηQ parameters, utilizing the full 27Al MAS NMR spectrum of the central and satellite transitions as illustrated in Figure 4 for monochromate and hemichromate. For 27Al sites experiencing small or intermediate quadrupole couplings, the intensities of the spinning sidebands (ssbs) from the satellite transitions are highly sensitive to the CQ and ηQ parameters [38]. Thus, these parameters can be determined with good precision from least-squares fitting of simulated to experimental ssb intensities for the satellite transitions. These simulations (Figure 4) convincingly reproduce the intensity distributions of the experimental ssb envelopes by using a unique Al site for both monochromate and hemichromate. The optimized CQ and ηQ parameters are summarized in Table 1, along with the δ iso values obtained from the data in Figure 3. The CQ values are slightly lower than the estimations from the PQ values, which may reflect that the measured values for δ m = 3 / 2 cg are influenced by contributions from the outer satellite transitions (m = ±3/2 ↔ m = ±5/2), resulting in an overestimation of PQ. However, a minute variation in CQ and a somewhat larger difference in ηQ values is observed for monochromate and hemichromate, which reflects that the quadrupole coupling parameters are generally more sensitive to structural changes as compared to 27Al isotropic chemical shifts.
The 27Al NMR spectra of Cr-AFt obtained at 14.1 and 22.3 T (Figure 2) indicate the presence of two distinct Al sites in the crystal structure, as also found in the triclinic form of ettringite [31]. To further confirm the presence of two such different sites, an 27Al multiple-quantum magic-angle spinning (MQMAS) NMR spectrum was acquired for this sample at 22.3 T, as shown in Figure 5. This experiment removes second-order quadrupolar broadening in the isotropic (F1) dimension and the contour plot, and both projections clearly reveal resonances from two distinct Al sites in addition to the third peak with low intensity, originating from a minor impurity of monochromate. The dashed line, corresponding to pure chemical shift (PQ = 0), passes through both peaks, which shows that the two Al sites are mainly distinguished by a difference in 27Al isotropic chemical shifts.
A full determination of the δ iso , CQ, and ηQ parameters for the two Al sites in Cr-AFt was achieved from analysis of the 27Al MAS NMR spectrum obtained at 22.3 T (Figure 6), where distinct peaks are also observed for each spinning sideband in the manifold of ssbs from the satellite transitions. Least-squares fitting to the experimental ssb manifold in Figure 6 results in the 27Al interaction parameters listed in Table 1 for the two Al sites in Cr-AFt. The corresponding optimized simulation (Figure 6) reproduces all details of the experimental spectrum, which warrants a determination of the interaction parameters with high precision. The 27Al parameters for Cr-AFt are very similar to the values reported for SO4-AFt (Table 1), which suggests that a replacement of SO42− by CrO42− anions in the channels does not change the main framework structure of the AFt phase. The parameters in Table 1 confirm that the two sites are mainly distinguished by their δ iso values. This may reflect that the Al sites interact with crystallographically distinct T sites in the channels, as one Al site is surrounded by two SO42−/CrO42− anions, whereas the other site has one SO42−/CrO42− group and water molecules in the nearest vicinity in the channels [15]. However, the local environment and symmetry of the Al(OH)63− sites in the main [Ca6Al2(OH)12]6+ columns (i.e., the electric field gradients at the nuclear Al sites) are less affected by the anions in the channels, as reflected in the very similar CQ and ηQ values for the two Al sites.

3.2. 1H MAS NMR

Despite the natural abundance and high NMR sensitivity of 1H, solid-state 1H MAS NMR has only been utilized in a few studies of cementitious systems. This mainly reflects the rather small 1H chemical-shift range (~15–0 ppm) and the general presence of strong 1H–1H dipolar couplings, which results in severe line broadening of the resonances, preventing resolution of different 1H structural sites for hydrated systems. However, very fast magic-angle spinning may partly reduce the homonuclear dipolar interactions, and in combination with very high magnetic fields, structural information may be obtained from 1H MAS NMR spectra for different types of hydrogen functional groups. For example, this approach has been utilized in studies of the principal layer and interlayers of materials with lamellar structures, e.g., clays [39], layered double hydroxides [40,41], and calcium-silicate-hydrate (C-S-H) phases [42,43].
1H MAS NMR spectra of monochromate, hemichromate, chromate-AFt, and ettringite (SO4-AFt) acquired at 22.3 T with spinning frequencies of 35 or 40 kHz are shown in Figure 7 and represent the first type of such spectra reported for AFm and AFt phases. Generally, these spectra show broadened resonances from two distinct types of local hydrogen environments. For the lamellar chromate AFm phases, the two peaks can be assigned to overlapping resonances from the hydroxyl groups in the principal layers ([Ca4Al2(OH)12]2+) and hydroxyl groups/water molecules in the interlayer ([CrO4·nH2O]2−) by the peaks at approx. 1.8 ppm and 5.0 ppm, respectively. Spectral integration over the two dominant peaks gives intensity ratios of 1:1.15 and 1:1.16 for monochromate and hemichromate, respectively, which are quite close to the expected ratios of 1:1 and 1:1.08 for monochromate ([Ca4Al2(OH)12]2+·[CrO4·6H2O]2−) and hemichromate ([Ca4Al2(OH)12]2+-·[(CrO4)0.5·OH·6H2O]2−), respectively. The hydroxyl groups in the principal layers are bonded to Ca2+ and Al3+ ions, forming the framework of the lamellar structure of the AFm phases, whereas the water molecules and hydroxyl groups in the interlayer are only weakly bonded to the principal layers. This suggests that the interlayer water molecules and hydroxyl groups may be mobile and take part in dynamic processes, whereas the framework hydroxyl groups in the principal layer are more rigid. Motional mobility can significantly reduce 1H–1H dipolar couplings and thereby result in a reduction in the line widths. Thus, from the line widths of the resonances in the 1H NMR spectra of the two AFm phases, the two dominant peaks located at ~1.8 ppm and ~5.0 ppm can be assigned to 1H resonances from the principal layer and interlayer, respectively. The line width of the 5.0 ppm resonance from interlayer water molecules/hydroxyl groups for hemichromate is 166 Hz (0.17 ppm), which is much narrower than the corresponding line width for monochromate 422 Hz (0.46 ppm). This indicates that the interlayer water molecules/hydroxyl groups of hemichromate exhibit a higher degree of mobility, which may lead to larger basal spacing of hemichromate as compared to monochromate, as reported earlier for the two chromate AFm phases [21].
The AFt structure (Figure 1) includes 12 framework hydroxyl groups in the [Ca6Al2(OH)12]6+ columns, 24 water molecules associated with Ca2+ ions, and two zeolitic water molecules in between the columns. The 1H NMR spectra of the two AFt phases (Figure 7) show two resonances at approx. 1.4 ppm and 4.9 ppm. Simulation of the partly overlapping peaks gives intensity ratios of 1:3.77 and 1:3.48 for SO4-AFt and Cr-AFt, respectively, which is close to the expected 1:4 ratio for the framework hydroxyls and water molecules associated with Ca. The two highly mobile water molecules between the columns may be absent, as these water molecules are easily removed from the structure at slightly elevated temperatures or low pressure [44]. Thus, following the relative intensities, the two peaks at ~1.4 ppm and ~4.9 ppm are assigned to the hydroxyl groups in the [Ca6Al2(OH)12]6+ columns and water molecules bonded to Ca, respectively. The line widths of the peak located at ~1.4 ppm for SO4-AFt and Cr-AFt are almost identical, at approx. 800 Hz (0.84 ppm), whereas the line width of the peak from the water molecules is somewhat larger for SO4-AFt, at 2500 Hz (2.63 ppm), as compared to Cr-AFt, at 1834 ppm (1.93 ppm). The much smaller line width of the 1.4 ppm resonance supports the assignment because the hydroxyl groups in the [Ca6Al2(OH)12]6+ column are more well-ordered compared to the different types of water molecules in the structure. Finally, the very similar line widths observed for SO4-AFt and Cr-AFt suggest that the replacement of SO42− by CrO42− ions does not lead to significant changes of the hydrogen network in the AFt structure.

3.3. 53Cr MAS NMR

53Cr is a low-gamma quadrupolar nucleus (I = 3/2) with a low natural abundance of 9.5%, a moderate quadrupole moment (Q = −15.0 fm2 [45]), and a Larmor frequency of 53.60 MHz at 22.3 T. This implies that 53Cr NMR experiments are rather time-consuming, and in some cases, the central transition resonance is so broad that it cannot be observed without distortions in MAS NMR experiments at ordinary spinning frequencies. Thus, a very limited number of solid-state 53Cr NMR studies have appeared in the literature, mainly focussing on simple chromate and dichromate salts [36,46]. 53Cr MAS NMR spectra of monochromate, hemichromate, and chromate AFt obtained at 22.3 T are shown in Figure 8. For comparison, a spectrum of Cs2CrO4 is also included, along with a simulation of its quadrupolar line shape, resulting in the parameters δiso = 1781 ppm, CQ = 1.21 MHz, and ηQ = 0.22, which are consistent with those reported for Cs2CrO4 by Forgeron and Wasylishen [36]. The 53Cr NMR spectra for monochromate and hemichromate show only one narrow resonance at 1801.4 ppm (FWHM = 154.1 Hz) and 1803.5 ppm (FWHM = 185.5 Hz), respectively, with no indications of any quadrupolar broadening. This suggest that both AFm phases include a single Cr site in their crystal structures, with CrO42− anions in a highly symmetric environment. Thus, the Cr site is quite different from the chromate environments in Cs2CrO4 and CaCrO4 (δiso = 1680 ppm, CQ = 4.55 MHz, and ηQ = 0 [36]), which are both characterized by rather strong quadrupolar interactions. Alternatively, the narrow resonances may occur as a result of dynamic processes that average the quadrupole interaction, suggesting that the CrO42− anions are highly mobile in the anionic sites of the AFm structure.
A similar feature is observed for the chromate AFt which shows one dominant peak at 1800.7 ppm flanked by two shoulders at 1797.8 and 1795.5 ppm. This indication is in agreement with the crystal structure for SO4-AFt, which includes three distinct S sites [32]. These sites have also be identified by 33S (I = 3/2) NMR, where each resonance showed a significant second-order quadrupolar broadening, corresponding to 33S quadrupole coupling constants of CQ = 516, 591 and 810 kHz [47]. The absence of any quadrupolar effects in the 53Cr NMR spectrum of Cr-AFt suggests that the chromate ions in this phase are highly mobile in contrast to the sulphate groups in SO4-AFt. Increased motional effects in Cr-AFt compared to SO4-AFt may also explain the improved resolution of the two distinct Al sites in the 27Al NMR spectra (Figure 2 and Figure 6), as mentioned earlier.

4. Conclusions

The chromate AFm phases, monochromate and hemichromate, and chromate AFt have been synthesized and characterized by the 1H, 27Al, 53Cr MAS NMR spectroscopy. It is found that monochromate and hemichromate contains a unique Al site in their structures whereas two Al sites are present in Cr-AFt. 27Al isotropic chemical shifts and quadrupole coupling parameters were determined with high precision for these Al sites, utilizing 27Al NMR spectra at four different magnetic fields and, in particular, the manifolds of spinning sidebands from the satellite transitions. These parameters are similar to those reported earlier for the AFm phases, monosulphate and Friedel’s salt, and the sulphate-AFt phase, ettringite. 1H MAS NMR spectra of AFm and AFt phases were reported for the first time. For the two AFm phases, it was found that distinct resonances can be observed for the hydroxyl groups in the calcium-aluminate principal layers and the hydroxyls/water molecules in the interlayer. A similar distinction between the hydroxyl groups in the [Ca6Al2(OH)12]6+ columns and water molecules associated with calcium is observed for SO4-AFt and Cr-AFt. Finally, the 53Cr MAS NMR spectra of the chromate AFm and AFt phases all show narrow resonances in the range of 1795–1804 ppm, with no indications of any second-order quadrupolar effects for the central transitions. This absence is ascribed to a high degree of structural dynamics for the chromate ions in the AFm and AFt phases. Motional effects are also observed in the 1H NMR spectra of the AFm phases and in the 27Al NMR spectra of Cr-AFt—in the latter case, by a higher degree of resolution of the Al sites as compared to SO4-AFt.

Author Contributions

S.N.: conceptualization, methodology, software, validation, formal analysis, investigation, writing—original draft, visualization; J.S.: conceptualization, methodology, resources, writing—original draft, supervision, project administration, funding acquisition. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


The authors acknowledge access to the 950 MHz NMR spectrometer at the Danish Center for Ultrahigh Field NMR Spectroscopy at iNANO, Aarhus University, funded by a Ministry of Higher Education and Science grant (AU-2010-612-181). The Carlsberg Foundation is acknowledged for an equipment grant (CF19-0498).

Data Availability Statement

The data presented in this study are available within the manuscript.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Appendix A

Figure A1. Thermogravimetric analysis of the synthesized samples shown as mass-loss and differential curves and obtained on a NETZSCH TG 209 Libra instrument.
Figure A1. Thermogravimetric analysis of the synthesized samples shown as mass-loss and differential curves and obtained on a NETZSCH TG 209 Libra instrument.
Minerals 12 00371 g0a1
Figure A2. Powder X-ray diffraction patterns for the synthesized monochromate and hemichromate AFm phases and chromate AFt collected on a Rigaku Smartlab diffractometer (CuKa1 radiation).
Figure A2. Powder X-ray diffraction patterns for the synthesized monochromate and hemichromate AFm phases and chromate AFt collected on a Rigaku Smartlab diffractometer (CuKa1 radiation).
Minerals 12 00371 g0a2


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Figure 1. Illustrations of the crystal structures for (a) AFt (projection along [001]), (b) AFt (projection along [100]), and (c) AFm (projection along [100]) phases.
Figure 1. Illustrations of the crystal structures for (a) AFt (projection along [001]), (b) AFt (projection along [100]), and (c) AFm (projection along [100]) phases.
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Figure 2. 27Al MAS NMR spectra of the monochromate (Cr-AFm), hemichromate (hemi-Cr-AFm), and chromate AFt (Cr-AFt) samples, illustrating the central transition regions at 7.1 T (νR = 10.0 kHz), 9.4 T (νR = 10.0 kHz), 14.1 T (νR = 13.0 kHz), and 22.3 T (νR = 25.0 kHz). All spectra were acquired with 1H decoupling during acquisition. The vertical dash lines show the location of the 27Al isotropic chemical shifts for Cr-AFm and hemi-Cr-AFm, whereas the asterisks indicate minor resonances from impurity phases (see text).
Figure 2. 27Al MAS NMR spectra of the monochromate (Cr-AFm), hemichromate (hemi-Cr-AFm), and chromate AFt (Cr-AFt) samples, illustrating the central transition regions at 7.1 T (νR = 10.0 kHz), 9.4 T (νR = 10.0 kHz), 14.1 T (νR = 13.0 kHz), and 22.3 T (νR = 25.0 kHz). All spectra were acquired with 1H decoupling during acquisition. The vertical dash lines show the location of the 27Al isotropic chemical shifts for Cr-AFm and hemi-Cr-AFm, whereas the asterisks indicate minor resonances from impurity phases (see text).
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Figure 3. Plots of centres of gravity for the 27Al central transition and inner satellite transitions ( δ 1 / 2 , 1 / 2 cg , δ ± 1 / 2 , ± 3 / 2 cg ) for the monochromate, hemichromate, and chromate AFt phases studied at the four magnetic fields (7.1 to 22.3 T), corresponding to the Larmor frequencies νL = 78.03, 104.14, 156.21, and 247.50 MHz.
Figure 3. Plots of centres of gravity for the 27Al central transition and inner satellite transitions ( δ 1 / 2 , 1 / 2 cg , δ ± 1 / 2 , ± 3 / 2 cg ) for the monochromate, hemichromate, and chromate AFt phases studied at the four magnetic fields (7.1 to 22.3 T), corresponding to the Larmor frequencies νL = 78.03, 104.14, 156.21, and 247.50 MHz.
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Figure 4. Experimental (upper row) and simulated (lower row) 27Al MAS NMR spectra of the central and satellite transitions for monochromate and hemichromate acquired at 9.4 T using a spinning speed of νR = 10 kHz. The centre band from the central transition is cut-off at approx. 1/20 of its total height in all spectra.
Figure 4. Experimental (upper row) and simulated (lower row) 27Al MAS NMR spectra of the central and satellite transitions for monochromate and hemichromate acquired at 9.4 T using a spinning speed of νR = 10 kHz. The centre band from the central transition is cut-off at approx. 1/20 of its total height in all spectra.
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Figure 5. 27Al MQMAS NMR spectrum (22.3 T, νR = 25 kHz) of Cr-AFt acquired with the three-pulse z-filter pulse sequence and 1H decoupling during acquisition and the MQ excitation and evolution periods. A spectral width of 45 kHz was used in both dimensions, along with 330 t1 increments in the indirect dimension, 72 scans for each t1 increment, and a relaxation delay of 2 s. The dashed line represents pure chemical shift evolution (PQ = 0).
Figure 5. 27Al MQMAS NMR spectrum (22.3 T, νR = 25 kHz) of Cr-AFt acquired with the three-pulse z-filter pulse sequence and 1H decoupling during acquisition and the MQ excitation and evolution periods. A spectral width of 45 kHz was used in both dimensions, along with 330 t1 increments in the indirect dimension, 72 scans for each t1 increment, and a relaxation delay of 2 s. The dashed line represents pure chemical shift evolution (PQ = 0).
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Figure 6. Experimental and simulated 27Al MAS NMR spectrum (22.3 T, νR = 10.0 kHz) of the central and satellite transitions for chromate AFt. The insets show expansions of the central-transition region (ppm scale) and selected spinning sidebands from the satellite transitions (kHz scale), all illustrating the clear resolution of two distinct Al sites.
Figure 6. Experimental and simulated 27Al MAS NMR spectrum (22.3 T, νR = 10.0 kHz) of the central and satellite transitions for chromate AFt. The insets show expansions of the central-transition region (ppm scale) and selected spinning sidebands from the satellite transitions (kHz scale), all illustrating the clear resolution of two distinct Al sites.
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Figure 7. 1H MAS NMR spectra (22.3 T) for monochromate (νR = 40 kHz), hemichromate (νR = 40 kHz), chromate AFt (νR = 35 kHz), and ettringite (SO4-AFt) (νR = 40 kHz). The main peaks are observed at 5.01 ppm and 1.77 ppm (Cr-AFm); 5.40 ppm and 1.92 ppm (hemi-Cr-AFm); 4.86 ppm and 1.48 ppm (Cr-AFt); and 4.87 ppm and 1.43 ppm (ettringite).
Figure 7. 1H MAS NMR spectra (22.3 T) for monochromate (νR = 40 kHz), hemichromate (νR = 40 kHz), chromate AFt (νR = 35 kHz), and ettringite (SO4-AFt) (νR = 40 kHz). The main peaks are observed at 5.01 ppm and 1.77 ppm (Cr-AFm); 5.40 ppm and 1.92 ppm (hemi-Cr-AFm); 4.86 ppm and 1.48 ppm (Cr-AFt); and 4.87 ppm and 1.43 ppm (ettringite).
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Figure 8. 53Cr MAS NMR spectra (22.3 T) of the central transitions for chromate AFt, monochromate, hemichromate, and a solid sample of Cs2CrO4 acquired with a spinning frequency of νR = 12.0 kHz and a relaxation delay of 2 s. A saturated Cs2CrO4 solution was used as the external chemical-shift reference, which is observed at δiso = 1798 ppm relative to the standard reference of a saturated solution of Cr(CO)6 dissolved in CDCl3. The blue line shows the simulated quadrupolar line shape of the 53Cr resonance for Cs2CrO4, corresponding to the parameters δiso = 1781 ppm, CQ = 1.21 MHz and ηQ = 0.22.
Figure 8. 53Cr MAS NMR spectra (22.3 T) of the central transitions for chromate AFt, monochromate, hemichromate, and a solid sample of Cs2CrO4 acquired with a spinning frequency of νR = 12.0 kHz and a relaxation delay of 2 s. A saturated Cs2CrO4 solution was used as the external chemical-shift reference, which is observed at δiso = 1798 ppm relative to the standard reference of a saturated solution of Cr(CO)6 dissolved in CDCl3. The blue line shows the simulated quadrupolar line shape of the 53Cr resonance for Cs2CrO4, corresponding to the parameters δiso = 1781 ppm, CQ = 1.21 MHz and ηQ = 0.22.
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Table 1. 27Al isotropic chemical shifts (δiso) and quadrupolar coupling parameters (CQ, ηQ) for the chromate AFm and AFt phases determined in this work.
Table 1. 27Al isotropic chemical shifts (δiso) and quadrupolar coupling parameters (CQ, ηQ) for the chromate AFm and AFt phases determined in this work.
Cr-AFm 11.26 ± 0.041.10 ± 0.020.16 ± 0.02
hemi-Cr-AFm 11.26 ± 0.041.04 ± 0.020.25 ± 0.02
Cr-AFtAl(1)13.05 ± 0.020.353 ± 0.0050.293 ± 0.020
Al(2)13.44 ± 0.020.359 ± 0.0050.245 ± 0.020
SO4-Aft (b)Al(1)13.08 ± 0.050.391 ± 0.0100.164 ± 0.020
Al(2)13.51 ± 0.050.337 ± 0.0060.174 ± 0.010
(a) The 27Al quadrupolar coupling parameters are defined as CQ = eQVzz/[2I(2I − 1)h] and ηQ = (VyyVxx)/Vzz, where Vii represents the principal elements of the electric-field gradient tensor at the nuclear Al site, following the convention: |Vzz| ≧ |Vxx| ≧ |Vyy|; e is the charge of the electron; Q is the nuclear quadrupolar moment; I is the nuclear spin-quantum number; and h is the Planck’s constant. (b) 27Al NMR data for SO4 -AFt (ettringite) from ref. [31] are included for comparison.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Nie, S.; Skibsted, J. Characterization of Monochromate and Hemichromate AFm Phases and Chromate-Containing Ettringite by 1H, 27Al, and 53Cr MAS NMR Spectroscopy. Minerals 2022, 12, 371.

AMA Style

Nie S, Skibsted J. Characterization of Monochromate and Hemichromate AFm Phases and Chromate-Containing Ettringite by 1H, 27Al, and 53Cr MAS NMR Spectroscopy. Minerals. 2022; 12(3):371.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Nie, Shuai, and Jørgen Skibsted. 2022. "Characterization of Monochromate and Hemichromate AFm Phases and Chromate-Containing Ettringite by 1H, 27Al, and 53Cr MAS NMR Spectroscopy" Minerals 12, no. 3: 371.

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